Curtis - Just starting out..

Think I'm going to get alittle A5 pad and start taking notes, my phone is easy to carry but not to great for keeping track compared to pen/paper. I found it hard to remember what weight I was going up by each time afew about 5-6 times of pushing it up, had to count it as I was deloading it to put away (because I'm one of those people that actaully put the plates they use away).

Thanks Wezz :)


Yesterdays breakfast, and is what I eat everyday :) I like it, just oats/milk. Going to start eating it more because it's really cheap, £1.50/£2 for a box of 1kg so too good not to eat IMO.
Ok well afew days since I updated last..

Hit the gym last night, was abit tired, and got abit carried away in love with lifting.. lol :)

0.4m run
Squat 3x5 45kg (40kg warm up set)
Deadlift 55kg (45kg warm up set)
Bent over Row 3x5 45kg
Bench 1x5 30kg 1x5 35kg 1x5 40kg
Clean & Jerk 1x5 25kg 1x3 35kg (damn those things are hard)
Hammer Curls 1x10 12.5kg db's
Dips 2x10

I think I hit everything there, and my whole body is acheing with DOMS today.. Slept for 10 and half hours though :)