Weight-Loss Fall off for fall....



New member
Hey everyone. I know a lot of challenges have been going on like always! But I think some of us may be in the same boat as me. I'm just getting back into my weight loss plan - just in time for the schools to get out. I have 2 kids, and with the oldest one about to finish up for the year, I know that I'm going to need something to keep me motivated during the summer. So, I was thinking of how to make the pounds "fall off - for Fall". Some kind of 3 month challenge running June 1 through September 1. Be it a predetermined lb per week, distance walked, ect. If anyone else would like to stay active and motivated this summer I thought this might help - if we can think of something by June 1!
Sounds great! It would be awesome to get even more motivation to lose these last 10 lbs.
Sounds great! I just need that extra push to get me going again as I'm a bit stuck! :doh:

June 1st - here we come!! :)
mmm, is there going to be one uniform goal?

My personal one is 25 pounds lost by then.

I'd also like to participate in a marathon in the fall.
Sounds like just the challenge I could use right now!!

I am geared up to lose about 20 lbs (current goal of 150, but want to lose more after that). I know the fall would be a reasonable goal for me. One to two lbs a week- cutting out junk food and incorporating exercise into a daily thing are main goals for me.
Right now, I'm at 165 (weighed in this morning) and my goal this week is running or weight lifting every day (alternate days of weightlifting, but running every morning or evening).
well, it sounds like we all have a number in mind for personal weight loss pounds. So I think maybe we all set our own number, and then all try to walk / run a certain number of miles maybe - at least that will help us to reach our weight goal - what do you all think?
Hi everyone! This sounds great- what a brilliant idea! My wedding is October 7 so this time range is ideal. I'd say I want to get down to around 145, 150 at the least by Sept 1. We should develop this further perhaps? Agree to record daily eating habits and fitness performed every day and that way we can share advice on what is working/what isnt, new recipes and ideas for weight loss, etc.! Wonderful idea!!!
just thought i'd share some workout advice. I've noticed that when i walk on the treadmill, I stay below my target heart rate, but when i run i get winded super fast and my heart rate sky rockets.

lately, I've been going on the treadmill at 2.9 MPH at a #5 incline (30 minutes) it keeps me right in the middle of my target heart rate, i get a good sweat, but it feels like i can go forever, and gives me a good "exhausted" feeling when done.

At first, i was really tired afterwards with just enough energy for some weights. but last night i did it, and afterwards had enough in me to shoot hoops for 20 minutes.
That would be awesome! I am also a newer member at and haven't been able to join in any challenges yet. I would love to join your challenge. :)
If running is in order, I'd like to join. I'm currently incapable of running and want to run a three mile walk/run for health this August that the hospital has every year. They have one, three, and five mile options but I don't know that August is enough time for five miles! My goal is to run at least half of the three miles.
Hey guys, I'd love to join too!

We could use this thread to submit ideas and inspirations and then perhaps start a new thread for the challenge, introducing ourselves properly etc??

How would people feel about starting before June 1st--it's quite a bit away, why put off til then what you can do now! The sooner we start, the sooner we get rid of those pesky pounds! But I will of course wait until June if that's what people want!

Considering we're all probably different weights with different lifestyles and levels of fitness, it seems the only things we may ALL have in common are i) we want to lose weight, ii) we want to lose it by Sept and iii) we would like some motivation, camaradrie and accountability while doing it! It'll be a great way to stay motivated!!

Hlangel, guess we'll leave it to you to lead us! ;) :D

:) :)
I also would like to join. I joined another challenge running very close dates to this one and the more encouragement the better. I will have much more time to spend freely exercising after Friday night. All of the kids extra activities will officially be over until fall. I would like to be at 150 by the end of the challenge for my goal weight.
I'd also like to join. I'm new here, and just starting my diet, so the more motivation the better.
My goal is to lose 25 lbs by the end of the summer, and work out 4-5 days each work.
Ran 2 miles last night and did 3 sets of my circuit- Great workout- I'm en route to my ideal body! How is everyone else doing!!
Count me in too! I badly need motivation to keep going to the gym. My aim is to lose 20 pounds by September (Autumn in my world :p ) and exercise 5 times a week minimum :eek:
so how does this work...do we just post in this thread on a regular basis updating everyone on our exercise and weight loss progress on a daily or weekly basis?
good luck everyone! :)
I haven't done any challenges yet and I think this will be perfect for me! We'll be finishing just in time for my birthday on September 2nd! I would love to loose at least 30 lbs this summer. My goal is to try to hit the gym everyday and walk for at least 45 minutes and then work on my arms lifting weights.