fasting for a day


New member
I'm not suggesting fasting for a long term method to lose weight. But, say you really screw up your diet one day. You ate far too much and feel guilty about it so you want to get right back on track the next day. Would fasting just for that day give you a jump start, or would it be detrimental?
I'm not an expert, but I've not seen anything bad about a 1 day fast. Supposedly there are some positive physiological responses to a fast as well, although again I'm not very well educated on the subject.

I imagine the real determining factor would be the individual reaction to the fast - i.e. some people might be so hungry after the fast they'd eat to compensate the next day, while others might just eat normally. I've had days where I've eaten very little, and I don't seem to get hungrier the next day, but YMMV.
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I'm not suggesting fasting for a long term method to lose weight. But, say you really screw up your diet one day. You ate far too much and feel guilty about it so you want to get right back on track the next day. Would fasting just for that day give you a jump start, or would it be detrimental?

Instead of fasting for a day, why not just watch what you eat for the rest of the week? Starving yourself does absolutely no good - no good at all.
Here is an exerpt from -

Fasting Diets A fasting diet calls for ingesting nothing but clear liquids, typically for a span
of one to five days. The theory behind fasting is that toxins cause obesity; by ridding yourself of
toxins, you will lose weight.
While fasting causes some weight loss, it is caused by a lack of caloric intake and will only be
temporary. Additionally, the side effects can be dangerous: low energy, dizziness and weakness
due to the lack of carbohydrate-based energy. People with a history of eating disorders or
electrolyte imbalance should not fast, and if you are contemplating a fasting diet, be sure to do
so only under medical supervision.
No major health-care organization endorses fasting diets.

I don't know if that tells us anything, but who knows anyway.

My mom, LOVES to fast, but she could stand to lose about 30 pounds to get healthy. She has some psychological love of fasting, she does it everytime we have a mega-meal on the holidays... crazy, I know
Instead of starving for the whole day, bring change in your diet. Stay on fruit diet one day, fresh, baked or steamed vegetables with little rice along with fruits on the second day, steamed potatoes only on the third day, protein diet on the fourth day and gradually start with your regular diet from fifth day onwards. You’ll get variety everyday and get used to a nutritional diet.
Actually, a fast doesnt affect your body healthily until the third day. 3 to 7 days is the best to lose all the toxins and put your body at rest (no bowels movement, etc).
But a fast is supposed to be tracked by your doctor, and theres several things to do before and after if you don't want to gain a lot of pounds after. Fasting is not meant to "re-equilibrate" a diet after a binge.
is a moderately interesting article... basically did tests of alternate day fasting in the non-obese. Some health markers improved, but so did hunger. So the fasting didn't hurt them, but it did make them hungry. Shock ;)
Ghandi used to fast for weeks at a time - but I recently found out that he would drink fluids through this time and one of the fluids was juice of a plant.. which had most of all the nutrients the body needs.. so although he was skinny through the fasting he was actually drinking most of the bodys requirements to stay healthy and for his organs to work well... Sooo he lives to the ripe old age of 78 and was assassinated! One of the greatest men of our time (my personal opinion) Life just isnt fair! :cuss:

As you have probably read - I'm a great believe in detox - not withstanding that it has REALLY helped my chronic asthma - I do actually feel a lot better.. my problems start when I stop the detox as you cant do it forever!

I may try that for a couple of days... with supplements of course. And before anyone asks - yes I know what plant it was - no good drinking the inside of a cactus!! LOL. :ack2:
I think fasting is stupid. Drink a butt-ton of water if you want to detox your system, don't starve yourself. How ridiculous. Toxins don't cause obesity, too many calories and not enough exercise does.
I can't do fasting due to electrolyte issues and low blood sugar. If I go more than 5 or 6 hours without eating, I have heart palpatations and feel funny. If I eat somethng with a lot of sugar in it, I over-produce insulin which over-corrects and slams my blood sugar down real low. I get very tired and lethargic. For me, eating something every 2 or 3 hours and trying to avoid simple carbs as much as possible keeps me in good balance.

If I have a bad day of eating and blow the diet, I just pick up the next day and continue with my diet plan as usual. Yesterday's gone, can't get it back, just refocus and forge ahead as planned.
I definitely wouldn't fast, although one day probably won't drastically hurt you, from what i've read and experienced myself eating a significantly different diet or cutting calories can have a significant detrimental effect on your metabolism. In my experience weight loss isn't an overnight thing, so just be patient go back to your normal healthy diet and the weight will naturally come off.
I think fasting is stupid. Drink a butt-ton of water if you want to detox your system, don't starve yourself. How ridiculous. Toxins don't cause obesity, too many calories and not enough exercise does.

