Favorite fast food chain...

Surprised no one has mentioned Subway yet. I loves me some subway, and they are generally faster about getting you your food than traditional fast food places!


Actually, the North East US has trouble with humor in general.

Food for thought-calling a Southerner a yank is fighting words.

The NE doesnt have trouble with humor, its just that a lot of our humor is derived from making fun of Southerners (or just people dumber than us in general). And we are too cool to laugh. ;)
The NE doesnt have trouble with humor, its just that a lot of our humor is derived from making fun of Southerners (or just people dumber than us in general). And we are too cool to laugh. ;)

Fight, Fight, Fight

Fight, Fight, Fight


We Texans don't take kindly to you northern pussy's insulting us. Your damn lucky a great distance separates you from Me.

Though im guessing you are kidding so i will ignore your statement,
this time:p .
We Texans don't take kindly to you northern pussy's insulting us. Your damn lucky a great distance separates you from Me.

Though im guessing you are kidding so i will ignore your statement,
this time:p .

Eh, only about half kidding. For the first couple of months of getting out of the Army I thought the best part about getting out was not having to deal with Southerners who identified way too closely with being southern. If that makes sense.

oh and /threadjackT
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I only eat there like once every other month. Thank you rigorous weight-loss diet!
No way man.

Chipolte (or chippies as it is oft. affectionately called) gets the food out faster than the drive through at most "fast food" places.

Fast food is food that gets to you quick. Chippies does that.

On the north / south talk earlier in the thread, being originally from Michigan, and having lived in Columbus OH, Miami FL, El Paso TX, and now the Columbia, SC area.

I have to say, southerners are nicer people, as a whole. When I first started spending time in the south it was hard to get used to people being polite, and calling me sir and whatnot. Being from the north I was used to people who would just as soon spit on you or hit you with their car as say hi.

Just my 2 cents after having moved around a bit.