Do You Own Any Pets?

2 Nubian goats Peter and Neal-
I got them to keep my son's FFA steer company as he was very lonely-
I hesitate to call the steer (his name is Hugh Laurie) a pet as he
is destined to be dinner at some point.

My son and I had to put down our beloved old dog Otis in May (the day before my son graduated high school) we had adopted him when my son was in the first grade.
I have been looking for a special dog to take his place ( he was an Bassett/ Aussie --On his mom's side and his dad was an unknown-- he looked like a giant beagle on steriods with a tail that arched over his back) his personality was very much hound-- he "talked" a lot and liked to follow his nose.
I have been to our local pound and all we seem to get are pitbulls and pitbull mixes, this is breed I am not fond of.
My roommate has a cat, mixi. its black and white and I hate it.

My parents have a dog I consider mine. Roxi is a border collie (mother) and german shepard mix (that was a guess from the people at the shelter we got her from). She is the most affectionate dog, to my family. She hates strangers. I need to get some pictures.