You are right about calories in vs calories out! I am the worlds worst for that one - and that is compounded because I've actually know that for years and years and still managed to put the weight on! LOL - so I'm pretty stupid on that one! :banghead:

There is a difference between fasting and detoxing though... fasting is deprevation which in some cases can be bad.. detoxing is changing the input to something which will not add to the toxins but will actively purge the system of as many toxins as possible - it isnt just water only that can achieve that... :Angel_anim:

But I do personally think that toxins can cause your body to become sluggish.... which means that it may not work in the most efficient way and that, in turn, will cause some people to put on weight... :ack2:

There is a book - that i havent read yet - called The Body Restoration Plan: Eliminate Chemical Calories and Restore Your Body’s Natural Slimming System. The basis of that book is that we are being poisoned by chemicals that make it harder for us to maintain proper weight... and it is written by a doctor so she is more qualified than me to make the statement... but its all down to perception and how you look at things. :coolgleamA: realize that detox has been debunked over and over again by the scientific and medical community?

Here is the question that we have asked to everyone who suggest detox and removing toxins...what toxins? No one has every been specific about what toxins and what specific effect. It's this blanket statement of a word that advertising uses because it sounds 'bad'. The human body has been filtering and handling the waste in our bodies since we came out of the water in the early days of evolution.

Are they foods that are not as good for us than others? Yes.

Can you make better food choices? Course, we all can.

Is detox real? not according to the vast majority of the medical community not earning a paycheck by writing a book to push the latest Madison Ave buzzword in weight loss.
Wait a minute. What am I missing here. I'm not here to argue that one should or should not fast, but didn't someone just say
While fasting causes some weight loss, it is caused by a lack of caloric intake and will only be

Ummm...isn't calorie restriction one of the things that CAUSES weight loss?
Fasting isn't just for purposes of detox. I personally think the detox theories are bunk, myself. But I do know that if you burn up more than you eat, you lose weight.
hi Ando3242,
I will go with Jeanette401 on this one.

i have friends in both side. The only way a friend of mine knows weight loss is fasting. i know she is not a food lover but she does not give a damn about calories if she likes something.When you look her, you can say fasting works out for her. Her mantra is, fruits and water at least a day per week.

on the other hand for my sister, fast-day always follow by binge-day. I think this is because her metabolism goes really low. She eats sweets like crazy.

Like ChefchiTown said cutting down on the whole week is a better idea.

"Would fasting just for that day give you a jump start, or would it be detrimental?"

my answer would be : It would be detrimental.

Fasting can help


I have a background of 30 years in naturopathy, herbalism and acupuncture. I would say that an occasional 3-day fast does no-one any harm, and can do a lot of good.

The most extreme fast is to drink just water. The next most extreme/effective is to drink juice each day. Usually, 2-3 litres per day will be recommended. I have done this quite often and it works fine. After the second day, you forget about eating (I do anyway), and you appreciate the time saved in preparing food an washing up!

I would recommend vegetable juices rather than fruit because I have come to realise that sugar is the enemy... (for health and for weight) and vegetables are much lower in sugar. As well as juices, you must drink water too, and green tea is fine too.

The next most effective 'fast' is to eat just raw food for the three days (or one day... that is good too. Very good).

Will you lose weight? Obviously. Will it be enough to lose the weight you want? It varies from person to person. At my herbal company, we generally suggest that folks (in good health) who want to do juice fasting consider 3 days every 2 weeks for a few cycles.

But I would say fasting - or 'partial fastiing' is a good tool in your arsenal.

In the end, it's what works for you - and fasting can be very helpful.


Healthy Malc
There are certain Holy days within the Catholic Church when we are required to fast. (When I say "we", I'm referring to other Catholics.) The Church defines this as one meal a day, and two smaller meals which if added together would not exceed the main meal in quantity. (EWTN)

While this isn't the same as some of the fasts you're talking about I think it's relevant. This is the only type of fast I have ever taken part of. My reasons for doing so were to please God and to become closer with him.

I don't feel like fasting can help someone who is doing it soley to try and lose weight. Like many have said this will just cause you to become hungrier and most likely eat more than you should the next day. I find the days when I need to fast difficult, but know what I'm doing is right.

I apologize if anyone found this offensive in any way. I'm not trying to preach. I just wanted to give my opinion from someone who fasts for a different reason other than for their health.
I don't feel like fasting can help someone who is doing it soley to try and lose weight. Like many have said this will just cause you to become hungrier and most likely eat more than you should the next day. I find the days when I need to fast difficult, but know what I'm doing is right.

Hi FleurDeLis, Interestingly, when doing a 3-day juice fast, I would find that I felt a bit empty on day 1, but my hunger went on day 2. Remember that you are drinking vegetable juice (which I recommend over fruit juice because of the lower sugar content), and a fair bit of it: maybe 3 litres a day. And when you drink 10 ounces of vegetable juice it does fill you up.

I'm not saying it's like eating a big meal: but the hunger pangs are, in my experience, not as much as you'd expect.

It's just a bit of a leap of faith to not eat solid food if you are not used to that concept... but I assure you you can do it - and survive!


Wait a minute. What am I missing here. I'm not here to argue that one should or should not fast, but didn't someone just say

Ummm...isn't calorie restriction one of the things that CAUSES weight loss?

So you go a few days with drinking only water, you lose 5 pounds. you start eating real food again, oh look you gained those 5 pounds back.

It's temporary because your body goes into a large deficit. It is in no way permanent. Much like the diet pills, drinks and all the other diet medicines out there.