Sport Diet/Nutrition Advice

Sport Fitness
Hi guys,

I'm am shortly gonna be changing alot of things in order to lose weight, and im after a new diet, i don't mean a special diet i just want a healthy plan that will fit in and work well in conjunction with a new exercise plan over the course of at least 3 months.

Exercise wise, I will be doing about 30-45 mins cross trainer every morning and then 30mins swimming every other night and messing about with dumbells for weight training whenever i get a chance, and hopefully a fairly active daytime job as well.

My current weight is 106kg at 6ft 4', I wanna get down to about 95kg for starters. This makes my recommended calories at my current weight:
BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x 233.6 ) + ( 12.7 x 76.8) - ( 6.8 x 21 )
BMR ~ 2344 * 1.6 (activity level) ~= 3750

Now from what i understand i should take 20% off that which leaves me with 3000, this still seems really high to me, generally speaking i eat about 1800 calories a day (when im being healthy!), but thats with very limited exercise.

So if i wanna lose ~10kg (hopefully much more, so im at a healthy weight) over 3-4 months with the exercise plan i outlined above, what should i be eating?

My current diet looks like this:

Breakfast: Organic Museli + Semiskimmed Milk, Apple + Cranberry Juice
Lunch: Bananna + Sandwich (ham/chicken/etc)
Dinner: (either) (all stirfrys with olive oil)
- Wholemeal Pasta + Sauce
- Wholemeal Pasta + Tuna + Peas + white sauce
- Stirfry of fresh veg + prawns + soy sauce
- Grilled or Baked Salmon fillet + stirfry veg
- Grilled Chicken fillet + stirfry veg.

Can someone please give me some advice on what needs changing, I hear alot of people mentioning 6 meals a day should I be doing this? If so any example menu plans, as you probably guessed my cooking menu is pretty limited :p.

Thanks very much for any advice
yeah, see if eating 3,000 calories per day makes you lose weight over a week time period or so. If it does, great, if it doesn't, you have to lower calories or exercise more.

You should definitely try to eat more than 3 meals per day and try to get protein at every meal. Try to eat every 3 hours or so.

Those are just some of the basics.
A health eating plan, thats excellent thinking Jack

- YOU DONT NEED TO EAT PROTEIN EVERY MEAL, that is the most rediculous thing i keep on hearing.

In terms of exercise and eating, here are some links that might help you.
wwoooohh now 1800 cals a day, if you do the activity you just mentioned for starters your gonna have to bump that up to 3000 cals a day (HAVE TOO ASAP) it might seem to high but, eating 3000 gives you a750 deficit, there are 3500 cals in a lb so that would be 1.5lbs a week thats a great rate and what you want. because you are new you may be able to get away with a little more but it will have drastic long run effects. eating to little is just as bad as eating to much because your body will slow its bmr down to catch up w/ u and store every bit of fat it gets if you dont get enough cals. I would also suggest some sort of cylcing diet in which you bounce back up to mantenance 1/2 times a week to trick your body into keeping up your bmr. now for your diet
a good rule of thumb is to get a protien in at every meal you seem to be doin this well, some people like to alt complex carb w/ essential fats like peanut butter or tuna, or complex carb and protein at every meal. I think this depends on the person.
1.) gram of protein per lb body weight
2.)eat 5/6 meals aday this is very important also to keep your bmr up, biggest meal at breakfast smaller at dinner time
cut out that juice and have water w/ a piece of fruit, cut out the ham, idk what the white sauce is but normally any creamy sauces arent good for you (ex alfredo) as for more tips look at the stickies in the nutrition section. Your not eating that bad I see alot of lean protein/complex carb choices just split it up into 6 meals a day. Oh one last note bmr x 1.6 seems low check the harris benedict eq it seems like u should multiply that by 1.725 if not 1.9 and dont slack on the weight training ud be better off with more lifitng and a little less cardio then all cardio. hope this helps
Hmm, still not sure. Everything i've and read from T-nation to any other fitness site is to eat small meals every 3 hours.

I do suppose its better to eat 6-7 smaller meals a day since it would be quite difficult to get your bodyweight in protein in 2-3 meals..
Hmm, still not sure. Everything i've and read from T-nation to any other fitness site is to eat small meals every 3 hours.

