FatFatFatFat to FitFitFitFit

Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

The new quesadillas at Chipotle are very disappointing and 100% not worth the 830 calories but hey at least now I know.

  • Calories - 1778kcal
  • Carbs - 140g
  • Protein - 100g
  • Fat - 83g
  • Sugar - 8g
  • Steps - 13,858
  • Weight Training - None
It is currently 6:48pm and I'm at 1187 calories for the day and my intermittent fasting window thing ended like 2 hours ago.

Part of me says that, even though I'm not feeling hungry, I should eat something healthy because that's a pretty low number.
Part of me says that I could pretty easily make it to the end of the day and I should capitalize on days when I'm not feeling hungry.
Part of me says eat 600 calories worth of candy bars.
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Ended up getting 600 calories worth of Taco Bell which I think is a nice compromise between chicken breast and candy bars. Had a call with some of our resources in India from 7pm to like 9:30pm tonight so didn't get a chance to lift weights but will try to get it in early tomorrow. I haven't lifted in like 1.5 weeks now and am starting to look a little deflated.

  • Calories - 1767kcal
  • Carbs - 211g
  • Protein - 101g
  • Fat - 59g
  • Sugar - 29g
  • Steps - 10,655
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Woke up today feeling really hungry and decided I'd let myself get to 2500 calories and not bother fasting. I only got to 2300ish but it really felt like I feasted all day plus that should be a 900 calorie deficit so pretty decent "cheat day".

Got stuck working late again and didn't lift weights :( Will try again tomorrow.

I was reading someone else's diary and it reminded me of how much soda and juice I used to drink. Thought I'd go grab a screen cap of an old instacart order that I'd make pretty regularly. I honestly don't remember the last time I drank anything other than water or the very rare diet coke.

Also so just to be clear I'm single and live alone so this was all for one person.


  • Calories - 2291kcal
  • Carbs - 234g
  • Protein - 102g
  • Fat - 129g
  • Sugar - 80g
  • Steps - 11,913
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

I feel like I'm in a funk right now with this stuff. The calories have been alright the last week or two but the macros aren't where I want them to be. I'm only barely hitting my step goals and haven't lifted weights in almost two weeks now.

I'm just feeling really tired right now. I think it's more mental exhaustion than physical but regardless I'm almost certain that actually doing some exercise will help.

I think I'm going to try to start small rather than jump back in with 90 minute work outs 6x days a week. I'll just start out with a few different lifts for a body part like 3-4x a week. Eventually I'll ramp back up but this is a long process and it's better to do something small than nothing at all.

  • Calories - 1871kcal
  • Carbs - 153g
  • Protein - 107g
  • Fat - 51g
  • Sugar - 18g
  • Steps - 10,850
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Think I might do a 100 hour fast this weekend and then start doing alternate day fasting starting next week.

  • Calories - 1993kcal
  • Carbs - 196g
  • Protein - 106g
  • Fat - 98g
  • Sugar - 21g
  • Steps - 10,124
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Decided I'm going to give alternate day fasting a try next week. Mostly just because I'm kinda bored and looking for something to make losing weight interesting again. I'm going to do 2500 to 3000 calories M, W, F, and Su while fasting T, Th, and Sa. That'll give me an average of ~1600 calories a day which is more or less what I get now.

  • Calories - 1483kcal
  • Carbs - 118g
  • Protein - 87g
  • Fat - 73g
  • Sugar - 14g
  • Steps - 11,913
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Not going to lie was very hungry most of today. Like 20% of my calories came from a single (very small) brownie. One thing I've been doing that I think really has helped is that when I have a craving or am feeling hungry I don't tell myself I can't eat just that I have to wait like 12 hours. That change in mindset, for some reason, makes it much easier.

Also knowing that when I lose the remaining ~49lbs I have left that I can eat like 3,500 calories a day and maintain my goal weight is like the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Calories - 1726kcal
  • Carbs - 190g
  • Protein - 79g
  • Fat - 71g
  • Sugar - 41g
  • Steps - 10,826
  • Weight Training - None
Also knowing that when I lose the remaining ~49lbs I have left that I can eat like 3,500 calories a day and maintain my goal weight is like the light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't like to burst your bubble but unless you're planning to exercise a LOT 3,500 kcal are unlikely for maintenance at a healthy weight.
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Less than ideal day, will fast tomorrow to even it out.

  • Calories - 2910kcal
  • Carbs - 315g
  • Protein - 129g
  • Fat - 137g
  • Sugar - 134g
  • Steps - 6,010
  • Weight Training - None
Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Didn't end up fasting today but kept my calories low enough to undo some of the damage from yesterday.

