Found this....
I seem to remember Derwyddon/Western Skye saying something about trypsin inhibitors a few years back which rang a bell in the gap between my ears
That's interesting, because a lot of vitamins get destroyed in high heat. So while the protein may become more readily absorbable, you might be losing out on other aspects. Not that I don't cook my food , but it's just a fact.
PS: You can definitely get Salmonella from eating eggs. I wasn't implying that because the disease comes from the shell, you can't contract it. I'm just saying that there's thought that if, for instance, you wash the shells, you may reduce the risk. And of course, if it's on the inside of the shell (haven't really researched this topic so I don't know much), then obviously you are still at high risk.
Oh, and another thing I wanted to add is that eating raw whites in large quantities can reduce your absorption of Biotin, so keep in the mind if you're going to be doing this frequently and in abundance. Avidin, a protein in egg whites, binds Biotin, but is denatured during cooking. Thus, the reaction occurs only in raw whites.