I do suppose its better to eat 6-7 smaller meals a day since it would be quite difficult to get your bodyweight in protein in 2-3 meals..

plus..... if you are trying to gain muscle or lose fat you want to give your body a steady flow of amino acids!
no it aint.

Eating frequent meals and thinking it increases metabolism (BMR) IS A MYTH.

Frequent meals "play a functional role" in ones diet and fitness, but little (if any) influence on metabolism.

The ULTIMATE KING and MASTER of "Influence" of improving metabolism are:

Calorie Manipulation and Exercise Manipulation.

The study of metabolism is a complex subject matter, but I agree frequent meals do not influence it much--per studies I have read.

Best wishes,

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In my opinion, "most" misunderstand the importance of Manipulating Calories and Manipulating Exercise and the importance "these two function in metabolism", and "think" frequent meals is the "key" to improving metabolism, when in fact frequent meals (while having an important "role" in ones diet and fitness) have minimal impact (if any) influence on metabolism.

A person's metabolism is a rather "heavily complicated process", but a lot of dust seems to settle on calorie (energy) and exercise manipulation.

Additionally, some underestimate the absolute power of the bodies adapting abilities to calories, exercise, and in what we do overall.

In brief, I have surrounded my own diet and fitness structure with the above in mind.

I have lost a lot of weight over time (and improved my muscle mass), by varying my deficits, eating at MT-Line (adding in an additional exercise to draw the deficit), and eating "over" my approximated MT-Line on regular scheduled intervals.

While I understand that the "efficiency" of the biological processes of the body can vary from person to person, and though we are basically the same, we do not all function the same, some just "miss the boat" on what their individual history is telling them--and "how" to use the knowledge of diet and fitness--to their individual history.

I dont know how many posts I have made (and others have made on the forum) on the importance of calorie manipulation and manipulating exercise to ones advantage. The myth of frequent meals (among regular members) should have been long gone by now, with the understanding that frequent meals can play an important function (like within pre and post workout meals, staving off hunger, etc). Of course I am not "undermining" the importance of frequent meals, but when it comes to metabolism its not an invigorating factor. There "are" alot of information on the "net" stipulating that frequent meals stimulate the metabolism, until other fact based data comes to surface, ignore it IMO, and use the other information that is associated with frequent meals to your advantage.

Best regards,

actually im still not convinced at all but im glad that you actually looked at reputable sources to further your argument.
1.) 2 out of the 3 papers you posted are worthless because they didnt have any review, Im premed so I frequently use pubmed. Without a review the results are 50% of the time worthless most experiments miss dependent variables or have trouble finding the correct procedure/statistical analyses and anyone can do an experiment and obtain results but proving them is a much different story.
2.) the2nd paper and the review ive read myself and own both full articles because i thought they were interesting, the variables manipulated in the experiment arent quite on task w/ the subject
-such as obesity, several of the people in the study were found to have diabetes type II which completely negates any substantial findings in regard to metabolic rate because insulin receptors are tyrosine kinases. When the kinase cascade is interefered with the 2nd messenger amplification is also interfered with and in sum this makes the metabolic rate untestable because we still havent found away to quantify hydrophilic cellular membrane interactions. an we both know that eating smaller frequent meals has nothing to do with weight gain or weight loss anyway!!!!
Let me fully explain my first post. What I meant was that by eating smaller frequent meals you can further boost your metabolic rate up to full potential nothing can counter act the laws of thermodynamics, but the idea is pretty simple once you've entered the postabsorptive phase glucagon-->glycogen phosphorylase-->glycogen breakdown, by eating frequently we stay in the absorptive phase-->glycogen synthase-->higher insulin to glucagon/cortisol ratio.
I guess I can't prove anything, but it seems that if you would only eat one meal per day compared to 7 it MUST be better for your metabolism... ya know?

I mean, eating 7 meals might not speed it up, but eating just 1 might slow it down....... what do you think?

But that's just my logic, can't prove a damn thing.
thats basically my entire point and I 100% agree if your just tryin to maintain its not an issue but if your bulking you need to hold on to all your muscle or glycogen and if your dieting its most important because your body will try to compensate for those reduced cals by lowering your bmr, by eating more frequently you can trick your body to some extent.
Your very mislead to believe that you need constant meals to keep your amino acids flowing. wow that is so wrong.