Last night:
In the listed order
Machine Preacher Curls
1x10 60# 1x8 70# 1x5 80#
I know...I should have done my back first...I realized this after I did this exercise. arg.
Lat Pull Down
(unsure about weight)
1x12 100# 1x10 100# 1x6 115#
Although I did a little bit of biceps before this I noticed a big difference on how much more effective the back workout becomes if done before biceps.
Seated Machine Cable Row (wide grip)
1x12 100# 1x10 100# 1x6 115#
Bent Over Row
1x10 30# 1x8 30# 1x5 40#
Am wondering if I got these down properly...I will re-check form tonight.
Hammer Curls
1x12 30# 1x8 40# 1x5 40#
Alternating Standing DB Curls
30# 1x10 1x8 1x5
Back Hyper extensions
3x12 bodyweight
These hyperextensions really worked my back...I could feel myself standing so straight from them being so pumped.
Sitting Ab Machine
1x25 60# 1x20 80# 1x10 100#
Oblique Torso Twist Machine
1x12 1x10 1x8 each side
Tonight is Shoulder/Traps/Legs day...will substitute leg press by Squats...I'm thinking on warming up with 50# and practice form then I will shoot for what ever weight I can do 5 times x3.
I skipped breakfast again this morning...damn me...will have to eat a little more at noon.
I've been having lots of trouble sleeping since I started going to the gym...Its's kind of like I am tired and restless at the same time. Maybe I just need to wait it out and let my body adjust itself to working out this much.
After about one week and a half after I started working out...I decided to compare myself to the pics I took about 2 weeks ago...I can't beleive what I am seeing...there is already a noticeable difference...
c'mon Eric you ken doo eet!