Sport Diet Help / Advice

Sport Fitness
I'll go ahead and knock out the other question that has been floating around.

I have read that Vitamin C with bioflavinoids is good. What are bioflaviniods? Are they mixed with anyother vitamins or just C?

BioFlavinoids (vitamin P) aid in the absorption of C and protect C from Oxidation. There for in a way they are indirectly/directly involved in the process of maintaining/building collagen as well as they help strengthen the "Capillaries. I have as well read about them being used as Antibiotics.

In conclusion, their main function is to aid C as well as some arterial benefiting properties among many other things that i do not remember:p .
The LD50 (the dose that will kill 50% of a population) is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams per kilogram. This means that for a 60 kilo (132 pound) human, one would need to administer 714,000 mg (714 g or 1.6 pounds) of vitamin C in order to to stand a 50% chance of killing the person. However, vitamin C cannot result in death when taken orally as large amounts of the vitamin cause diarrhea and are not absorbed.

I found that somewhere... Does that sound "in the ball park".

So basically as long as you train your body you can build up to as much as you can handel? Are there any other cons besides diarrhea? As for pros, will loading op on as much as you can handel be more benificial? Is there any amount that is "good enough"?
The LD50 (the dose that will kill 50% of a population) is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams per kilogram. This means that for a 60 kilo (132 pound) human, one would need to administer 714,000 mg (714 g or 1.6 pounds) of vitamin C in order to to stand a 50% chance of killing the person. However, vitamin C cannot result in death when taken orally as large amounts of the vitamin cause diarrhea and are not absorbed.

I found that somewhere... Does that sound "in the ball park".

So basically as long as you train your body you can build up to as much as you can handel? Are there any other cons besides diarrhea? As for pros, will loading op on as much as you can handel be more benificial? Is there any amount that is "good enough"?

Lol funny little paste.

Uhh nausia and burning pee are also known symptoms of C toxicity but you really do not need to worry about these as you will not be taking dosages high enough for them.

Good enough? Yeah studies show that 5 to 10 grams a day is the point of which we reap the benefits such as reduced inflammation, better immune system and anti-oxidant protection.
Start off with 1gram per dose for a week then week two move to 2 grams per dose.
If you want to take it more then once a day (which it works best that way). Then make sure to keep 3 or 4 hours in between doses. This will make sure to prevent any possible toxicity(its just bothersome not really harmful).

When you start feeling sick, increase the dosage some.