abs are Abs. doesn't matter. it's incorrect.
They're referring to the abdominal muscles. The context is easy to decipher.
abs are Abs. doesn't matter. it's incorrect.
not to me. sound strange. everyone has a stomach. abs are stomach.
Your stomach is an organ. Your abdominals (not to be confused with your abdomen, which is an entire system in your body) are a muscle. He wants to eat right for his abdominals to grow optimally. It's not confusing. I didn't think anyone on this forum to act like this. If I were the OP I would've told the people arguing about this to piss off by now. I found the OPs list of food more informative than any of the dribble that's come after it.
Your diet looks very clean. The only thing I would do, personally, is ditch the shrimp and lamb. I'd replace them with fish (tuna, halibut, tilapia, salmon, etc.) and lean beef and/or venison.
You're right, lamb is very tasty.What's the thinking behind dropping the Lamb? It's the tastiest of meats