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Might I ask one thing? Your age and education level because there seems to be some aspects of biology you don't know. This is why we see medical professionals. It is why if you plan on doing a LCD then you need a doctor to make sure you aren't doing major harm to your body.
I'm 20 and and in second year at university. And I don't need a doctor. What's the doctor going to do, anyway?
Maybe they just say you must keep eating and excercing and that this is the healthy way to lose weight because that's how the food and health industry makes money.

You'll continue eating and going to the gym, using weights, buying equipment, health shakes, weight-loss foods, sports sneakers, running outfit. You stay in the maze while the companies continue making $$$.

Strength training and treadmill just seems like torture to me. "Eat your fodder, cattle. Now go do some work."
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Of the top of my head?

1) blood tests
2) medical equipment to measure your health
3) Experience you don't have in the medical field

If you are trying to promote fasting as a spiritual thing, that is your business but as a method for healthy and long term weight loss, we really just don't support that.
But blood tests just measure glucose/vitamin/mineral levels, right?

You can just take mineral/vitamin supplements.

And you can stop anytime if you're not feeling well. It's not like you're doing something irreversible.

It seems that I'm supposed to see a doctor just because that is what I'm supposed to do. "Go to them, they know better us." But then the doctors just rehash the same arguments I've been getting here. And then I have to argue with the doctor? I don't think they teach doctors about fasting... I think maybe I should go to a nutritionist instead.

And how is fasting different from calorie-restriction dieting? How low do you have to restrict your calories for it to be fasting? Or to trigger the 'starvation response' I guess. Is the 'starvation response' an all-out thing or can you reach it partially? What's the lowest amount of calories I should be eating each day then for the fastest weight loss?

When you're doing cardio excercise you're using up your blood glucose. After an hour of excercise or something you will have deprived your liver glucose and your body will have to start using body fat.

Same thing with dieting. Your body uses up your liver glucose and has to start using fat. How is fasting any different?

And I meant to say we eat foods heavy in enzymes previously. I found where I heard this: LINK VIOLATION
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I dont' think this guy wants education. I think he wants to argue that he is correct.

edit....seeing a nutritionalist or a dct is the BEST step you could take.
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I'm trying to keep an open mind about the poster. I am hoping they are willing to listen to what has been medically proven but we can't force anyone to follow the safe and successful way. We lay out the information. We can just put a disclaimer on the thread

Maybe they just say you must keep eating and excercing and that this is the healthy way to lose weight because that's how the food and health industry makes money.

You'll continue eating and going to the gym, using weights, buying equipment, health shakes, weight-loss foods, sports sneakers, running outfit. You stay in the maze while the companies continue making $$$.

Strength training and treadmill just seems like torture to me. "Eat your fodder, cattle. Now go do some work."

Um no. You are confused.

1) You don't need to get any other food that what you normally would. You don't need special food from the 'health' industry.

2) You don't actually even need to exercise to lose weight. I've lost 40 pounds without one lick of exercise.

3) It sounds more like you have a gripe against the diet industry. We actually agree there..but fasting isn't the way to go.
PS: Not everything you see on youtube is real. You don't know anything after their video ends you know? I wouldn't use it as your sources.
I have fasted in the past, but not more than 36 hours. I found it to help with my allergies which was the primary reason i did it.

There are some studies on fasting in mice that show it increases their lifespan, but I don't know if it can apply to humans. If you're really overweight, have high blood pressure and so on fasting can be helpful. I wouldn't fast more than a day though, you can damage yourself by not getting the nutrients you need to keep your body going.
No, I think they just need ATP energy from fat. And you can take vitamins/minerals. Anything else the body can make/already has enough of.

I'm too lazy to remember how cells work to try to confirm this. :p

And plus I think we have too much amino acids in our body from our protein-rich diets... I don't remember where I read this, but I think I read something along those lines sometime...

It's really your decision how much you eat afterwards.

If you decide to eat something - STOP! What are you doing? It's you who's deciding to eat it.

I don't think losing weight too quickly will influence if you get loose skin or not... I think someone just felt that it had to be so.

Maybe just wait a few months after fasting to see if your skin tightens.

And I don't think I'm losing weight too quickly while fasting. I checked the scale when I was fasting and it didn't seem like I was losing 1/2 a pound per day. I wished it would go faster, actually.

This chart shows how heavier people will lose weight quicker at first and that this rate will decrease as they get skinnier:


"It will be noted by a careful study of this chart that the rates of loss varied much in these ten cases. Several factors account for this. Fat patients lose much faster than do thin ones, nervous and emotional patients lose more rapidly than calm and poised individuals, patients that are relaxed and resting lose less weight than those that are tense or active. There is also a correlation between the condition of the patient's tissue and his loss of weight. Fat individuals who are soft and flabby fall away very rapidly. Those fat individuals who are hard and firm lose much slower. There is the added fact that much water drinking tends to keep the weight up by water-logging the tissues, without preventing the usual loss of solid substance. It is also true that the most rapid losses occur in the earliest part of the fast so that on the whole, short fasts show greater average daily losses than do long fasts. Losses are not as great in second, third or fourth fasts as in the first."

Plus, compare this woman before and after she had three 40-day fasts (with breaks in between).



Her face skin seems really tight. She has some wrinkles, but you don't see a hanging chin or anything like she had in the first video.

