Does talking to sales persons make you uncomfortable?

I was talking to the dude at sleepys today and i told him how i wasn't interested in buying today. He wasn't "really" pressuring me but he still made me feel uncomfortable. I hate going into stores. I feel like I can be talked into anything with these guys. I find myself saying yeah yeah very true. Then I got to catch myself and say OK ENOUGH!!

It's almost as bad as talking to a really hot girl. Same uncomfortable feeling lol!!:love3:
Yeah, I hate the pressure too. They know what they are doing, they know friendly pressure makes you feel obligated to be friendly back. “And hey, what could be friendlier than them selling you something, you’re buds right?

If I know I’m going into a situation like that I make promises to myself, one that I won’t break. I went into a car dealer and got the full treatment and actually didn’t have a problem. I told the guy, “sorry I promised myself I was just looking today. I can’t break my promise.” What is he going to try to convince me that I should go back on my word?

It gave me power knowing the decision for the day had already been made before walking in to the place. The was no pressure no matter how hard he tried.

When my wife goes into a situation like that I tell her to blame me if she needed to say no to a sales person. “Sorry hubby is a jerk and is making me wait till next month..yada yada yada….

I’ve gotten brutal on the phone to sales people. Just get loud and drown them out with “No Thanks”. Some just keep talking and I take it as a challenge so I turn it up till I totally disrupt them. Yeah, they need a job, but if they are going to try and railroad me I’m going to give it right back. Some guy the other day was trying to sell me new chemicals for my septic tank “because the soap companies are adding more chemicals to their soap due to the higher rates that germs are breading nowadays.”
i'd buy whatever she told me to

Thats exactly what I was gonna type, I figured id let you say it first. :)
Hey, sales people gotta feed their fams also. Cheesy as they are. Car salesmen are the worst though. Their like telemarketers that wont let ya go til ya hang up on them.

Sorry....I just have to laugh at this....I *was* in retail for 20 years....from sales on the floor to manager.....and Johnny is's an art....:D

But it is also something you can take control of. As soon as they approach you simply say. "I'm just looking, but if I need anything I will ask...." They may reel a bit more at you, (mostly because they are *expected* to give you information) but then you just let them go.

With some you have to be more "curt" than with others, but just like in any situation, *you* have to be in control....believe me I know. I have sold people everything from a $3 baby gap T-shirt to $2000. men's designer jacket.

It's an
Now how would you react if the salesperson were a hot chick ?

so one Saturday morning there is a knock at my door. I open it to find an AMAZING looking woman and she asks if I would like to watch a demo for some vacumm cleaner (probably kirby or rainbow, can't remember). I say sure and invite her in and watch the whole show knowing full well I will not be purchasing this expensive vacumm. This lady has the lowcut shirt on with the push up bra, skin tight pants and everything. Well my wife was upstairs sleeping the whole time and came down on the tail end. She was not very happy with me and stated "you know full well if that had been an ugly lady or a man you wouldn't have done the demo." I sat there dumbfounded and couldn't answer because no matter I said, I was already in trouble and didn't need to dig a bigger hole. Just thought I would share so none of you make the same mistakes I did

As for being pressured, I don't get bothered by it too much. It is there job. I will just politely let them know to leave me alone and if they hover over me, I will just leave and go to another store.

Sorry....I just have to laugh at this....I *was* in retail for 20 years....from sales on the floor to manager.....and Johnny is's an art....:D

But it is also something you can take control of. As soon as they approach you simply say. "I'm just looking, but if I need anything I will ask...." They may reel a bit more at you, (mostly because they are *expected* to give you information) but then you just let them go.

With some you have to be more "curt" than with others, but just like in any situation, *you* have to be in control....believe me I know. I have sold people everything from a $3 baby gap T-shirt to $2000. men's designer jacket.

It's an

Exactly, and not just an art but also what they are trained to do if they wanna keep their job. They got supervisors watchin over em aswell makin sure they are pushin the sale.

Avraham- my point exactly !
Exactly, and not just an art but also what they are trained to do if they wanna keep their job. They got supervisors watchin over em aswell makin sure they are pushin the sale.

