Sport Eating for Abs - Opinions on my diet please

Sport Fitness
One of the main ingredients in getting a visible core: :)

Most of your time should be devoted to full body lifts like snatches, swings, lunges, deadlifts, squats, clean & presses, high pulls, and other compond lifts to burn the most calories, stimulate the greatest hormonal response, and promote the best "increase-potential" in your metabolic rate.

One of the major reasons why:

Most of these lifts call on the abs and other core muscles for stabilization, so your core are worked indirectly.

A solidly developed full-body routine is the "trick to getting a well developed body" with a developed core (using it "mostly" the way it was designed) instead of wasting so much time doing hundreds of crunches and sit-ups in which you simply don’t get that same stimulation; though I do reccommend training the core directly as well.

For those that do not have "weights" and cannot afford to get any, then one has to be inventive and perform a full body routine that involves body weight exercises, and using items around the house to serve your full-body approach.

Couple this with "mean and nasty" fat burning "based" diet and you will rocken..........and in the end.......have a big pleasant smile on your face.

This statement assumes one needs to lose some fat tissue (this the statement about the diet).

Best regards,

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not to me. sound strange. everyone has a stomach. abs are stomach.

I don't mean to be picky here but your abdomen is nothing like your abs. Your abdomen is the entire stomach cavity including your bowel. Your abs are you rectus abdominis which is a sheet of muscle on top of them. Saying that abs, abdomen and stomach are the same thing is like saying your brain is the same as your skull
Your stomach is an organ. Your abdominals (not to be confused with your abdomen, which is an entire system in your body) are a muscle. He wants to eat right for his abdominals to grow optimally. It's not confusing. I didn't think anyone on this forum to act like this. If I were the OP I would've told the people arguing about this to piss off by now. I found the OPs list of food more informative than any of the dribble that's come after it.
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Your stomach is an organ. Your abdominals (not to be confused with your abdomen, which is an entire system in your body) are a muscle. He wants to eat right for his abdominals to grow optimally. It's not confusing. I didn't think anyone on this forum to act like this. If I were the OP I would've told the people arguing about this to piss off by now. I found the OPs list of food more informative than any of the dribble that's come after it.

Thanks for posting your own gripe.
Your diet looks very clean. The only thing I would do, personally, is ditch the shrimp and lamb. I'd replace them with fish (tuna, halibut, tilapia, salmon, etc.) and lean beef and/or venison.

What's the thinking behind dropping the Lamb? It's the tastiest of meats :)
What's the thinking behind dropping the Lamb? It's the tastiest of meats :)
You're right, lamb is very tasty. ;)

I would personally drop it because most cuts are relatively high in fat, especially saturated fat, and lower in protein (when compared to lean beef, fish, chicken, and turkey). Not that it can't be enjoyed periodically - but I would advise against making it a staple food.