Here is an exerpt from -
Fasting Diets A fasting diet calls for ingesting nothing but clear liquids, typically for a span
of one to five days. The theory behind fasting is that toxins cause obesity; by ridding yourself of
toxins, you will lose weight.
While fasting causes some weight loss, it is caused by a lack of caloric intake and will only be
temporary. Additionally, the side effects can be dangerous: low energy, dizziness and weakness
due to the lack of carbohydrate-based energy. People with a history of eating disorders or
electrolyte imbalance should not fast, and if you are contemplating a fasting diet, be sure to do
so only under medical supervision.
No major health-care organization endorses fasting diets.
I don't know if that tells us anything, but who knows anyway.
My mom, LOVES to fast, but she could stand to lose about 30 pounds to get healthy. She has some psychological love of fasting, she does it everytime we have a mega-meal on the holidays... crazy, I know