Weight-Loss do you cheat?

Well, it's not a matter of me "letting or allowing" him to drink, I tell him he cannot drink or smoke when he's 21 or 41 or 101 e.t.c. I think the point I am trying to make here Christina is that it is my wish that both my boys lead healthy lifestyles and I am going to try for as long as I am breathing to move heaven and earth to make that happen BUT, this is only "my" wish, it is not theirs, no, my son has never really expressed interest in wanting to drink and to answer your question directly, suppose any one of them should start drinking and smoking, I will try my best to help them get away from it but if I can't then I will have no choice but to accept it, I am not going to estrange myself from my boys just becuase they should take up either smoking or drinking or both.

With my older son, I have to be very worried because he is a Football player, next year when he goes to College and gets into all of the partying, Alcohol, smoking, women e.t.c that is associated with Football teams in particular, I don't know how he is going to handle the pressure especially since he is a QB and therefore will be one of the more "popular" players. The only thing I can do is to keep pounding good values and healthy lifestyles into his head whenever I see him and HOPE that he will stay on the straight and narrow.

Congrats on you giving up smoking that long ago and staying with it! Yes, Volleyball IS a sport and as a teen I used to love watching "girls" volleyball, you know, the loooooong legs! :), also because one of my friends was on the Men's volleyball team which is how I got introduced to it by going to watch him play. Whether it off-roading or camping fishing or whatever, I think anything that one gets involved in that is outside the norm will be a distraction to their regular lifestyle and will "help" steer them away from the vices, it doesn't neccesarily have to be sports, with my wife, as an example, she is a pc addict and spends a lot of time on her pc inside of the home so she does not sit around with us all evening long on a Saturday, she will come and go periodically so this prevents her from indulging in too much eating and drinking. I myself love camping and Fishing and do those with my kids whenever we get the chance, all of this helps.
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Something my ex would do to help him consume less beer was to keep a glass/mug in the fridge to get it all nice and frosty.....but then he started to add ice to it.....of course it ended up being water down beer but in the end he didnt drink as much......I do that with my wine sometimes so I dont get drunk as fast....I know it looks nerdy having ice in your wine.....but while everyone is stripping their clothes off, laying face down in the dirt...or making out with the family dog.....i'm just sitting back thinking..." Damn look at all these drunks...lol.."
kccruz said:
but while everyone is stripping their clothes off, laying face down in the dirt...or making out with the family dog.....i'm just sitting back thinking..." Damn look at all these drunks...lol.."

KcCruz, you've made my day, I can't stop laughing, I have to ask, just '"where" do you live? I have to move there, except for the fam dog part! :) Thanks for the tip on the frosty mug but ever since my friend had told me about this I started looking into the frosty mugs to decrease the amount of Beer I consume on Saturday evenings, the problem I found with the frosty mugs is that each mug would only last 60 minutes or so, so you would need a "few" of these which will take up a lot of space in your freezer so I set out to find some other alternative and stumbled upon the "Glacier" mugs which would keep your drinks cold [down to 40 degrees] for twice as long and you only freeze the "inserts" of these special mugs which would take up less physical space as the Frosty mugs and you will only need 1/2 as many refills as you will need mugs.

I don't remember the address off the top of my head but if anyone is interested, just say the word, I could take a look and post the link here, it cost me only $25 total [including shipping] for the mug and 2 refills.

Thanks for the "cool dad" vote Christina, yeah, me and my boys have a great relationship, thank god, even though they are a handful [like I was] and I have to keep disciplining them on a regular basis but my kids are my life!
KcCruz, so sorry, I think I misunderstood your post, after re-reading it, I am seeing now that your post also was giving me the tip of adding "ice" to the drink to cause you to drink less, THANKS, will try that also!

For anyone interested, here is the link to the Glacier mug I mentioned, my mistake though, it cools down to 34 degrees and not 40 as my last post mentioned.
I am the worst when it comes to cheating with food! Once I see something (like a burger commercial or cheesecake in the fridge) I CANNOT stop thinking about it until I have it, have devoured it and maybe a few other things....then I just feel like crap and it's like the whole day was a wasted effort because of the one little ( or gigantic) F***Up. Ugh. Don't you wish the more you ate the skinnier you got. That would be wonderful. Why is it we have to eat only in moderation, but eating is just soooooooo good!??
Well, I decided to make the switch right now rather than later, so I am saying goodbye to "Beers". Doctors recommend that if one has to drink then "red" wine would be the best choice and is good for the Heart and at 21 calories per oz, that means a lot less calories for me so I will start using that on Saturdays from now on and I will use ice so I will not consume too much of it. Can anyone recommend a good Red wine that is affordable and healthy?
Personaly I stick to drinking cheap white and blush wines...lol....so I cant help you with the red....
I have about 3 bottles in our wine rack and one in the fridge...I like to use for cooking. As a matter of fact I am thinking about starting to drink half a glass everynight with my dinner.
I think once you lay off the beers...you will find your stomach start to really shrink!!!!!
Here's what my research has shown so far and this is a great link on alcohol and Heart relations especially the "red" wine issue.


