
Evolution? He sure did...:eek:
SMax said:
i think people who dont believe in evolution are misguided and in some cases simply ignorant.

so u are ignorant because u dont beleive that we came from monkeys? lol i think thats absurd to be honest,i am not trying to say that one way is wrong and one way is correct, however, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. personally i am religious so i do not beleive in evolution, since my beleif is that God created all living things, including humans.
The theory of evolution doesn't address where the universe and everything originated from, so it's safe to say believing in evolution doesn't make you an atheist. Believing God put everything here with a plan for it to be the way it is isn't so hard to believe.

And religion is a touchy subject so no name calling or bashing, I don't care. First and last warning.
ok see when i heard evolution first thing i think of is what they teach in schools when it comes to human development, so when u are talking about other things Smax, yes i agree with you i beleive in all that as well of course!
mreik said:
The theory of evolution doesn't address where the universe and everything originated from, so it's safe to say believing in evolution doesn't make you an atheist. Believing God put everything here with a plan for it to be the way it is isn't so hard to believe.

i agree; evolution just doesnt make any sense to me. the belief of a higher being that created everything is just a more logical belief for me
Proteinboy said:
i agree; evolution just doesnt make any sense to me. the belief of a higher being that created everything is just a more logical belief for me

You say that as if the two ideas contradict one another...

I also believe in a creator. And if you are a christian, or a jew, you shouldn't think that you need to choose between believing in science or believing in God and rejecting science. Sorry if I'm getting too religious here. But the scriptures do not tell how God created life. But if you look at what they imply, it definately sounds more like evolution than anything.
"Let the waters bring forth " ... "The earth became void"
The Bible also states that God created man from the dust of the earth. That means that he used elements of the earth to create man; he didn't create him out of nothing.
Obviously as a few people have pointed out, evolution !=> atheism... For the record !=> is the negation of logical implication...

The biggest issue in the US as I have noticed, is that most people are ignorant (that's the nice word for not educated) in evolution. Everybody says "How can you believe that from monkeys came us?" Well lots of things are hard to believe... Computers went from calculating 1 operation in 10 minutes to trillions per second... They evolved with the aid of a creator (us). Anyways back to the monkeys... There were millions (or hundreds of thousands... I forget - anyways a crap load of time) between the 'monkeys' and the modern day human. Now as far as micro-evolution; the evidence for it is abundant. Take a look at all the new strains of viruses we're trying to keep up with.

Anyways - I'm a big fan of evolution. Though you wont see an atheist label on me. I would call myself agnostic, but too many people think agnostic => (there's that logical implication again) confused.
lol if monkeys evolved into us, then why are some of them still monkeys? were they too stupid to evolve with us? And why are monkeys the only ones that evolved into humans? Why didnt dolphins? Why didnt anything else? Why did the monkeys stop evolving; why arent there half monkey half men (monkeys evolving)?
Because genes are passed to individuals, not species as a whole.

Monkeys are different than apes. Apes share about 99.999% of our genetic code. That's a lot closer than half.

What you're saying is like wondering why there are lions AND tigers. Somewhere in the animal families, species have to split. There becomes such a discrepancy that they can no longer sucessfully breed together, hence mules (who are incapable of reproducing) and yes, retarded-ass ligers and tiglons.

Actually, I am interested in the theory that we did indeed evolve from some kind of anphibious ape. It would explain our partially webbed digits and lack of hair...and how I can smoke people in the water.
Proteinboy said:
lol if monkeys evolved into us, then why are some of them still monkeys? were they too stupid to evolve with us? And why are monkeys the only ones that evolved into humans? Why didnt dolphins? Why didnt anything else? Why did the monkeys stop evolving; why arent there half monkey half men (monkeys evolving)?

Why didn't dolphins evolve into humans? :confused:
Becasue they didn't need to. Evolution depends on change of circumstance and your ability to adapt to these changes.

Our Ancestors were forced down and away from the trees while those of modern monkeys were able to carry on swinging away. This change forced us to stand and walk up right (to see dangers from further away) and start using caves for shelter.

The best book I have read that explains all this is, Bill Bryson, A short History to nearly everything. This book is amazing as it explains everything from how the universe evolved and is still evolving, to why dinosaurs dissapared and how we came to be. All this is explained in an easy to understand manner, he doesn't through lots of large numbers at you, instead he creates a nice mental image for what ever he is talking about. I only wish I had read this book while I was still at school.

As for the Bibles explanation of how the world came to be, you have to remember that these stories were written by men trying to explain the world around them. Now I go to church every Sunday and enjoy hearing these stories but don't just take them for face value, there are important messages behind the stories that can help you through life.

The scientific effidence behind evolution is so large yo can't ignore and as there are only two explanations to our existant (well two that recive alot of focus) I feel I have to side with the one created by modern day man who can provide evidence for his theory. But even so I'm gonna carry on going to church every Sunday to thank God for providing me with the opportunity to exist on his Earth.
ya; i like to think that God created the earth and then evolution took place; a mixture. Im not closed minded about this its just its so silly to me : P.

Why did we evolve noses from monkeys and why did we lose our hair? Why were the monkeys(or their ancestors) the only race intelligent enough to morph into humans? Out of the millions of species; why monkeys only? And since we are killing monkeys and animals every day, why are they not adapting to this and evolving into fighters that have defensive skills, or why arent they getting smarter to make their own guns to defend themselves?