Diary of dswithers

Monday 11/5/07
BW 210.5 (Wow, I ate too much this weekend, no more all you can eat Chinese buffets and/or Patriots parties; damn those Patriots, they just keep winning!)

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
20 minutes eliptical on level 3 (my annual cardio, OK I try to do cardio at least once a week, but I tend to skip it if I miss too many days in a week).
Tuesday 11/07/07
BW 209.5

External Rotations: 15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 3

Leg Extensions: 15x200
Leg Curls: 15x135

Shoe Top SLDL: 12x135, 8x225, 4x315, 3x315, 8x225

Hanging Leg Raises w/10 pound dumbell: 12
Seated Calf Raises: 8x5 plates

Hanging Leg Raises w/10 pound dumbell: 12
Seated Calf Raises: 8x5 plates, 10x4 plates, 12x 3 plates
52/5'10"/205lbs/12%BF - are these stats or goals?

either way-- up the level on the elliptical trainer...

If those are your stats can we see pictures?
Thursday 11/8/07

Handstand Pushups: 4
Widegrip Pullups: 10
Dips: NONE, I couldn't find the weight belt, I wonder if it finally broke and they didn't replace it, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I guess I'll have to tote my own along every upper day, double grrrrrrrrrrrr.

80 deg Incline Dumbell Press 12x60's
Narrowgrip Pulldowns: 12x180
80 deg Incline Dumbell Press 6x80's (these are alot harder at 80 deg than 70 deg incline, I meant to set the bench at 70 deg, but I guess I was still irate about the dipping belt not being anywhere to be found!)
Narrowgrip Pulldowns: 8x240

Hammer strength iso-lateral bench press: 1x2 plates each side, ouch I thought this would be easy, i used to do 3-4x4 plates before I hurt my shoulder, 8x1-1/4 plates each side

Narrowgrip Pulldowns: 6x270
Hammer strength iso-lateral bench press: 8x1-1/4 plates each side

Narrowgrip Pulldowns: 6x270
Hammer strength iso-lateral bench press: 8x1-1/4 plates each side

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Pull downs: 12x3 plates each side

CybexTriceps Extension 12x135
Incline Dumbell Curls 12x40's
CybexTriceps Extension 11x135
Incline Dumbell Curls 12x40's
52/5'10"/205lbs/12%BF - are these stats or goals?

either way-- up the level on the elliptical trainer...

If those are your stats can we see pictures?

More or less average stats, my weight varies between 200 and 210 depending on how much I eat (I love to eat, don't we all) and how much I work out and my body fat probably varies with it between 10 and 15 percent. I don't think you really want to see pictures of an old man nekked... grosssss as my daughters would say...

I should do cardio at least 2 times a week, but as you have probably guessed I don't particularly like it. I used to run a lot when I was younger, cross country in high school and in the Marines. Running outdoors is the only cardio I like at all, but it is a lot harder to run at 200+ pounds than it was at 170ish. I did do a lot of hill sprints last summer, but this summer has been so busy, I never got to the park to do them, and now it is getting too cold to run outdoors. I used to do the stairmaster (the thing that looks like an escalator going backwards) at my old gym, but the one I go to now doesn't have one, so I am stuck with the eliptical, which seems to make my back stiff and sore. My goal is to do it at least 2 times a week, but I seldom do that :(. Oh, well I'll try a little harder the next few months...
Friday 11/9/07
BW 208.5

Light Recovery Day + Cardio

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 3
Wide Grip Pullups: 10
Dips: 18 (still can't find the weight belt...grrrrrrrrr)

Leg Extensions: 15x200
Leg Curls: 15x135

20 minutes eliptical on level 4
Saturday 11/10/07
BW 210.5

ATG Squat: 12x135, 8x225, 5x285,2x8x235

Stiff legged Good Mornings: 12x95
Cybex Squat Press: 12x8 plates each side
Stiff legged Good Mornings: 10x135
Cybex Squat Press: 12x8 plates each side
Stiff legged Good Mornings: 10x135

Donkey Calf Raises 2x12x5 plates each side
Sunday 11/11/07
BW 210.5

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 2
Wide Grip Pullups: 10
Dips: 15 (still can't find the weight belt...grrrrrrrrr)

Seated Dumbell Press: 8x60's
One Arm Dumbell Row: 8x90's

Seated Dumbell Press: 8x60's
One Arm Dumbell Row: 8x90's

Seated Dumbell Press: 7x60's
One Arm Dumbell Row: 8x90's

Reverse EZ Bar Curls: 12x80
Seated One Arm Dumbell Triceps Ext: 10x35

Reverse EZ Bar Curls: 12x80
Seated One Arm Dumbell Triceps Ext: 12x30

Monday 11/12/07
BW 211.0 Why do I always gain weight over the weekend?

