Fat burners ??? Are they really worth a try??

Hi I am 25 and very overweight, I got 268 on the scale. I am so tired of being fat and I just don't know what to do anymore. I have cut down but the weight doesn't go down. I was wondering if there is a way to kick start a diet, but a natural way, nothing that has side effects. has anyone tried some that have worked ??
Well providing you have a correct diet, they could be worth a try. I think most fat burners basically raise body temperature which in turn burns more calories.

I wouldnt worry about those, i think at 268 a good diet will allow body fat to fall off you.

BTW whats your height and gender.
Pick up some weights, lift heavy, eat right, and you will shed fat like a bad habit.

Post up an average days worth of eating? Post up what you do for exercise?
I'll chime in because a lot of people are complementing me on my weight loss over the past 5 months. I guess that gives me the right to chime in :)

I had tried crash dieting (meaning: starving myself) in the past, and it does work in a sense, you will lose tons of weight, I mean ridiculous ammounts, unfortunately there will be a day where your brain will sort of go in this 'override' mode because it thinks you are dying (which you would be, in a sense), and you'll quickly gain the weight back - not by magic though, but because you'll be pigging out again (regardless of what you tell others, no one is fooled, mmmkay :D). Unfortunately the odds are, you'll also grow back fatter than you were before. At least that's how it works for, well, absolutely everyone on earth :)

I then tried the advice on these forums. Like you I was sick and tired of being 'me'. So I thought, no matter how ridiculous it sounds to me, I'll do what it says in the stickies. And it does work. I lost 13kg of fat in 5 months. I gained a certain ammount (hard to tell) of muscle. I'm now in control of my weight (I know the intake I need, and I simply add or substract 300-500kcal to that number when I want to cut or bulk). It's the best feeling in the world.

Apart from that, there are no shortcuts. Yes you're 268 and it will take you a while to look like what you want to. Well you weren't born 268 either and it took you a while to get fat. But don't let anyone tell you, even yourself, that you can't get where you want to be - because you can. Consistency is the name of the game. Believe in yourself!

Good luck! I look forward to your 'after' pictures.
I second that question

I second Babyshoes question, does anyone know a good natural supplement to start with. I know, that I have to do most of the work, but... when I start losing weight I have more motivation. all by myself, the start is hell..
There is no natural supplement that is going to "start" it for you. If you want to start losing weight, eat less calories than you burn, lift some weights, do some cardio, etc. If you do that, you'll lose fat.
you aren't JUST trying to 'go on a diet' are you?

you know taht doesn't work...right?

Know why? because you didn't 'go on a binge' to gain the fat. your whole lifestyle lead you to be overweight, and nothing short of a change to your lifestyle is gonna get rid of that weight, long term.

you need to eat right...not 'diet'.
you need to exercise...VERY important you do BOTH weights and aerobic exercise.
and you need time to rest and repair the body.
my thought behind fat burners has always been, if you take them from the start, your diet is going to be different than it would be if you didn't take the fat burners. So Say you 30lbs or whatever, and you stop taking the fat burners. Your still going to have an improper diet plan.

I'd skip the fat burners, figure out your calorie counts, get a good healthy diet plan together and start working out :)
Yes I agree with everyone, only I think that a natural kick start isn't bad, I was a very heavy smoker ( almost 2 packs a day ) every one told me to just put them in the garbage and forget them, it just did not work for me, Finally I bought those N........ patches and did the whole course like it said to do, and I haven't smoked since, and I don't even like the smell anymore. That is why I was thinking that a natural helper is what I could use to get a good start, and in this time learn to eat right.
I mean yes, there probably is a healthier way to do it. but at least me&babyshoes are planing on natural based pills, herbs and stuff like that - it´s not like I want to take any harmfull stuff. for instance, I ´ve read a couple of times, that green tea and other herbs are really good.
Hi everyone, did some checking around, looking for a natural diet supplement, and heard about one called Levocaptine, has anyone heard of this one ??? It is 100% natural with no side effects, I checked it out pretty well and it seems like the best one, I went to the Dr, and had a check up, everything is fine, so I decided to order it and give it a try, I know that I have to also put effort into it and I am willing. I just don't know what kind of exercises to do ?? Any Ideas ??:animal3:
all rrrright, babyshoes, you´ve finally found a natural one. havn´t heard about that supplement though. will google a bit to find out.
Yes I finally found a 100% natural helper, and believe me it wasn't easy, lots of them have hidden stuff in them. I hope that I get them soon cuz I am more than ready to start. I will write down everything when I start.
Yes I finally found a 100% natural helper, and believe me it wasn't easy, lots of them have hidden stuff in them. I hope that I get them soon cuz I am more than ready to start. I will write down everything when I start.

Babyshoes, there is only one 100% helper:

Education in diet and exercise, and learning how to properly function within what you learn from diet and exercise.

Which means, the only fat burner pill is the body and the one steering the ship---the diet, and you manipulate diet and exercise to reach your goal.

Persons look to quick for a so-called over-the-counter "helper", when the real "helper" is: EDUCATION.

