Do you like my new avatar?

Yes!!! You look great! Nice pic.........:beerchug:
Yeah, we like. But you already knew that, huh? :D

You're damn right she did. But hey, all the power to her. I have mucho respecto for any girl, ridiculously good looking or not, who puts her ironclad boots to the rear of fattydom for to the making of great lusciousness.

BOW DOWN, MAGGOTS. :luxlove:
I don't get it.

I said to bow down, and you did more of a, "Yeah, whatever." The practice thing was just me ragging on your relationship with your dad again (or rather, the hilarious and so-ripe-for-mocking implications that arise as possible interpretations of some of the things you wrote and the manner in which you wrote them).

P.S. If it helps, try to visualize some alternative reasons one might employ a "bowing" motion.
I think you'd rather her have a beard and a deep voice.

Your attempt to stick up for your E-girlfriend is quite amusing. Nice try though. You're obviously upset at my for some reason.


But seriously though, yes everypennyspent, you're hot...Which i'm sure is the reaction you were after ;).
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but if you could post a larger pic it would be much better..
Don't worry, she's not exactly shy about posting pictures of herself. I think she's got a 'look at how attractive I am thread somewhere

Edit: Here it is