Sport E-Partner Lottery Draft Picks

Sport Fitness
Evo, tic and then me!

I wanted to, but The Hat was too excited.

The hat seems to really like you, Dry.


Now up: Nicole's virtue. Err, I mean, Dry.

Focus, Drex was supposed to be my pick! Drex is gonna work your @$$ off and make you look slow, weak, and fat ... which is what I wanted!
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Since I have until 4:23am to choose, I'm going to go to the gym first. bwahahhaha!!!

And then I'm going to change Dry's name to Wet.
Focus, Drex was supposed to be my pick! Drex is gonna work your @$$ off and make you look slow, weak, and fat ... which is what I wanted!

But I already am working my ass off and looking slow, weak and fat...

Oh noes. Well if he'd prefer to work with you, perhaps a trade can be arranged? But it's gonna cost ya. :newangel:

Since I have until 4:23am to choose, I'm going to go to the gym first. bwahahhaha!!!

And then I'm going to change Dry's name to Wet.

Brb, going to buy a shirt that says Mrs. Evo. :luxlove: Don't worry mreik, I'll get one for you too.
I actually put some thought into this. It was a pretty tough choice since I really like Calcium and Jman is doing a similar program that I'm following. But I went back through the goals and I decided to pick Shayner since he wants a mentor to help him with WS4SB.

He's enthusiastic, and he can use a lot of helpful advice.

If you need another draftee, I'm in. The Aim/GT challenge will be over in about 3 weeks. It won't hurt me to have even more motivation to keep me going. Thanks, Greg

Goals/background: Weight loss, muscle gain. I've got a good base. I am really looking for the person who will continually motivate and challenge me to get up each day and exercise. I like to lift, stationary bike, road bike, mountain bike and have even tried short stints at running/jogging with even a possible 5K if I can keep my chit together for long enough. I am a dietitian and have done some bodybuilding in the past so if you think we'll make a good team, let's get it on!!!
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Tony, I know the entry time has expired, but with all the cancellations, I would strongly support allowing GT to enter the draft. I would have no qualms selecting him if he is still available with my late draft selection.
just because i`ve not posted in this threadc ...does not mean i`m not here ......pick me only if u can deal with a rat up youre as5 im contemplating asking FF and sara if they fancy a third
Didn't Kraken back out because he got busy with work?