Avraham- my point exactly !

yeah and mattress salesmen make good commission. this guy was retarded tho. (sry if that offends anyone) I told him twice i was 220 lbs. he recommended "luxury firm" for me. so after a while i go, so what made you pick luxury firm for me, my size? he goes yeah, you're about 5' 7" 240 lbs?

i got actually i'm 5'10" 220 lbs.....hahahaha it was hilarious
yeah and mattress salesmen make good commission. this guy was retarded tho. (sry if that offends anyone) I told him twice i was 220 lbs. he recommended "luxury firm" for me. so after a while i go, so what made you pick luxury firm for me, my size? he goes yeah, you're about 5' 7" 240 lbs?

i got actually i'm 5'10" 220 lbs.....hahahaha it was hilarious

That dude broke rule no1 in personal usage sales, never guess a persons weight, cuz if your over like he was, bye bye sale and commision. Thats a good story though.
so one Saturday morning there is a knock at my door. I open it to find an AMAZING looking woman and she asks if I would like to watch a demo for some vacumm cleaner (probably kirby or rainbow, can't remember). I say sure and invite her in and watch the whole show knowing full well I will not be purchasing this expensive vacumm. This lady has the lowcut shirt on with the push up bra, skin tight pants and everything. Well my wife was upstairs sleeping the whole time and came down on the tail end. She was not very happy with me and stated "you know full well if that had been an ugly lady or a man you wouldn't have done the demo." I sat there dumbfounded and couldn't answer because no matter I said, I was already in trouble and didn't need to dig a bigger hole. Just thought I would share so none of you make the same mistakes I did

As for being pressured, I don't get bothered by it too much. It is there job. I will just politely let them know to leave me alone and if they hover over me, I will just leave and go to another store.

Oh, you were :D

and that is why I have a big a$$ 7ft gate that encloses my 6ft fenced in property....and some no solicitors......I don't like being bothered at my home........
Exactly, and not just an art but also what they are trained to do if they wanna keep their job. They got supervisors watchin over em aswell makin sure they are pushin the sale.

Avraham- my point exactly !

yeah that's exactly it. It's their job. Different retailers have different ways of approaching how they deal with customers. But the bottom line is: Sell.
The ones that come to the door I ask right away if they are hiring.

The rest I view as crooks. I'm an asshole when it comes to buying big ticket items. I know how they are trained and I can usually beat them at their game. Both of my car payments for 2 newer cars are each under 230 bucks a month. I drive a hard bargain. LOL
beat them at their game.

That's the way to look at it! don't take it personal.

My wife and I bought a car and had to do the sit around thing as paperwork was getting done. We sat and watched this sale guy pushing a the facial expressions he was making it was just too funny.

I know there are sales people here that make their living that way. I couldn't do it. It is an art.

NLL I'd buy anything from you I bet.:luxlove:lol

Avraham:laughing2: busted!!
NLL I'd buy anything from you I bet.:luxlove:lol

Avraham:laughing2: busted!!

All I can say is that I was in my early 20' young and dumb.

Back to the OT...There is really only one super frustrating thing with certain sales folks. These are the people that call me at work trying to get the company I work for to puchase something. We indicate that we aren't interested and to get back to us in 6 months to a year. The following week I started receiving snail mail notifications from them about their product and they follow up every 2 to 3 weeks. That turns me and the company off from purchasing from them in the future. They waste so much money on postage it isn't funny mailing me flyers that I put strait into the shred bins. I understand the company I work for is large and would be a nice sized account, but they are burning bridges rather then building them.
All I can say is that I was in my early 20' young and dumb.

Back to the OT...There is really only one super frustrating thing with certain sales folks. These are the people that call me at work trying to get the company I work for to puchase something. We indicate that we aren't interested and to get back to us in 6 months to a year. The following week I started receiving snail mail notifications from them about their product and they follow up every 2 to 3 weeks. That turns me and the company off from purchasing from them in the future. They waste so much money on postage it isn't funny mailing me flyers that I put strait into the shred bins. I understand the company I work for is large and would be a nice sized account, but they are burning bridges rather then building them.

My father in-law gets stuff mailed to him with the return envelope prepaid. He stuffs everything back into it and sends it back to them on their .43 cents. (.43 is that right or has it gone up?)