Diary - AJP

Hey everyone, I'm gonna attempt to stick to a diary for a while and see how it goes.

Thursday (yesterday)
Legs and lower back:
Squats 135 X 10, 205 X 8, 245 X 6, 295 X 5, 315 X 5, 335 X 4
Deadlifts (Romanian): 185 X 8, 225 X 6, 275 X 4, 275 X 3, 225 X 6
Lunges: 95 X 6, 115 X 5
Leg Press: 450 X 5 X 3

I had taken a break from squats for a few weeks, it was great to get back to it. I had only been doing deadlifts, and I thought it might have been too much to do both on the same day, but I felt fine, so i went for it.

Today (Friday)
Chest and Biceps (usually end with triceps, but I'm gonna switch some stuff around this week to see how it goes)

Flat Barbell : 135 X 10, 165 X 7, 185 X 6, 195 X 5, 205 X 4
Incline Barbell (30) : 135 X 10, 155 X 8, 165 X 6, 175 X 5

Barbell Curls : 65 X 8, 75 X 6 X 2
Hammer Curls: 35 X 6 X 2, 32.5 X 5
Reverse Grip Curls - Barbell: 55 X 6 X 2
Saturday: did some light cardio on the bike

Sunday: Back and Triceps, I usually don't do this split but I'm switching stuff up for a change.

Pullups: 8, 5, 5 (reps)
Dips: 10, 7, 6, 6, (last 3 weighted with 45 lb plate) (reps)
Bent-over rows: 115 X 10, 135 X 8, 145 X 7, 135 X 7
Chin ups: 8, 5
Pulldowns Underhand: 7, 6 (reps)
Close Grip: 145 X 10, 155 X 8, 155 X 7, 155 X 6
DB extensions lying on bench (supersetted with close grip): 25 lb dumbbells each time, 8, 6, 6
jenn said:
You got some really nice numbers here AJP. I hope the new routine works out for you.. :)

Thanks a lot! I don't stick to one thing very often, in terms of routines, but I guess I'll see what happens
Monday: off completely

Tuesday (today): Shoulders, Traps, etc.

DB shoulder press: 45 X 8, 50 X 8, 55 X 8, 60 X 7, 65 X 6, 70 X 5 x 2 (barely got the fifth one)

Shrugs (barbell): 205 X 8, 225 X 6, 245 X 5, 265 X 5

Upright Barbell Rows: 85 X 6, 85 X 6, 95 X 5, 95 X 4, 65 X 6

DB front raises: 25 X 6, 30 X 5, 32.5 X 5, 20's until failure
Wednesday: Legs and the like

Squats: 135 X 10, 205 x 7, 255 x 7, 295 X 5, 335 X 5, 355 X 3, 315 X 5

Deadlifts: 185 X 8, 225 X 6, 275 X 4, 275 X 3

Leg Press: 410 X 6 X 2, 450 X 5 X 2
It took twenty minutes to dig my car out of the snow, but I did it eventually...

Chest and a little Biceps:

Decline Bench: 155 X 10, 185 X 8, 205 X 7, 225 X 6 X 2, 235 X 4
Incline DB press (30): 75 X 8 X 2, 80 X 6 X 2, 85 X 5
Single Arm DB incline (trying it out): 60 X 6 (one set each side)

Hammer Curls: 32.5 X 7 X 2
DB preacher curls on bench: 25 x 7 X 2, 20 x 8


DB presses: 35 X 10, 45 X 8, 55 X 8, 60 X 7, 65 X 6 X 2
Upright barbell rows: 65 X 10, 95 X 5 X 3, 65 X 8 (wider grip)
DB lateral raises: 25 X 7 X 2, 22.5 X 8 X 2, 20 X 10
Sunday: Back and Triceps

Pullups(body weight): 8, 5, 5, 5
Bent over rows: 135 x 7 x 2, 145 x 6, 135 x 6

Dips (the last three weighted with 45 lb plate): 10, 8, 7, 7
Close Grip Bench: 145 X 6, 135 X 7, 145 X 6

Pulldowns (underhand): on #10 X 7, #11 X 6, #12 X 6
Seated Cable Rows: on #10 X 9, #11 X 7, #12 X 5

