Sport Does water give you energy?

Sport Fitness
Hi, I was wondering if water gives you energy if you drink it before working out or playing hockey. Person one said it does not give you energy, person two said it does give you energy. I need an answer to resolve a bet, so basically an ultimate desicion, there HAS to be a winner.
Water does not give you energy. WATER is necessary/essential to life......but mind you water does not contribute energy or fuel to the body.
There are six (6) essential nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins & minerals and water. Only carbohydrates, protein, and fats contributes energy to the body.
Yeah, there's no energy in water. But if you're dehydrated you'll probably feel tired, which could then be resolved by drinking water, but that doesn't mean it contains any physical energy in the form of calories.
Lol. Water = 0 Carlories= calories = energy.

While dehydrating yourself might make you feel energyless being hydrated won't energize you, it'll just keep you ok. To get energy eat stuff with calories, preferable carbs if you want energy fast as fats take longer to digest.
i disagree, water is the second most important thing to the body.....what's first? oxygen. we can only live minutes without it. if this was not the case then we could live longer without water than food, but we all know that is not true. it's pretty simple, water is two parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen, if you understand simple biology you will know that when your put more oxygen into your blood and blood cells they in turn distribute oxygen throughout your body giving it energy. this is why foods that are green in color by nature are better for you, and you must understand that leafy green vegetables by nature are low calorie but provide a significant amount of oxygen(energy) to the body.
you need to look at the source of energy that you give your body, if it's not natural to the body then it's not doing it well. your body is an energy bank, you want to put more energy deposits in it, and take less withdrawls.
also, if you want to give yourself an added boost of energy, put a SMALL amount of baking soda in your water, less than a TSP per gallon. it's a natural electrolyte that is VERY easily absorbed by your body. if calories give you energy then everyone needs to be eating big macs and whoppers all day long.
Sorry, but I have to keep it real for everyone. To suggest that water provides oxygen for the body is incorrect. To suggest that you can fuel your body with water and baking soda is also incorrect. I don't mean to be disrespectful but these notions are pure rubbish. The only source of energy for the body are calories from protein, carbs & fats. I will agree that your body needs water and oxygen to convert calories to fuel but the water and oxygen provide no fuel/energy on their own.
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Scientifically, it should, because water is also made of energy, it's also a cleanser, the formula for drinking water is : amount of your weight, divided in half is the amount of fluid ounces you should be drinking--example if you weigh 100 pounds, so you should be drinking 50 fluid ounces. This does not include cokes, pepsi,but pure water. Also if you are taking medicines especially cholesterol meds it will TAKE energy away from you
Nope. As stated before, energy comes from calories. Period. Water does NOT provide energy becuase it has no calories to be used as fuel. Can we live without it? No. Should we drink a bunch of it? Yes. Does it provide energy? The answer is still no.
SXIPro nailed it. Water is one of the most essential ways to stay healthy but it will not, by any means give you energy. It helps with running all of your homeostatic mechanisms, it is necessary for all your cell function and metabolism of glucose, but it will NOT provide you energy.

How do i know? Not simply mouth to mouth, I study biology. Human Anatomy states that water cannot and will not provide energy to the human cell. ATP is the energy molecule, and ATP cannot be derived from water.
Water, as a substance, does not provide energy. However, the physiological processes of hydration help you sustain energy. I would then answer, yes, indirectly.

This is a good question.
Many people spend their days in a state of mild dehydration. Consuming far fewer fluids than they should. Water comprises approximately 60% of your body. It's basic for survival. If you're stranded on a deserted isle, find drinking water first.
Back to the mainland, enjoy the...

Skin is intricately tied to the overall health of your body. When your body is properly hydrated, you'll look better and feel better.
Nah water itself doesn't give you energy but stuff like Gatorade does due to the electrolytes within the drink itself.
Water as a form of matter have many uses, one of these is
to provide body fluid and to help regulate body temperature.Water can be considered the most important dietary constituent.A normal man or woman can live without food for 20 to 40 days, but without water humans die in four to seven days. Over 60 percent of human body weight is made up of water, of which approximately 61 percent is intracellular and the rest extracellular. Water intake, except under exceptional circumstances (e.g. intravenous feeding), comes from the food and fluids consumed. The amount consumed varies widely in individuals and may be influenced by climate, culture and other factors. Often as much as 1 litre is consumed in solid food, and 1 to 3 litres as fluids drunk. Water is also formed in the body as a result of oxidation of macronutrients, but the water thus obtained usually constitutes less than 10 percent of total water.
WATER is necessary/essential to life but mind you water does not contribute an energy to the body.
Wow, quite a debate got going there. Water primarily keeps human mechanisms functional and sustainable but does not provide the type of energy needed from foods. However, the point about energy from oxygen is also valid, but indirectly. They say that over 75% of our energy comes from the air we breathe, but technically oxygenation aids the blood cells synthesise the energy from food. If you improve oxygenation you also purify the blood that can result in feeling more energetic.

Long answer short....
No, water does not provide energy but it is still an essential component if you want more energy and vitality.
(paradoxical :))
Water is my favorite drink and for most of us :)
It not only provides me energy but also keep me alive lol