
Woodt said:
What are they teaching in American schools about creation? Here in England they teach a bit of evolution in science, but we can't get into questions. There is a boy in my form who is utterly screwed up by creation. He thinks the world is 6,000 years old and was created in 1 week. Then when you say to him, "there is evidence proving the ice age and what not" he just goes on about scientists having no idea, and proving each other wrong. Try telling someone like that that his parents have messed him up. To add insult to injury he is one of those people who thinks everyone who doesn't believe what he believes in God is going to hell. An eternal burning ect, ect. Why would God so loving and peaceful do that? The bible states revenge is bad, so if somebody doesn't believe in him/her/it, does that give him the right to torture them? Personally I think it is sick. If you stick a child into a Muslim community they are obviously going to be Muslim, but if you stick a child into a Christian community they are most likely going to be Christian, why should some people go to 'hell' because they believe what they grew up to believe.

Finally, to me religion sounds like something people would have invented as soon as humans could think enough. When you/or your husband/dad/brother is going off to war, or getting sick you would need something to make you feel better. I think that Heaven and hell are just two things which were invented to make people less scared of death and to keep people inline.

Dont start the religion debate :(

Can of worms....
Evolution Misunderstandings

Hi All--

Just wanted to clear something up: Evolution does not teach that we evolved from monkeys. What it teaches is that we shared a common ancestor. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the debate which apparently has trickled from the misinformed BLCs (Biblical Literalist Creationists) to the evolutionists who join the debate but don't seem to know enough about what they're debating to realize that simple fact. Diverging from a common ancestor and evolving from them are two totally different things -- Darwin's "The Descent Of Man" should make for interesting reading for anyone who is interested.


my theory

Well I come from the Deist Point of view.

I believe in a higher being, "god"

But after god made the initial creation of the Solar System, "god" took a Lazzaie fair (sp?) "hands off" approach an allowed the solar system/Universe to develop at it's own speed and "evolve" naturally

I just find it hard to believe if God created the solar system, why would God want "praise" Why would he create Multiple religions if one was truly right?

Evolution is true to form, where we exactly came from?? no one truly knows, I think Darwin was close, but did not hit the nail on the head.

But I think the Earth will change and keep Evolving and out time here is comming to a close, Dinosaurs give us the best example.....we to will be wiped out one day....and God will be laughing.
First, let me say I most closely identify with the Taoists, who, grossly over simplified hold that there is a source of energy that we draw from when we are born and throughout our life and return to at the end of our lives. Their main aim is to learn to draw from that source as efficiently as possible (through meditation, exercise, etc) and thereby live a healthy and satisfying life, reaching or at least approaching enlightenment. So that seems to me to not deny the correctness of any organized religion.

Some interesting (easy and informative) reading on Taoism/Meditation:
The Wandering Taoist by Deng Ming-Dao
Path Notes of an American Ninja Master by Glenn J. Morris

Some of the great thinkers in psychology have explained religion as a natural creation of the human mind (unconcious/subconcious). Some interesting (but somewhat tedious) reading:
Man and His Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung
Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death by Soren Kierkegaard
Woodt said:
There is a boy in my form who is utterly screwed up by creation. He thinks the world is 6,000 years old and was created in 1 week. Then when you say to him, "there is evidence proving the ice age and what not" he just goes on about scientists having no idea, and proving each other wrong. Try telling someone like that that his parents have messed him up. To add insult to injury he is one of those people who thinks everyone who doesn't believe what he believes in God is going to hell.

I'd have a beer with him, I got the post-holiday blues and need a laugh...