Everyone's Creatine Sideeffects..

well creatine is natrually made in the body.. after suplying it creatine for 3 months on a day to day basis it stops making it because its getting it from an external source. stopping all @ once causes ur body to go almost completely w/o natrual creatine until it can kickstart the natrual process again, and by the time it goes back to normal, ur starting another cycle, so its definatly better to wean urself off of it..

so basically ur trying to avoid the creatine low after the high
I thought I read that it takes almost a year for you body to stop producing it naturaly at the producer recommended doseage of 5000 mg per day. At 280 lbs and only taking 4000 mg at most a day...I thought I was in the clear.

Let me see if I can find the source I read that in. If you have a source that states your case...I would gladly change my approach.

Here is what I found.... ....some good reading here.

They recommend 2 months on, one months off. Probablyu closer to what I do than 3-2.
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nope no written sources, i learned it in physical chemistry class, ill look for an article tho
after roughly 4 weeks you'll be at the same point whether you load creatine or not. so its like the candy, do you want muscle saturation now or later. :D

i use to load but now i dont anymore. get the same effect ;)
i read the article roroco and didnt see anything about creatine high or low, or anything even about cycling
& im still looking for an artice
Thanks for all the help guys, I'm still curious about the cycling issue? Any definitive answer? 2 mo. on 1 mo. off sounds reasonable but of course, I'm just guessing.

Thanks. :)
i believe if you drink an extraordinary amount of water, there is no need to cycle creatine.. but otherwise, 2:1 sounds good..
I drink about 1-1.5 gallons a day, that enough?. I was under the impression that your body stopped creating it after extended use? :confused:

Thank again for all the help and good info!
it does. but if you look to take it for a long while then dont worry about it, it would only take about 3 weeks @ the end to wean urself off of it, as soon as u decide u wana stop, just take ~2 or 3 grams a day for 3 weeks, and by the end of the 3 weeks ur body will resume..

and yeah thats enough water! ur prob just like the rest of us, bathroom break every 30 min.. lol
Sweet, I think I'm gunna try the cycle and see how that goes, maybe I'll try something a touch more longterm come mid summertime. Yes, I'm constantly in the bathroom, I don't mind it, except when I forget to go after work and I'm racing home so I don't ruin a pair of pants! :(

Thanks again, you guys have been a HUGE help.