Your goal achievement is up to you:

"If it's meant to be; it's up to me."

Be proud that you are the most advanced Fat Burning Machine within the universe and you have two arms, two legs, and a brain to empower YOU.

The diet and exercise are the fat burner; together they are the heavy weight champion, and over the counter fat loss pills are nothing more than corrupted promoters.

There is no greater personal embrace then wrapping your arms around your heart, and pulling it INTO you goal.

There is no equal.

One always gets up, when they get knocked down......

And, one doesn't knock down bull-**** and fake fat burner pills:


Product Ingredients:

* Garcinia Cambogia Extract
* Green Tea Extract
* Ginseng
* Whitethorn
* Coffee Extract
* Lotus leaves
* L-Carnitine (amino acid)

The only fat burner I know that I can absolutely trust and depend on is yourself performing diet and exercise, coupled with determination, will, and lots of passion toward the goal you seek.

It is simply hard work, depending on yourself, and supported through education in what you are attempting to do.

Don't waste your money, instead, purchase time in reading the stickies, educating yourself on the "requirements and truth" on fat loss, and set up a program, and give this time. Fat loss simply "does not" come from an over the counter bottle.

Close your eyes............

Hear the music?

Do you feel it?

Well, do ya?!

Its your heart.

It constantly provides rhythm.

The pictures come alive!

You can dance right through your goal and life.

Now, you realize all you need is to feed this seed to succeed.

Love it. Shine the light on it. Grab a hold of it...........don't let go.

Empower this super-power every awaking hour

Your passion will never sour......

You literally walk in your fat burner everyday: YOU.

This is all you need.

Now, you have realized that the real fat burner is:


And, not from an over-the-counter fat burner pill.


Be your own Dr. PHIL.

Show your SKILL

And, continue to stay away from the over-the-counter fat burner PILL.

You walk in your fat-burner everyday.


Yea, baby!.........This FAT BURNER FLAT ROCKS!

One ought to try it out!

It gets ya.........all BUZZED up..and WHACKED out on passion and shiaaaaat.....YIPPIE! :)

And, do not forget it!

Stay away from fat burner pills, and save your money.

I have NEVER used them, and I never will.

Success is my body.

And, its in yours too.


You have to lift weights, to build muscle, which will in turn burn more resting calories and speed metabolism. You have to do cardio for a strong heart, which is needed to lift all those heavy weights. It's all about balance, which includes diet too! Wax-on, wax-off Danielson.... :)
If you have that much to lose a pill isn't your solution. You need to take small gradual changes over the first phase of your weight loss so you don't just bag it after feeling deprived for the first week or two.

Try simple things at first like reading labels. I used to drink a ton of Gatorade when I worked out. Only to discover it's poison and I'd never work out enough to burn the extra calories I was drinking. That and it raises your blood sugar so much it's impossible for your body to use fat as a fuel source when you have that much sugar in you.

The biggest things to avoid are white breads, soda, potato etc. Try cutting these back first. Anything handed to you via drive-thru window is another thing-avoid it.

The only thing you should be drinking is WATER or V8 juice. Eat foods high in protien and workout doing interval training. Sitting on a stationary bike 3 times a week not breaking a sweat or using a Bowflex every Saturday won't cut it. Ease into a program so you don't get pissed and quit early. Face the fact now that it's an overall lifestyle change, no pill, drink or diet will make up for conscious eating and some exercise that makes you sweat and a little uncomfortable.


Pop an over-the-counter pill....sit back, and watch the "magic fat-loss show".......



In the case of Alli.....Sit back and watch the oily-shiat show and their business pockets grow.

Best wishes,

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I've tried them in the past a few times. I used to take Xenadrine WITH ephadra. It did help somewhat but most fat burner are NOT FDA regulated so they can put whatever they want. NOw, ephedra are banned in most of anything because of side-effect. My case in point is that just because it is the FAD and available, don't buy it.

There is NO miracle pill. Easy come, easy goes. Losing weight is a LIFE STYLE change, not a magic bean. Eat like someone who is 150 lbs and over time, you will become 150 lbs. Take a pill to surpress the diet will cheat the mental strengthing process and when you do go off, you will most likely eat like a 250 lbs person again and gain back the weight loss.

Change your diet to be in 500 calorie defecit per day from food intake and excercise to burn 500 more calories than your BMR. Combined, these 2 will help you lose 2 lbs a week. It is tough tough work but well worth it. Don't frustated or too excited if the weight is changing arwardly, the body is adjusting the first 2 weeks. I remember dropping 8 lbs in 1-2 weeks and then stuck there for 2 more weeks without any loss. It's the body adjusting to water retention.

Focus and stay the corse. Do not slip on your diet; ie, I am out with friends on the weekend so I will drink a bunch and won't count those calories and the desert that I eat. Without knowing it, but you might have consumed 2,000 extra calories. Do cardio for 30+ minutes a day for 5 days a week.

There is NO magic pill and the drug company wants you to buy them so they can get rich. Some may give you the illusion that it works BUT in the long term (1-2 yrs afterward), you will gain the weight back.