Weight-Loss Eating question around workouts

if memory serves -that is the diary i posed the question in... and he promptly kicked me out
Confused about the right foods

yea im just starting to workout again and eat right,, i once did it before lost like 70 lbs,, but this time i wanna lose 30 lbs.. but im so confused to what to eat to lose weight ive lost the ability to know what the right foods are,, and i beat myself up about it but its ok because all i have is right now.. so my new workout plan is, about 20 or 30 mins on the treadmile everday, bike and yoga,, i need some advice on what kind of foods are good for energy, good mood, fighting the blues,, also BAD but i smoke god i need to stop that lol :cuss:.. um what else WATER oh gosh yea i need motivation to drink that,, lol im a person who loves soda or diet soda i heard somewhere that diet soda makes u eat,, also yea eating before or after workouts,,, i read somewhere that workingout then eating burns fat,, confusion here hahaha.. well yea people help me out also im new so i dont know what the hell im doing :newbie:
Spend some time reading the stickied threads - especially in nutrition - and you'll get an idea of what good foods are..

ell yea people help me out also im new so i dont know what the hell im doing
Learn then... Start reading... :)