Barbell Extensions(similar to skull crushers): 65 X 10, 75 X 8, 85 X 7
Pushdowns: #8 X 6, #8 X 5 super setted #7 X 5
STRiKE said:
looking good for ya...wish ya the best of the luck and hope you like the outcomes

Thanks a bunch, I'm not completely adjusted to the routine yet, but it's going ok so far
Monday: HIIT on bike for 15 minutes, 5 cool down

Tuesday: Chest and biceps

Flat barbell bench: 135 X 10, 155 X 8, 185 X 5 X 2, 195 X 5
Incline barbell bench: 135 X 10, 155 X 7, 165 X 6, 175 X 5
Cable curls: 8 at #4 X 2
Barbell curls: 45 X 10, 65 X 7, 65 X 6
S bar: 75 X 5 X 2
Hammer curls: 32.5 X 5, 35 X 5, 30 X 7
Wednesday: Legs and the like

wasn't going so well, I was just out of it

Squats: 135 X 10, 185 X 7, 225 X 6, 275 X 5, 315 X 5, 335 X 4, 135 X 10
Deads: 135 X 7, 185 X 6, 225 X 5, 255 X 4...

I was gonna continue but I wasn't feeling it

Gonna change routine up. Probably a push/pull, with legs on a separate day and occasionally bis/tris on a separate day.

Did some pulling today (thursday), gonna change to higher reps, nothing below 8.

Pullups/ wide chin ups
seated cable rows
a few pulldowns
upright bb rows
one arm db rows
Trying out new routines, today was a push day. Doing higher reps now as well.

Today (friday)

Decline Barbell Press: 135 X 12, 155 X 12, 175 X 10, 185 X 9, 195 X 8

DB shoulder press: 35 X 12, 45 X 11, 50 X 11, 55 X 10, 60 X 10

Incline DB press: 55 X 12, 60 X 11, 65 X 10, 70 X 10

DB lateral raises: 15 X 14, 20 X 11 X 2, 22.5 X 8

Killer day, the high reps really feel completely different, but it was great, looking forward to the next day
Sunday: Triceps, biceps, all that jazz...and then some

Dips: 12 body weight, 9, 8, 10 (last 3 with 35 lb plate)

Barbell curls: 45 x 12, 55 X 9, 60 X 8

Close Grip bench: 30 x 12, 35 x 12, 40 X 10, 45 X 9

Incline bench DB curls: 20 X 12, 22.5 X 10
hammer curls: 25 X 10

Lying db extensions: 15 X 12, 20 X 11, 22.5 X 10

Standing cable curls: 3.5 X 12 X 2
Pull day today...back, upper back, lats, traps, etc...

Pullups (wide): 8 body weight
Assisted: 9, 8, 10

Shrugs: 135 X 12, 185 X 10, 225 X 9 X 2

Bent over rows: 115 X 10, 125 X 9 X 2, 115 X 8

Upright barbell rows: 65 X 12, 75 X 10 X 2, 65 X 10

Lat pulldowns: at 8 X 12, at 9 X 11, at 10 X 9

Seated Cable Rows: at 9 X 14, at 10.5 X 9 X 3
Leg day
higher rep business...

Squats: 135 X 13, 185 X 10, 205 X 9, 225 X 8, 245 X 8 X 2
Deadlifts (box): 135 X 10, 165 X 9, 175 X 9, 185 X 9
Leg Press: 270 X 12 X 2, 320 X 9, 360 X 11
Wednesday: Push day

(forgot to update)

Flat Barbell Bench: 135 X 12, 155 x 10, 175 X 8 X 2, 185 X 7
DB shoulder press: 40 X 12, 45 X 10, 50 X 10, 60 X 9, 55 X 10
Incline Barbell Bench: 115 X 12, 135 X 10 X 2, 155 X 8
Lateral Raises: 20 X 11, 17.5 X 10 X 2, 15 X 15
Took some time off, around a week, maybe a little more.

Today(sunday) did some close grips, skull crushers, pushdowns, db preachers, a couple of s bar curls, a couple of hammers as well...too lazy to write it all out

Tomorrow, should be doing legs and the like
Today (monday) legs and all that jazz

Squats (waaaayyy down ass to grass style)
135 X 12, 185 X 11, 225 X 9 X 2, 245 X 8

Deadlifts: 135 X 10, 185 X 9, 205 X 8 X 3

Leg Press: 270 X 10, 320 X 9, 360 X 10 X 2