Hi ladies - Cate, LaMa, and Vic. Thank you for visiting and your ongoing encouragement and support. I really appreciate it!
Am coming off a few listless days, brought on by being trapped in the house with more snow, ice, wind and generally miserable and unsafe weather conditions. Yesterday finally warmed up in dramatic fashion. Proggy came up and we got out of the house, ran a few errands, walked KDog around PPark, and the made dinner. He didn't intend to stay over since his new job is near his house. Once again when teetering on the brink of having a conversation about the relationship, I asked him if he wanted to talk yet and he said not yet, but then a bit later he said he just didn't want to "be blown out of the water" (i.e. dumped). I made him comfortable that this is the start of a conversation. So we did talk about it. He made some good points, which if they were off the cuff, were surprisingly good, but maybe he has been preparing, or has done this in prior relationships. He complimented what he likes about me, highlighted our similarities and character, and acknowledged our differences in interests. I guess I find those differences a burden, and I described how difficult it was for me to move forward with activities I like when he doesn't take his own interest in learning or planning things, in getting necessary equipment. Its all up to me and he just wants to show up....and in my marriage I was the breadwinner and L did most of the planning and relationship maintenance and *I* just showed up.
I am not looking to date someone else. But I am looking to make new friends who know how to do things like hiking and camping and kayaking to do things with. If Proggy wants to do these things, he has to show a real interest in investing time and a little bit of money. I pointed out that any time he wants to go with me and only do a mile because he doesn't have the right shoes or his legs are tired or whatever, is an afternoon I could have spent doing 3-5 miles, and that is the minimum hike that makes sense for me since we have to drive a ways to get to a decent hiking spot. So it comes down to whether we can really be partners or just friends and "chosen family". It was a naturally flowing talk once we got out of the way that this wasn't a cliff and that we both care about each other and can continue to support each other regardless of what we decide. I think it was timely because now that he has a new job that he likes and he knows what his commute will be like, he can start thinking about options of where to move to which aren't as isolated as his current location. He needs to be among more people and make new friends and neighbors and he know this. Since we aren't going to be combining households so if ever, he needs to think about where he can be among people, And he openly admits that he needs this very much.
So it was a good talk. No decisions. The palpable tension in my body from holding things in and not being able to express my truth released almost immediately. It was good to have an adult conversation with "I have doubts" and "Neither one of us did anything wrong" and "We both still care about each other". So we are in this nice place where I feel like I can be open again and be more at liberty to pursue what I need to. And hope that he continues to pursue what HE needs to.
I really would like to find the person(s) to grow old with. Proggy wouldn't be a bad choice really. As a human being he is loyal and trustworthy. That alone wins him a lot of credit. Maybe we just need to individually navigate our life transitions and see where we end up. In any event, being able to finally start talking about it is such a release for me. Being authentic is essential to happiness and peace. I hope I learn something from this, that sitting on a truth for a year to spare someone else (I did the same thing with AN) steals something essential from myself - from both of us. And there are ways to crack the door open without having all the answers, without crushing someone, and giving air and space for the truth to bubble up.
It is hard to watch someone you care about deeply struggle through hard times. And you don't want to add to that burden at that worst possible time. But a year...and entire year...that I have waited to start this dialog. I think the bullying situation at work taught me to suffer in silence....though perhaps root of that can be seen even earlier in my family of origin. Maybe the lesson here is to know your truth - speak your truth - but learn to do it in consistently kind and gentle manner. What is that saying about removing the waspish sting of the word "no"?
I hope that this is the start of me regaining a more authentic self and connecting with my heart. I feel like I have been so frozen up over Proggy, the house, my Dad/Peachew etc. I pray for the Universe to liberate my heart and spirit from overthinking. I pray that I may feel the right way forward.
I felt angry with BG this morning for a short time. I really don't see the point of remaining friends on social, or mentally/emotionally being open to explore things if she reconnects. The last I hear from her led to me believe it was her intention to eventually communicate to me. If silence is "punishment" why would I want to open myself up to that person? If distancing is self-preservation then why not be truthful about breaking off the friendship? Was the last year of our friendship her not wanting to pull the rug out during *my* difficult time? Was natural course of our shared interest/experience fading out? Has she just decided in the interim to ghost me, rather than take the trouble to let me know, even though she knows that would be cruel? She probably doesn't deserve the time I am even spending on it. But she was the closest thing I have had to a female best friend since I was about 10 years old. I find fault with myself more than with her, and I also know that sometimes friendships simply run their course. But I deserve better than how things have (probably) ended. I am thinking about authenticity and wondering if she feels like she has been inauthentic towards me, whether that bothers her. Or whether she feels like she is righteously entitled to give me the silent treatment. I still have hopes for the best in her character but am prepared for the worst. I need to move on from this topic.
The sun is finally peeking out and I am waiting for it to warm up a bit further before heading out, as the thawing ice puddles are very cold on KDogs paws. Still deciding where to walk where perhaps we can avoid ice, but very tired of the same old neighborhood circuit. Maybe the outdoor mall area or the L trail.
In any case, in conclusion, I feel somewhat more connected with my authenticity today and I like the feeling.