To sum up everything, poeple have to drink alcohol "moderately" [1/2 to 1 drink for women and 1-2 drinks for men per day, not fair, huh ladies?].The chemical component in the skin of red grapes that appears to have some benefit heart-wise is the antioxidant known as resveratrol so that is why "red" wine is of benefit to the heart as opposed to white wine or other alcoholic beverages. Grapes and red wine [alcohol] have higher calories so may not be the wisest choice for weight-watching purposes but are heart healthy foods, same as with dry roasted peanuts. What this means, for me at least, is that I will add the red grapes as part of a daily regimen the same way I have been doing with Dry Roasted peanuts and will simply count the calories as I have been doing with the rest of my food intake. So I may have to cut back somewhere else to include the red grapes and red wine, either way, I am already sold on those 2.

The thing I have to find out is, Researchers recommend 1-2 glasses of Red wine per day so does this mean I can have 14 glasses on a Saturday evening and still get the same benefits? ;) Also, just how much is a glass? When I see people [mainly the "socialites" drinking wine on TV or in movies, they pour to maybe 1/5 of the glass and "sip" that a few times, to me, a "glass" of wine suggests a "full" glass? :confused: I am guessing now that in the same way, I have had to learn portion control when eating food, I will have to learn to sip when drinking wine as opposed to "guzzling" down Beer for so many years!
I'll drink to that!....lol....They say white wine is suppose to go with fish and pasta...and red wine goes with red meat......something about how it helps you get the full flavor of the wine.....Ahhh hell give me a bottle of boones and I will drink it with anything!!!!......Jk..I am not a lush!!!!.....
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Potatoes are bad?

I'm pretty new to this healthy eating thing, so there are still a lot of things i dont know. I read that a lot of people put down potatoes for their cheating food. Are potatoes really that bad? I thought they were healthy so I was eating one small red potato with my dinner at least 3 times a week.
More beer talk!

Because, really... is there anything else worth talking about?

But seriously-- Mike, you may already know this but if you don't, perhaps you can add it to your stash of motivating info to help keep you on track with the positive choices you are making.

So, besides containing alot of calories, beer also contains hops. Hops is a phyto-estrogen. The plant world's equivalent of the female hormone estrogen. In women, one of estrogen's roles is to make sure we are adequately "padded" for childbirth, nursing, etc. It has the same effect on men, but men generally don't carry weight in their hips and thighs like women do-- they carry it around their middles. Hence the "beer-belly". That's one reason beer loving males have such a hard time slimming down. Or, so says my botany teacher.

I think a glass of wine is 4 oz. Congratulations on all of your progress so far!
Bad potato, bad!

I don't know if "bad" is the right word. How about "diet-sabotaging root vegetable from hell"? :) From what I understand, the deal with potaoes is that they pack a high carbohydrate/glycemic index (read: fat producing) punch while providing relatively little nutritional value. I've heard that sweet potatoes are your best bet. But, eat sparingly. Many people advise against eating them at all while trying to lose weight. They are good though, aren't they?

Good luck!
Thanks but I am not sure I have gotten rid of the Beer as of yet. The good news is the weight is coming off with my current eating habits and portions so the Beer on a Saturday is not really that much of an issue but I still wish to cut all the way down to just a few or sometimes a glass or 2 of wine until I may eventually give it all up. My wife bought 2 different bottles of wine for me to try on Saturday, I tried the "Dry" wine and found out afterwards why they call it dry but the wine was so strong [12% alcohol] that I had to take a sip every 1/2 hour or so, I probably drank a 1/4 bottle or so by the end of the evening and this was purposely drinking it with lots of ice.
2 problems with this on the first try, one, I felt kind of "drugged' all day sipping that wine and two, I have to change up my routine now becuase of it. With the Beer, I would sit down while taking a break in between my regular duties, listen to some tunes and relax, when the Beer is finished I would go back to my regular until next break. With the wine, now I don't have anything to do in between sips, my wife said that this is totally different now as taking 8 or more mouthfuls of Beer in a 1/2 hour period was what was occupying my time, since I can't do this same constant movement with the wine, I will have to adjust something.
So I will have to come up with a better solution somehow, just wanted to share my experiences with you guys.
Papa Ginos pizza and Friendlys Reeces Peices Sundae....must stem from childhood. If I've not had one (of either) in a long time, I'll literally have dreams about them. I probably go for each once every few months (and not in the month!).