20 minutes eliptical on level 4
Tuesday 11/13/07
BW 209.0

I almost took a rest day today, but I have to take the early train into NYC tomorrow for the day so I will not get to workout tomorrow, so...

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 3

Leg Extensions: 15x200
Leg Curls: 15x130

Dead Lift: 6x135, 6x225, 2x5x315 (I have not done these in a few months so I did not want to push it too hard)

Incline Situps w/20 pound dumbell behind head: 15,12
Thursday 11/15/07
BW 211.0

Handstand Pushups: 3
Wide Grip Pullups: 10
Dips: 15 (still can't find the weight belt...grrrrrrrrr)

Lying Flyes to no rest Dumbell Bench Press 12+12x50's

Wide Grip Pulldowns: 12x160
Incline Dumbell Press: 12x65's

Wide Grip Pulldowns: 8x180

Incline Dumbell Curls: 12x40's
Cybex Triceps Extensions: 12x130

Incline Dumbell Curls: 8x50's
Cybex Triceps Extensions: 12x130
Last edited:
Friday 11/16/07
BW 210.0
Light Recovery Day + Cardio

External Rotations: 2x15x8's

20 minutes eliptical on level 5

Abductor Machine: 15x70
Adductor Machine: 15x70

Abductor Machine: 15x70
Adductor Machine: 15x70
Saturday 11/17/07
BW ?

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 3

Leg Extensions: 15x200
Leg Curls: 15x130

ATG Squat: 12x135, 8x225, 3x295, 2x8x245

Hanging Leg Raises: 15xBW+10lb dumbell between feet
45 deg Hyperextension: 8xBW+45lb plate behind head
Seated Calf Raise: 15x4 plates

Hanging Leg Raises: 12xBW+10lb dumbell between feet
45 deg Hyperextension: 12xBW+25lb plate behind head
Seated Calf Raise: 12x4 plates

Seated Calf Raise: 12x3 plates
Monday 11/19/07
BW 210.5

Handstand Pushups: 4
Wide Grip Pullups: 10
Dips: 18 (still can't find the weight belt...grrrrrrrrr)

Seated Dumbell Press: 8x60's
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 12x180

Seated Dumbell Press: 8x60's
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 8x240

Seated Dumbell Press: 8x60's
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 6x275

Lateral Raise: 12x20's
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 6x275

Rear Delt Machine: 12x85

Standing Barbell Curls: 12x70
Lying Dumbell Triceps Ext: 12x40's

Standing Barbell Curls: 12x80
Lying Dumbell Triceps Ext: 8x45's
Wednesday 11/21/07
BW 210.0

Handstand Pushups: 5
Wide Grip Pullups: 11
Dips: 15

Bent Row: 12x135
Flyes followed by Dumbell Bench Press w/no rest: 12+6x55's

Bent Row: 12x185
Flyes followed by Dumbell Bench Press w/no rest: 12+6x55's

Bent Row: 2x6x225

Cybex Triceps Extension: 12x130
Reverse Easy Bar Curls: 12x80

Cybex Triceps Extension: 12x130
Reverse Easy Bar Curls: 12x80

Reverse Push Up: 2x10xBW+105lbs.
Tuesday 11/23/07
BW 207.0

External Rotations: 2x15x8's
Handstand Pushups: 4

Leg Extensions: 15x200
Leg Curls: 15x130

ATG Squats: 12x135,8x225,3x8x250

Stiff-Legged Good Mornings: 12x95, 2x8x135
Sunday 11/25/07
BW 207.5

Handstand Pushups: 6
Wide Grip Pullups: 11
Dips: 15

Hammer Strength Iso-Pulldown Machine: 12x3 plates each side
Seated Dumbell Press: 9x60's

Hammer Strength Iso-Pulldown Machine: 8x3-1/4 plates each side
Seated Dumbell Press: 6x65's

Hammer Strength Iso-Pulldown Machine: 8x3-1/4 plates each side
Seated Dumbell Press: 6x60's

Hammer Strength Iso-Pulldown Machine: 8x3-1/4 plates each side
Seated Dumbell Press: 6x60's

Standing Barbell Curl 12x80
Lying Dumbell Triceps Extension: 12x40's

Standing Barbell Curl 12x80
Lying Dumbell Triceps Extension: 12x40's

Reverse Push Up: 12xBW
Monday 11/26/2007

20 minutes eliptical @ level 6
