Weight-Loss Diet Sodas



New member
I've been trying hard to wean my way off soda and have switched to diet....does anyone know if this is bad / worse than regular soda?

also, check out this new site www.traineo.com....I've just signed up and its an awesome motivator....check out my private page Link Removed
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Hi srh,

When I first started losing weight, I did a lot of searching on diet soda and came to the belief that it is *way* worse then regular soda.

So I switched from unleaded to the leaded varieties - but since I count calories, I rarely wanted to devote 250 calories to liquid. I now drink water exclusively.

What I found was that in studies, people who drank diet soda did not lose as much weight as people who didn't drink it. Apparently, diet sodas mess with your ability to know when you're full.

My body REALLy needs to know when it's full in order to stop eating so much ;)

Google diet sodas and health and see what you come up with.
well diet soda is what I live on....I love it. It makes me feel full and it also taste really good to me. vut my mom says that studies say it does not work for weight loss, but it has worked so far for me
thanks for the advice....does that mean all of those diet water drinks...propel etc are worse for you than water too?
Well, when I was drinking soda I figured I would switch to diet and lose weight. Then I noticed I was always hungry so I think the artifical sweeteners gives your body mixed signals. For me it just sort of fed the sweet tooth.......
Yeah thats what I figured....my plan is to try and slowly stop diet soda.....I guess h20 is best. its not going to be easy.
I posted the following in a thread on 02 August:

Diet Soda Drinkers Gain Weight
Overweight Risk Soars 41 Percent With Each Daily Can Of Diet Soda
Fowler's team looked at seven to eight years of data on 1,550 Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white Americans aged 25 to 64. Of the 622 study participants who were of normal weight at the beginning of the study, about a third became overweight or obese.

For regular soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:

* 26 percent for up to 1/2 can each day

* 30.4 percent for 1/2 to one can each day

* 32.8 percent for 1 to 2 cans each day

* 47.2 percent for more than 2 cans each day.

For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:

* 36.5 percent for up to 1/2 can each day

* 37.5 percent for 1/2 to one can each day

* 54.5 percent for 1 to 2 cans each day

* 57.1 percent for more than 2 cans each day.

For each can of diet soft drink consumed each day, a person's risk of obesity went up 41 percent.
I cut myself off of all soda because whether it was diet or not I still retained water and it showed in my stomach and it made me want to a) keep drinking more of it and b) hungrier for sweets. Plus drinking soda over the years has completely done a number on my teeth.

~ Sara Maria ~
When I drink diet soda, I tend to crave junk food more. I think the artificial sweeteners do send mixed signals to our bodies. Water works best for me.
I have a can of diet soda a day, sometimes two....still losing

But I still drink alot of water too, and it still beats slugging down
4 or 5 cans of Classic Coke a day like I used to :eek:
Diet soda

I know that they have 0 calories, but how much better of an alternative are they compared to soda? I read somewhere that artifical sweetners stimulates insulin production in the body or something like that(I forgot the whole technical aspects of it). Which in turns, isnt as really that much benifical when compared to soda.

any truth to it?
I switched from normal soda to diet ages ago solely because of how terrible soda is for your teeth. But it turns out diet soda is also awful in that respect as it is acidic.

My opinion is-if you are going to have one choose diet as normal is chocked full of calories but in general STAY AWAY from them all together. Just don't get them when you are at the supermarket, that solves most of the temptation issues
I switched to diet, hasn't hurt my weight loss at all. Infact, I think it helped it quite a bit.

But then again, I also still drink mostly water.
I think it's okay to drink diet soda in moderation. I learned the hard way. I drank a 2 liter bottle of diet soda 1 day and I had the worse stomach ache. Not good to drink too much especially if you eat little. I drink it as a treat or when I have a sugary snack or chips. About 3-4 times a week I have a can or bottle. It hasn't hurt me and I think it's just as good as a regular soda but without the calories. If you are sensitive to it and it causes you to eat more you should drink it less. Water is still my number one drink.
I've been trying hard to wean my way off soda and have switched to diet....does anyone know if this is bad / worse than regular soda?

also, check out this new site www.traineo.com....I've just signed up and its an awesome motivator....check out my private page Link Removed

The will power is indeed crucial here for diet process. If u wanna lose weight, you should start by cutting off any drink except water and some kind of juice ( unsweetened fruit or veggie juice would do good )

Diet soda only makes it worse...

Water is the best and u should drink that a lot like you're stranded in the desert...
I quit diet soda long ago after doing a bit more research about aspartame it actually contains a component that's making you crave for more carbohydrates. i actually wrote a report about it...just PM me if you want a direct download link...i'm not so sure if I can post the link here :)