crazy sleepy

Something which may be relevant is how is your digestion?

I get fatigued if I eat food that I cannot digest properly. It's something many people don't consider and may not apply to you at all, but thought I'd mention it in case as it's quite common to be sensitive to certain foods.
While the nutrition aspect is being covered quite well, id like to note that your "symptoms" are also indicators of overtraining. Perhaps you system has been overstressed. There are a lot of variables that contribute to overall training intensity, and while you could seemingly reduce your workload, if you are using higher weights, or longer durations, or even just weigh more now, you could still be working at high intensities. to me, even more importantly is when was your last scheduled break in activity? have you recently had any recouperative sessions with either zero or very low activity? and if you did, did you come back off them properly, or just jump back in "balls to the wall"? (as you seem to like to say, lol)

Yeah I've considered overtraining, but the things I do aren't usually associated with overtraining, mainly because I mix things up so much anymore, plus my overall volume isn't anywhere near what it used to be. I've taken a few days off in a row, but I also don't do the same things over and over even when I'm not taking time off.

Anymore I take 2 days off per week. One day a week I'll mountain bike for a couple of hours. On the other four days, I swim for half an hour and will usually either lift or run. I don't have a set schedule, I just do whatever I feel like doing. If I feel crappy, I don't do anything. If I feel great, I'll go at it hard.

But, maybe my jacked up hormones due to a malfunctioning pituitary gland is making any exercise schedule give me overtraining symptoms. I'm not sure.

But yeah, hard regular exercise combined with mental stress combined with a screwed up pituitary... I guess all of that together is the problem. I'm just not sure where to start or what to do.
I have 90% of the symptoms that "Tim" did in that example, especially the fatigue. However, my volume is nowhere near that, and I don't do the same things day after day after day. But, apparently outside stress can affect overtraining according to that article.
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If one were to take 1.5-2 months off, how would/could you retain muscle? I've made huge gains in the past few months, really don't want to kiss it all bye-bye just yet. This still feels awkward, my volume is nowhere even close to any overtraining scenario I've seen but I don't know what else it could be.
in 2 months time you can detrain quite a bit if you go completely inactive. I wouldnt really recommend that long of a break unless youve got some very serious potentially life threatening issue.

remember that any exercise is stress, even if it isn't weight lifting and is just riding your bike. I would imagine you might see some benefits just from a week of complete inactivity, and then about 2 weeks of slowly ramping back up to where you left off.

Think of it this way, if you trained enough to become overstressed and suffer from overtraining, if you didnt cut the training back enough, you could still essentially maintain that state of overstress. You wouldnt be making it worse, but you wouldnt be making it better. A week of relative inactivity approximately once every 8-10 weeks (varies from person to person of course) is practically essential to preventing a person from overstressing. However, if you have already hit that point, you might need to take complete and total rest for a week or so, and then ramp slowly back up. Then at that point plan to incorporate appropriate rests in your routine at fairly regular intervals.

also, i think it is worth noting, that while a certain intensity may not cause overstress in one person, it could still very well cause it in another, and vice versa. Comparing your volumes and total intensity to another person's isn't neccesarily helpful, as either one of you may have a higher threshold than the other.
Food allergies can do this. Wheat does it to me. Milk protein might be your problem. This is easy to test, just replace your whey shakes with egg white powder instead and cut out all milk. If it solves your problem, try drinking a quart of skim milk and see if it brings your symptoms back. If so, milk allergy is probably your issue. It's quite common actually.

The other thing is it looks like you're inducing hypoglycemia. Bump up your calories some and cut back on the hard-core cardio and see how you feel. The easiest way to find out for sure is get some blood glucose testing strips and a finger pricker at the pharmacy. Test your blood sugar when you feel this extreme fatigue coming on. Then you will know.

some acute hypoglycemic symptoms:

seeing "silvery" spots
tingling lips
talking crazy right before passing out

the extreme fatigue and passing out during acute hypoglycemia is your brain shutting down to protect itself because it's running out of fuel.

Antdepressants (especially Zoloft) can cause hypersomnia as well.

My guess is you're simply overtraining and undereating and it's pushing you into bouts of hypoglycemia. You're burning up all your glycogen and not getting enough calories to replenish it. This will make you feel like crap, make your muscles look flat and keep you stuck in a results rut. Either cut back on training or bump up your calories. Try taking 3-5 days off from training and see how you feel. Overtraining gets you nowhere. Also your diet is low enough in calories and carbs for most people to lose weight without even exercising. It's borderline Atkins, which is ok, except you're starving yourself because of your training level.
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I just need to figure out how to easily get more protein, like 100+ grams a day, without having to rely on whey much, and without eating a crazy amount of saturated fat and cholesterol.

Tunafish my man.. 3 cans=120gm protein. I eat it plain with some hotsauce sprinkled on it. Goes down quick and easy that way with almost zero prep time ;)
Food allergies can do this. Wheat does it to me. Milk protein might be your problem. This is easy to test, just replace your whey shakes with egg white powder instead and cut out all milk. If it solves your problem, try drinking a quart of skim milk and see if it brings your symptoms back. If so, milk allergy is probably your issue. It's quite common actually.

