so one Saturday morning there is a knock at my door. I open it to find an AMAZING looking woman and she asks if I would like to watch a demo for some vacumm cleaner (probably kirby or rainbow, can't remember). I say sure and invite her in and watch the whole show knowing full well I will not be purchasing this expensive vacumm. This lady has the lowcut shirt on with the push up bra, skin tight pants and everything. Well my wife was upstairs sleeping the whole time and came down on the tail end. She was not very happy with me and stated "you know full well if that had been an ugly lady or a man you wouldn't have done the demo." I sat there dumbfounded and couldn't answer because no matter I said, I was already in trouble and didn't need to dig a bigger hole. Just thought I would share so none of you make the same mistakes I did
As for being pressured, I don't get bothered by it too much. It is there job. I will just politely let them know to leave me alone and if they hover over me, I will just leave and go to another store.