Fat burners - making me sick?

Heres why we dont recommend doctors for your nutritional needs:

ellisscott said:
Ok, I just got back from the doctor. I hadn't had blood tests run in a long time, so I had some done, and went to talk to him about the results. All was well, but he and I did talk about nutrition. He wanted to know how many calories I was eating a day, I told him ~2600, and those calories are broken down 55% carbs, mainly fibrous, 30% protein, 15% fat (mainly from good oils and nuts). His eyebrows went up, and said that I could never lose fat eating that many calories. I told him that I had lost 21 lbs in 3 months eating exactly that many calories. He responded that I had to be mistaken in my calculations. I told him, hey, I didn't go to medical school, but I am an electrical engineer, I know how to do basic math. He began to get angry! Without outright calling me a liar, he said that my counts *can't* be right. I was getting a little steamed myself, so I proceeded to tell him that when I hit my desired bf%, that I'm going to be increasing my calories and my work output (gflux'n). He said that he hoped I would enjoy becoming obese, and that I should be eating about 1500 cal/day. I told him that he didn't know jacksh** about nutrition, and that pretty much concluded the visit. Guess I need a new primary care physician.

So, JB, you have rework the whole program. It appears that you are way, way off!

Taken from this thread: I guess JB has got it all wrong! - Precision Nutrition which has many other stories on it.
Thanks for everyones help.

I don't go to doctors unless I'm REALLY sick. I mean..I have to have a high fever or something. I just don't think its worth paying all that money for a cold... or nausea. I'd rather just stop taking the pills. I think in my case that it might just be a summer cold and the fat burners were making it worse. I'm going to stop taking the pills all of my symptoms go away. I took a day off from the gym yesterday and am hoping I have enough energy to get back to it today (or at least a light workout). Hopefully, next week my cold will be completely gone and I can try the fatburners again. We shall see.....
My point here is that doctors do not know all that much about fitness. (much less anything else) and will never give you an educated answer about anything fitness related. (even if they do workout themselves, they probably don't though)
Your point is based on anecdotal evidence, and is unresponsive. Her issue was the medical effects of an ingested substance on her body. A doctor who actually interacts with her in the physical universe is far more qualified to advise her than an unseen stranger. We have no knowledge of her medical history, body chemistry, or myriad other issues that are relevant.

So asking about fat burners on a fitness forum seems like the smart decision.
Wrong. See above for why.

Sorry I got involved. :)

Now you are.
Most doctors base their decisions on known reasons why a symptom occurs. Very rarely do they actually know what is wrong with you personally. That's why doctors go to medical school... to learn about what illness is associated with what symptom. Most of the time, they recommend certain treatment, but never do they even guarantee that such treatment will cure your condition.

With that said, you can find out what your illness is simply by analyzing what you've been doing. In the case of the topic creator, she was taking fat burners, and thus, the most probable culprit of her illness.

And simply going to a doctor, all a doctor will say is, "Oh this ingredient usually causes this..." and it isn't really rocket science as you can go online and research the ingredients used and find out what type of condition is associated with it (i.e. using google, or coming on a forum).
Most doctors base their decisions on known reasons why a symptom occurs. Very rarely do they actually know what is wrong with you personally. That's why doctors go to medical school... to learn about what illness is associated with what symptom. Most of the time, they recommend certain treatment, but never do they even guarantee that such treatment will cure your condition.
This paragraph gives us the whopping proposition that doctors are not infallible. Wow.

With that said, you can find out what your illness is simply by analyzing what you've been doing. In the case of the topic creator, she was taking fat burners, and thus, the most probable culprit of her illness.
Amazing. I will give this advice from now on. "Don't waste your time with getting tested for AIDS or having a weird skin mole examined. Just use Google!"

And simply going to a doctor, all a doctor will say is, "Oh this ingredient usually causes this..." and it isn't really rocket science as you can go online and research the ingredients used and find out what type of condition is associated with it (i.e. using google, or coming on a forum).

Yes, medicine is not rocket science. It's so easy, all you need is Wikipedia.
Good grief, Tan, who pis*ed in your wheaties ?!

Calm down, man. It's ooooookkkkaaayyyy.:)

To the op, cut the supps down (or out completely), if the problem goes away - then a+b=the supplements did it, if it doesn't go away or you start puking blood or something - then go straight to a doctor and forget any internet forum.
Amazing. I will give this advice from now on. "Don't waste your time with getting tested for AIDS or having a weird skin mole examined. Just use Google!"

Yes, medicine is not rocket science. It's so easy, all you need is Wikipedia.

I dont think anyone was talking about aids or tumors. Wikipedia sucks.
This paragraph gives us the whopping proposition that doctors are not infallible. Wow.

Amazing. I will give this advice from now on. "Don't waste your time with getting tested for AIDS or having a weird skin mole examined. Just use Google!"

Yes, medicine is not rocket science. It's so easy, all you need is Wikipedia.

i was agreeing with what you said up until this point, i dont know if your being sarcastic but saying that using google for things such as suspicious moles and that medicine is easy is laughable. Sorry but access to wikepedia doesnt quite cut it....
i was agreeing with what you said up until this point, i dont know if your being sarcastic but saying that using google for things such as suspicious moles and that medicine is easy is laughable. Sorry but access to wikepedia doesnt quite cut it....

Yeah, he was being sarcastic, he meant the opposite of what he said

Her issue was the medical effects of an ingested substance on her body. A doctor who actually interacts with her in the physical universe is far more qualified to advise her than an unseen stranger. We have no knowledge of her medical history, body chemistry, or myriad other issues that are relevant.

I kind of agree with you but her symptoms are very mild so there is no harm in taking advice from people here first and if the problem doesn't clear up then go to a doctor

Here is a list of things doctors have told me about fitness.
  1. you are too heavy even though your bf % is 10%

Lol, that's the same as me, I look pretty lean but have a BMI of about 28 and rising and my doctor recommended losing weight because my health would suffer. I pointed out that I always land in the top 1% in all endurance fitness tests and can lift over my body weight but she was very sure that I was on my way to poor health and obesity because of this little chart she had told her so
Lol, that's the same as me, I look pretty lean but have a BMI of about 28 and rising and my doctor recommended losing weight because my health would suffer. I pointed out that I always land in the top 1% in all endurance fitness tests and can lift over my body weight but she was very sure that I was on my way to poor health and obesity because of this little chart she had told her so

Wow. I am not one of those people who hates the FDA and thinks the entire medical profession is full of quacks - after all, a flawed system is better than no system at all. If it weren't for the big evil drug companies, FDA, and doctors, we most likely would not be living to much older ages.

HOWEVER, I think many doctors knowledge of wt/nutrition/fitness is sadly out of date. There was a time where this was not as big of a deal, but in this day and age, they need to stay more on top of things.
Fireball fat burner

this is a super old posting but figured that I'd reply to it anyways. With a fat burner like Fireball that increases your internal temperature in order to help you burn more calories, you tend to sweat a lot more (you'll find your resting heart rate..i.e. normal heart rate has now increased even when you're not doing strenuous activity) therefore your body is secreting more water than usual. If you are not consuming enough water daily (for women 10-12 glasses a day) you'll find that you start to suffer from the normal side effects of dehydration (nausea, dizzyness, headache, etc. etc.). So...if you plan on taking a fat burner like this, drink A LOT of water!