It actually did start happening soon after I started using whey and I also gave up on soy milk. I've always drank milk, but I'm consuming more if it here recently. I don't have to drink milk right before I feel like that though. I guess I'll cut it out for a week and see how it goes.

I do have some food allergies... like, I'm allergic to orange juice. I kind of found it out on my own. If I drink a big glass of OJ, I have an asthma attack 20-30 minutes later, very strange. I got diagnosed with all kinds of crazy mess trying to find that one out... I even got diagnosed with severe normal asthma and exercise induced asthma... got put on 3 different inhalers. Idiot doctors. I quit drinking OJ in large amounts and I was fine after that.

The other thing is it looks like you're inducing hypoglycemia.

Yeah I was worried about this because I am kind of hypoglycemic anyway. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to have blood work done to test for this while I'm at it.

Also since we're on the subject... this will happen even on days off no matter what I eat. Today I didn't do a single thing that was even halfway related to exercise. I even had a big plate of whole wheat pasta for lunch at 1 PM, it had a little chicken, squash, zucchini, garlic, onion, green pepper, and mushroom tomato sauce mixed in but it was mostly a whole bunch of noodles. Same exact thing happened, by 4 PM I was so tired I had to take a nap for an hour and really didn't want to get up then.

Just seems like if it were a blood sugar problem with hypoglycemia and my blood sugar getting really low, then my training days would be worse than my off days, but it's not, I feel better when I'm exercising.

However, now that I think about it, I did have these same feelings right after eating yogurt for brunch. I woke up this morning and had eggs first thing, but then at 10 AM I minced up a fresh peach and mixed it with several spoon fulls of vanilla yogurt for some fresh peach yogurt. It was a rather large serving, half a bowl full. I immediately felt really sleepy, I mean, I didn't even get finished with the bowl. So... maybe the milk allergy thing is worth checking out, but, I've had it happen with other non-dairy things too, so I'm still confused.

Also your diet is low enough in calories and carbs for most people to lose weight without even exercising. It's borderline Atkins, which is ok, except you're starving yourself because of your training level.

Except I never mentioned the amounts of the food I'm eating. Trust me, I pig out on training days, and actually most any day at night. On hard workout days I'm eating close to 4,000 calories. Maybe that's still not enough, I dunno, but it's some hardcore grubbing. Or, maybe I'm not spacing them out good enough, getting too little in the morning and too much at night.

I'm not sure about the Atkins thing though, I'm regularly eating oatmeal, grits, fruit, grains, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc., some kind of carb source with every meal (5 or 6) on every day. Maybe I should bump this aspect up because of the workouts I do, but I've always thought that the amount of carbs I eat was well beyond any comparison to Atkins.
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I have taken it easy for the entire last week, only doing an easy mountain bike ride on Saturday and otherwise not exercising or working in the yard whatsoever, and also have avoided all dairy products since then... hasn't really helped. The only day that I felt halfway good at all is when I overslept one day then ate a very small amount of food. I was still kind of tired, but didn't get the overbearing sleepyness.

I saw an endocrinologist on Monday. He was afraid that some of these symptoms sounded like the beginning of cancer, so he took 4 huge vials of blood and sent them off to California for analysis to check for all kinds of markers. I'll know something in a couple more weeks or so.
I'm not sure about the Atkins thing though, I'm regularly eating oatmeal, grits, fruit, grains, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc., some kind of carb source with every meal (5 or 6) on every day. Maybe I should bump this aspect up because of the workouts I do, but I've always thought that the amount of carbs I eat was well beyond any comparison to Atkins.

Now that I'm doing long rides on the weekend, I don't see how one could do that and be on Atkins at the same time. Last Saturday, I did 84 miles and used up over 5,000 calories on the ride. Carbs were my lifesaver, both on the trip and afterward.

Hope it's nothing serious that's causing your tiredness!
After cramping up severely in a race today, I did some research on calcium and magnesium, since I know those supplements are supposed to help, and stumbled across a whole slew of symptoms that I'm experiencing that is supposed to be caused by a magnesium deficiency:


chest tightness sensation, can't take a deep breath

chronic fatigue

poor memory, impaired learning, confusion


low testosterone


severe cramps

high cholesterol

loss of appetite

May be a shot in the dark, but I'm going to try to tweak the diet to get more magnesium and also hit a supplement at least for now and see if it gets better.
see i have a lot of those symptoms also>?weird. where do you get calcium from, the only placei know is milk and i dont drink milk ? my main problem is ever since i can remember ive nev er woken up and felt awake. it takes me at least an hour to wake up fully. sometimes im tired for the whole day weither ive gone for a run or sat on my ass all day. i cant figure it out. i had a blood test last week and the doc didnt notice anything, i forgot to ask him about it but does anyone know how to wake up feeling awake?

i got up better when i had insomnia for some reason. then id wake up and be able to do things. but now i dont have insomnia anymore but i wake up always feeling rotten with a headache, my body feels heavy and everything is an effort.
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