Complete B.S Thread

I'll see you guys on the 24th or 27th. Going to visit the family...I bet I'm going to find some way to log on. Damn you'se all :)

tribal is banned for 10 days.


Don't suppose anyone knows exactly " why " Tribal got banned - i.e any one particular reason ?

I watched I am Legend last night and it was worth the money. It was an amazing story, pretty scary at times too, jumped out of my seat at times. Also was really sad I won't ruin it :p. Awesome movie though.

Replaced my 360 due to red ring problem, then went to barnes and noble and read "I am legend" from beginning to end :p Good book.

Id have absoultely no idea what a red ring is or a 360 :p


Xbox 360, and the "red ring" is where you turn on your xbox, and instead of a green light you get a red light, which means your xbox is screwed from some hardware problems. I payed for a 2 year warranty, so it all worked out.

I dont know how to see you you still look offline to me :(

I dont know how to change my name either. Have you got any ideas I couldnt think of anything

RWS did you play Motor City Patrol yet?

I just got done trying it, only played for a few minutes.

That game looks just like the original grand theft auto! That's pretty crazy..that nintendo could handle that.

I didn't understand the game though, I thought you said there was a radar? I didn't see one..

I had no idea who to arrest and who was innocent/guilty, how to shoot, if I ran out of ammo? Was pretty lost with it.

It looks like it'd be fun if I could figure it out though.
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I dont know how to see you you still look offline to me :(

I dont know how to change my name either. Have you got any ideas I couldnt think of anything



Got to your CP, In the left panel select "Edit Profile". Under the title "Optional Information - All information will be viewable by other forum members", you will see a box to input the user title you wish. Save and exit (this shoulld change the text under your user name).

The option to see invisible users should be automatic (at 2,000, I believe), and you shouldnt have to do anything.

ROCK ON! with your goals, NBS! (No-Bull Shit, tolerated)

Best regards,

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I just went to bbq. Ate so much a lay down for 30 mins then I went to the gym and nailed myself and now I feel sick. Silly silly, im currently force feeding myself a protein shake.

Im drinking bi carb to break up the wind that is in my stomach and so I have better buffering capacity when I endurance sleep haha.

Ive wrapped all mine