I figured out how to export my data from MyFitnessPal (they make you pay for the premium version to do so) and threw it into a database so I could run some analytics against them. Here's what I've found..
  • I've tracked calories 48 out of the last 71 days.
  • Of the days I tracked calories I average 1580/day
  • If on the 23 days I didn't track my calories I averaged 3500 calories than over the last 71 days I averaged 2250 per day. If it was 3000, I averaged 2081/day.
So it does feel like I've got room for improvement. I saw on Reddit an article that said the way to determine how many calories you can cut without losing lean mass is to take your body fat percent and divide it by 20, the should be the % of your weight you should aim to lose a week and as long you lift and get enough protein you won't lose lean mass.

So for me that'd be (36/20)*248/100 = 4.46 or a daily caloric deficit of 2250. Which at a TDEE of 3500 means I could eat about ~1300 calories a week. That doesn't seem feasible long term but I wonder if I could do it for a month. Think I might give it a go in April.

  • Calories - 1387kcal
  • Carbs - 115g
  • Protein - 77g
  • Fat - 98g
  • Sugar - 14g
  • Steps - 11,166
  • Weight Training - None
Exec summary: don't rush the process, stick to the plan...

I saw on Reddit an article that said the way to determine how many calories you can cut without losing lean mass is to take your body fat percent and divide it by 20, the should be the % of your weight you should aim to lose a week and as long you lift and get enough protein you won't lose lean mass.

So for me that'd be (36/20)*248/100 = 4.46 or a daily caloric deficit of 2250.

The Reddit limit seems reasonable. I've been doing something similar based on the research of the late Seymour Alpert who analyzed body composition changes during the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and came up with a fat loss limit of 31 calories per pound of body fat per day (he later revised it to 22 calories for less ideal circumstances in the real world).

At 248 with 36% body fat, Alpert's research would put your maximum weekly deficit at 19,374 calories (5.5 lb) using the higher limit and 13,749 calories (3.9 lb) using the lower limit. 4.5 is almost smack dab in the middle... Personally I'd aim for 80% of the lower limit (3.12lb per week) to have a nice factor of safety - that is my current approach anyway...

Which at a TDEE of 3500 means I could eat about ~1300 calories a week. That doesn't seem feasible long term but I wonder if I could do it for a month. Think I might give it a go in April.
It is generally not recommended for guys to go under 1500, but 1300 calories is doable if you eat super clean (I've done it for months at a time). But it will be hard to go that low and get high protein because even if you got all ~160g of protein (1g per lb lean mass) from super clean/lean boneless skinless chicken breast, you'd still use up 750 calories from your 1300 budget. Even whey protein isolate would take up 650 calories - half your budget - and wouldn't be nearly as satiating.

Also 3500 calories seems a bit high for your TDEE unless you're doing 2+ hours of intense cardio every day or your body fat % is much lower than 36% (how are you measuring it again?):

Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 23.30.53.png
I've been doing something similar based on the research of the late Seymour Alpert who analyzed body composition changes during the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and came up with a fat loss limit of 31 calories per pound of body fat per day (he later revised it to 22 calories for less ideal circumstances in the real world).

The Alpert study is the one the article talked about as well...A limit on the energy transfer rate from the human fat store in hypophagia - ScienceDirect

I think I might give it a try for at least the rest of this week. I think the main danger in these kind of extreme routines is that they're not sustainable long term and causes people to quit trying completely. If it's way too hard I can always just take my foot off the gas and go back to eating ~2k calories, walking 10k steps, and having to just be patient.

Also 3500 calories seems a bit high for your TDEE unless you're doing 2+ hours of intense cardio every day or your body fat % is much lower than 36% (how are you measuring it again?):

That TDEE is what I got from the RMR test I took at the start of this month. I've only lost like 6lbs since then so I don't think it'll have changed much since then. From everything I've read it takes several months for your metabolic rate to change.

Weight: I don't care about this anymore.

Notes - Day 1/35 of Awful April
Unsurprisingly was feeling pretty fatigued today but got a burst of energy around 9:30pm and was able to get a quick work out in. Will hopefully ramp up the intensity as my body gets used to the lack of carbs/sugar.

I'm going to try to go as hard as I can for the next 5 weeks after taking it pretty easy this last month. While it's obviously a factor, impatience with weight loss isn't the main reason I want to give this a try. I just want to see if I can, to see how hard I can push myself.

  • Calories - 1140kcal
  • Carbs - 58g
  • Protein - 100g
  • Fat - 58g
  • Sugar - 7g
  • Steps - 10,858
  • Weight Training - Chest
    • Bench Press 5x12
    • DB Fly 3x15
    • Incline Bench Press 3x8