Weight-Loss Diet Coke/Coke Zero

Personally, I was addicted to diet Pepsi for a little while when I was 19. The caffeine ruined my sleep patterns, even if I had it early in the day. I quit, and it was terrible for a few days (falling asleep in class, etc.) Then I had more energy!

I got on that stuff this summer--and it ruined my sleep patterns, and when I'm tired I eat more. With the drinking I was doing, I gained 10 lbs!

I quit and switched to green Jasmine tea. It has less caffeine, and the effects of the caffeine are balanced by the anti-oxidant effects. My sleep is great and it perks me up!
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I'm drinking water myself, because I was going to go out and get some Hansen's diet sodas and stopped myself! HA!
Ah, I'm kind of addicted to Coke Zero, but I will drink Diet Coke if the former isn't available and I really want (rarely the case). I drink diet soda about 3-4 times per week, but I also drink roughly a gallon of water every day too.

It's my only vice. I deserve it, I think.
Tamara that's great it's your only vice! I still have the once in a while binge-eating and my cookie addiction I'm trying to work out with trail mix!
Coke Zero

Zero calories as advertised.... I haven't touched coke or regularly drank soda pop in years because of them being "empty calories." Now that this thing is zero calories, in theory, it's not going to hurt to drink it right? But it seems too good to be true...
*shrug* It's just diet pop. Nothing magical, or even particularly new.

I personally like the mostly-Ace-K sweetener blend that's in Coke Zero and Pepsi One more than I like Diet Coke / Pepsi, which are sweetened with aspartame. But I like the flavoring blend in Pepsi Jazz more than I like either regular Coke or regular Pepsi.
Zero calories as advertised.... I haven't touched coke or regularly drank soda pop in years because of them being "empty calories." Now that this thing is zero calories, in theory, it's not going to hurt to drink it right? But it seems too good to be true...

Diet drinks are fine as far as if you're on a diet. Now some people start talking about cancer and all kinds of health hazzards involved in diet soft drinks. I personally think its all nonsense. If larger companies arent worries about posting cancer warnings on the can and stuff, then they dont seem too worried about it. And if money hungry coorporations arent worried about lawsuits, then its probably just gibberish :D
Diet drinks are fine as far as if you're on a diet. Now some people start talking about cancer and all kinds of health hazzards involved in diet soft drinks. I personally think its all nonsense. If larger companies arent worries about posting cancer warnings on the can and stuff, then they dont seem too worried about it. And if money hungry coorporations arent worried about lawsuits, then its probably just gibberish :D

It took a VERY long time before tobacco companies put on warning labels. I don't trust companies that only care about money and not about the health of their clients. Coke is no exception to that.
nol3afclover View Post
Diet drinks are fine as far as if you're on a diet. Now some people start talking about cancer and all kinds of health hazzards involved in diet soft drinks. I personally think its all nonsense. If larger companies arent worries about posting cancer warnings on the can and stuff, then they dont seem too worried about it. And if money hungry coorporations arent worried about lawsuits, then its probably just gibberish

Simple economics and mathematics. Its cheaper to settle a few lawsuits then to loose consumer base. In any case, it would take much to even begin to start a lawsuit on such a claim.

Beyond all that, I would consider a diet coke marginally safe compared to other possible carcinogens in our world. Not something I would suggest to drink in abundance, though.

It took a VERY long time before tobacco companies put on warning labels. I don't trust companies that only care about money and not about the health of their clients. Coke is no exception to that.
Hence why no company should be blindly trusted. A company's goal is to make money, Anything els is just the means to the end goal(more money!). In other words, I agree with you.
Diet coke vs coke zero

When I go out with some friends I usually have a diet coke. It doesn't have so many calories and I think that it is compatible with my diet (as long as I don't drink it too often!). But when I went to my favorite bar on a few days ago I was asked whether I would like to have a coke zero or a diet coke. Unfortunately I don't see a difference in these drinks! Do you know the difference?
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