Weight-Loss Diet Coke...

Yea, that's what I though at first, but even a pot of coffee is nothing compared to a coke for me, lol, I'm just weird I guess.
i um and ah over this all the time. for me, coke zero is a GREAT appetite suppressant. if i'm hungry, and have eaten not long ago, one of these will tide me over for like 2 hours. but it s wreaked absolute HAVOC on my teeth. had one extracted last thursday, due for two fillings in 2 days. then a possible root canal. plus 8 fillings to go. thats on top of my bludy 4 widsom teeth coming out. i have friends that have lost like all their teeth. i'm 23 btw. it sucks. so i'm keeping to weekends only. and always through a straw, so it doesn't hit my teeth!!
Man... this debate is just so 90's...

No you will not die from artificial sweeteners, the great cancer scare of the early 90's forgot to mention to the general population that you need to eat something resembling 10kg of sugar (just as artificial sweetener) to have it actually be dangerous, now I can make a damn long list of healthy things that you'll get sick from eating 10kgs of.

I'm too tired to bother posting links and actually pubmed'ing this right now but if the ignorance gets to the grass fed beef level I guess we'll have to.

Suffice to say jericho is spot on and to the dental thing, it has to do with acid in soft drinks, not artificial sweeteners, I have personally over 4 years had about 4 liters of cola light, pepsi max etc. per day and I have had zero holes or other problems with my teeth ever, and yes, anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all :)
I personally refuse to buy into all the medical hype about anything. They always seem to change their findings within a year or two. I know my body, so I do/eat what makes me feel good.
I enjoy Cherry Coke Zero. I feel as though it helps curb my appetite. I use to drink regular sodas way too much. Going to a diet soda at least helps me feel like I haven't given up everything to try to lose weight.
If your worried, try cutting it out for a few days to see if there is any difference. Otherwise, I say do what works for you and makes you feel good.
medical hype? there is no hype surrounding this subject, least of all medical hype.

There used to be media hype, which is an alltogether different thing from medical hype, and yes, the media likes sensationalist headlines, is that a new thing?

It'd make me a happy panda if people somehow learned the difference between what the scientific community reports (including the medical-science) and what the media reports on the reporting of the scientific community.

There never was any hype about this subject, unless you consider people like Jenny McCarthy "medical people"... but then... that would mean that everything is evil conspiracy hype whatever :)
I think with all the changes from diet coke to coke that coke may be more healthy for you. There are some crazy things in brown sodas guys!
I think with all the changes from diet coke to coke that coke may be more healthy for you. There are some crazy things in brown sodas guys!

What changes? What crazy things?

There are some crazy opinions based on pop-culture myths, of all colors I might add, guys (and girls)!