Sport Effect of Low Carbohydrate Diets on Mental Tasks

Sport Fitness
Read what you're saying.

According to you, I should "go the fugg home" because I'm not a true woman because I can't cope with a ketotic diet.

That's what you're saying.

Bottom line: it's insensitive and hurtful.

No you are wrong. First, you are "telling me" what "I meant" when I posted that.

Which is your first mistake, because I only know that.

Second, what is really going on is your "perception" of what I wrote, which is in disagreement, with my motive in what I wrote.

Which I cannot control.

The mistake I made was posting your quote, as it wasn't meant---personally toward you, as much as it was a general comment.

The entire post is screaming with just being tough, if doesn't work, trying something else. If one flops on their face (such as in the ketogenic diet), get up manipulate something else, throw the tissues away, for the win.

I can not believe I have to explain that.

If it hurt you I am sorry, but truly it is unnecessary hurt.

Sometimes knowing the person behind the post is important, but on the Internet this can be sometimes difficult. Such is the case. If you knew me--we wouldn't being have this type of discussion.

Again, I am not going to apologize for my post, the motive behind it was not meant to hurt you. However, it obviously did. So, I separate the motive of the post, and point to your feelings, and say I am sorry.

I am simply not posting on this forum, to hurt feelings: Obviously.

But, one thing I do know (on a side note), that sometimes I had to have hard love with my children, for their best interest, and I am positive their feelings were hurt sometimes in the process; sometimes I post in this manner to some I care about on the forum. But, the post in question, isn't one of those.

Best wishes to your continued success,

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I'm not asking you to apologize for your post.

The reason it hurt is because I respect your opinion, Chillen. You know I do. So when I read that, and my post was at the top, I concluded you were directing your post at me.

You know I'm diabetic and you know I can't go on a ketotic diet, because that would be fatal for me. There is no getting around that.

I couldn't figure out why you'd do something like that. It stung.

I'm really glad you came back and rebutted because now I know where you were coming from. I guess I'm being overly sensitive today.

Do not say "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" to me because that's how I feel right now :D But I'm not crying, and I don't need any tissues.

I'm sorry I misinterpreted your post, Chillen.
I'm not asking you to apologize for your post.

The reason it hurt is because I respect your opinion, Chillen. You know I do. So when I read that, and my post was at the top, I concluded you were directing your post at me.

You know I'm diabetic and you know I can't go on a ketotic diet, because that would be fatal for me. There is no getting around that.

I couldn't figure out why you'd do something like that. It stung.

I'm really glad you came back and rebutted because now I know where you were coming from. I guess I'm being overly sensitive today.

Do not say "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" to me because that's how I feel right now :D But I'm not crying, and I don't need any tissues.

I'm sorry I misinterpreted your post, Chillen.

I would never intentionally hurt you. If I thought (in advance) that this was a possibility (which in this case I did not anticipate it), I would shape and scope my words better to communicate a point (I think you know what I mean), to improve communication.

I would never undermine or belittle your current physical/biological problems, rather I would try to encourage you through them and where necessary work with them. As in encouraging you to talk to Steve, and other posts.

I care, ILM. If you ever have a problem with one of my posts, always feel free to "Hammer Down" :)

I can handle it, I promise :)

Best regards,

I'd have to say that I'm pro balanced diet. The food pyramid is my bestest friend.

But not really for reasons cited claiming that low-carb is bad on a larger physiological scale. It may, in fact, be that bad, but I'm not a doctor, and we need to see some more *independent* longitudinal studies related to low/no-carb diet.

I basically shy away from it because there are tons of micro-nutrients in carb-laden foods that you cannot necessarily get in a low/no-carb diet. And while an individual can make those up with supplements, most nutritional supplements don't have the kind of delivery potential that real food does, so I just stick to the real food.

At the same time, I don't usually have issues with sugar cravings and whatnot, so sticking to the balanced, calorie-conscious diet isn't a hurdle for me.

As for Karky's earlier question about the brain's reliance on ketones and adaptation to that reliance, I don't believe that there really is any "good" adaptation in terms of overall cognitive function. Technically speaking, the brain only relies on ketones during carbohydrate (or general) starvation. In many individuals, this state can cause headaches, migraines, nausea, etc, primarily because of the way ketones cause dialation of blood vessels in the brain (increasing intracranial pressure) and affect the hunger center of the brain, which can cause mild to severe nausea (a defense mechanism to prevent rapid food ingestion should a food source become readily available to a starving person, which can be fatal in a starving individual). Adaptations here are physiologically based in preserving body and brain function in a starved environment. As the brain requires copious amounts of energy, the body and brain reduce function. In a low/no-carb diet, it's clearly not to the same effect as a truly starved individual, but the adaptation can be similar, if not as complete.
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Thanks for the ketone explanation. Why do ketones dialate blood vessels exactly? Do you know of any literature on this?

One thing though, if you like a balanced diet, the food pyramid probably is not your best friend (though I guess that depends what food pyramid it is) but most food pyramids I've seen recommends about 60% carbs, which is not balanced, it is high carb. Balanced would be something like 33,33,33 or 30,40,30, etc, IMO.