Do you like my new avatar?

Damn, she did come a long way. Let's just be glad she still sticks around us losers. :yelrotflmao:
Hahaha come on if you achieved what I did you'd be acting the same way!

I'm on my way, I have my training bra now but until the final op I'll never quite have your figure I'm afraid

p.s. Yeah, glute progress pics are the only way to see how far you've come ;)

I'll do you a deal, you post your ass in the Butts thread in the ongoing lounge trheads and I'll post mine :D
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i guess this avatar is not the one that was first up there.

No, sir. This one is a side angle, in what looks like but is probably not a corset. It makes the cleavage go BOMP, and presents a not so flattering view of her face. The tiara is lovely, though.

Also, our little would-be vixen looks better in black. She was wearing white before, I think.
you look ok for a fat lass:)