And I wouldn't go as far as she had, but it just shows you how far you can go if you want, I guess.

Muscle only burns about 6 kcal per lb. So unless you want to put on like 20 lbs and maintain it to increase metabolism by 160 kcal per day, I wouldn't recommend it. Plus, you'd have to eat to maintain your muscle. And worry about losing the muscle if you eat too little.

And I don't know how many calories you lose during strength excercise. Not that much though. And plus it's PAINFUL. Push-ups would be a lot easier if I was lighter. Plus running would be easier if I was lighter. Instead of exerting a lot of strength on certain muscles in a short period of time, why not use up more muscles, through a longer period of time. You'd still be using up the same amount of energy, thermodynamically speaking. So why make it painful?

Effort doesn't mean physical effort. You could excercise smarter and thus with less PHYSICAL effort.

You don't NEED to have pain to have gain.

"Bouchard points out that muscle actually has a very low metabolic rate when it is at rest, which is most of the time. And the metabolic rate of muscle pales in comparison to other parts of the body.
In fact, the heart and kidneys have the highest resting metabolic rate (200 calories per pound). The brain (109 calories per pound) and liver (91 calories per pound) also have high values [5]. In contrast, the resting metabolic rate of skeletal muscle clocks in at just 6 calories per pound, with fat burning just 2 calories per pound.
In other words, while skeletal muscle and fat are the two largest components, their contribution to resting energy expenditure is smaller than that of organs. The vast majority of the resting energy expenditure of your body comes from organs such as liver, kidneys, heart, and brain, which account for only 5% to 6% of your weight."


Anorexia is a decision you make, not an uncontrollable disease.

I do not know about this...

Oh my good god. Original poster, kindly stop posting, because you are making yourself look like an absolute fool in front of anyone reading this.

No, you can't just take vitamins and minerals. No you can't just live off your fat. Otherwise most of the bloody world would be fasting!!!

1lbs of muscle burns an extra 50kcal per day. You DO want to do weight training. You burn fat faster when using weights over cardio. The session might be shorter but your metabolism is spiked high for much longer burning more calories overall.

Anorexia is NOT decision you make you utter prat. I have worked with anorexics in healthcare, it is a mental disorder, not a choice to be ill. You are showing how ignorant and small minded you are now.

You clearly have absolutely no idea what goes into losing weight. Reading your posts is highly offensive to people putting effort in. Go and fast, we don't care. Go and fast for 40 days then ask the Doctor how healthy you are if you survive.

And I ask again for proof that Jesus fasted. You'll have to prove he existed first, not just with some internet link you think makes you sound clever because of its long words.
Just to add, there is now proven fact that anorexia can lie within genes and can be passed down through families and generations. Its not a choice, its not a 'lifestyle' or ideal, its an illness which affects the biochemistry of the mind. Its not something you decide one day to be!

Come to think of it, does anyone know this posters mental state? or even if he/she is over the age of concent? it just sounds a bit too immature to be for real, like someone needs to grow up big time.
Is anorexia a problem in the "old world" or only North America? And anorexia is the least of my problems right now.
Whatever. I'm going to try fasting for 40 days and see what it's like. Hopefully I will make it to 40 days.

Religion speaks against personal indulgence, but it does not use fasting for weight loss. Though religion use fast as one of the preparatory activities for mystical travels.

Isn't gluttony one of the venial sins? And there is a history of religious hermits fasting and starving themselves (but maybe this is more common in Orthodoxy/Coptic Church).
Whatever. I'm going to try fasting for 40 days and see what it's like. Hopefully I will make it to 40 days.

Please PLEASE keep a diary of this. It will be brilliant entertainment.
I did a somewhat modified version of the Leangains protocol (16hr fast with 8hr feeding window) mine was more like 18hr fast with 6hr feeding window due to my relative sedentary helped me lose the last pounds of stubborn fat around my lower abs, before that I had stalled for a long time trying to get rid of it..

So I think it's really great for helping lean people get leaner..but if I was 15% bodyfat or above I wouldn't bother, just focus on a healthy and sustainable diet with a caloric deficit and weight training and you cannot go wrong..IF isn't magic if you fast 20 hours a day and gorge yourself over your limit in those 4 hours you'll still gain weight.
I think it depends on what your ultimate goal is.

I'd imagine, doing it for religious reasons, it might be possible. However, for vanity purposes I think it could be a slippery slope because you'll never be satisfied. You'll just keep pushing your body to see how far it can go and become obsessed with any bit of flab. You'll become addicted to it. It's fairly easy to have that happen to you. You'll actual begin to look at food as a bad thing, like it's only holding you back.

Now if you want to be healthy, then you should eat a balanced diet.
I am just saying this for the sake of the original poster. Please do not do this. While I still ate, there was a month where I was only eating about 500 calories a day. It was very miserable for me. I was light headed, grumpy and I had a hard time paying attention in school. As soon as I realized what I was doing, I stopped, and felt much better. We as humans are not meant to go that long without food. Look up pictures of starving people. Do you wanna look like that? If you fasted, you would look sickly, not skinny (and yes, there is a difference). Why would you cause yourself harm? This is not something you really wanna do. Why else would you be telling us about you doing this? Either you're serious about wanting to fast, and if that's the case, you may need to get some help from someone, or you are trolling, and that would be frowned upon.
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