Complete B.S Thread

Yeah, g8, I'm a pre-med but the college I want to transfer to prefers calc based physics.
Lei, are you gonna major in a natural or physical science? I have a BS and a MS in biology from two universities and neither required their natural science majors to take physics with calc. I suspect the university is telling you this to make you more competitive for med school. One of my roommates was a chem major and although he didn't have to take physics with calc he did. He is now a surgeon.

With that in mind, I'll tell you what I observed from David (the surgeon) and another former roommate who is also a doctor: take the hardest ass courses you can! Honors classes whenever available. Take 18 hours / term if it doesn't sacrifice your GPA. It's all about competition.

That said, the medical community had been suppressing enrollments in medical schools for the last two decades and suddenly woke up and realized they're screwed. Medical schools are accepting students at the highest rate in a long time, maybe forever. A 43 your old was accepted to the University of South Florida medical school last year.

So, now is a good time to be applying for medical schools. Ironically, 1/2 of all current doctors are not recommending medical school for their kids. They push their kids into investment banking which pays 10X as much as a surgeon, has no malpractice and no lengthy medical school.

I'm not recommending medical school to my kids either. I am recommending a sweeter occupation to them. I'll see if any of them follow up on it.

But as I recall, you have a cousin or two who is in med school so this should be old news to you.
This thread started on December 3, 2007 - 92 days ago. Today it is at 2784, thus averaging approximately 30 posts / day. To reach 1,000,000, will take 33,240 more days if the average is maintained which means the thread should hit 1,000,000 hits on April 9, 2098.
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eBay's giving me crap. I had two old, non-working notebook computers lying around and sold them on eBay for parts, scrap, paperweights, whatever. Unfortunately, they have my business info including a few hundred credit card numbers and I forgot to remove the hard drives before the auction. Afterwards, I tried to permanently remove the data but since the computers weren't working there was no way for me to confidently remove the data short of removing the hard drives and destroying them. Yes, a computer shop could have destroyed 99+% of the data but the cost would have been more than I got for the computers.

Both buyers paid promptly and I offered to refund a fair value of the hard drives in lieu of shipping them. One refused and the other did not respond. I refunded both buyers and relisted the computers.

Today, I receive an alert from eBay by the winning bidder bitching about me reneging. I told eBay what I offered and what I did and that under no circumstances would I ship a computer with sensitive data on the hard drives and cited a department of defense article that stated the only safe way to get rid of the data is to shred the hard drive into powder.

We'll see what happens. I may end up getting bannded.
You won't get banned if you refunded the money. It's when you keep the money and don't ship that it's a real concern.
Lei, are you gonna major in a natural or physical science? I have a BS and a MS in biology from two universities and neither required their natural science majors to take physics with calc. I suspect the university is telling you this to make you more competitive for med school. One of my roommates was a chem major and although he didn't have to take physics with calc he did. He is now a surgeon.

With that in mind, I'll tell you what I observed from David (the surgeon) and another former roommate who is also a doctor: take the hardest ass courses you can! Honors classes whenever available. Take 18 hours / term if it doesn't sacrifice your GPA. It's all about competition.

That said, the medical community had been suppressing enrollments in medical schools for the last two decades and suddenly woke up and realized they're screwed. Medical schools are accepting students at the highest rate in a long time, maybe forever. A 43 your old was accepted to the University of South Florida medical school last year.

So, now is a good time to be applying for medical schools. Ironically, 1/2 of all current doctors are not recommending medical school for their kids. They push their kids into investment banking which pays 10X as much as a surgeon, has no malpractice and no lengthy medical school.

I'm not recommending medical school to my kids either. I am recommending a sweeter occupation to them. I'll see if any of them follow up on it.

But as I recall, you have a cousin or two who is in med school so this should be old news to you.

Right now my major is biology. However, like you said, some of my family members recommended I do a different major in order to get my 4.0. Yes, I figured that by taking the engineering physics, I'll be able to go wherever I want, if I don't get into the school that prefers it. After this course, I'll have exhausted all the physics I can take here anyway, so I figure I'm set. I'm told that med schools don't really care about long as you have a BS, a high GPA, good MCAT scores, and good grades in the core classes. To be honest, I'm thinking of changing my major from bio just because I don't want to compete when I transfer to the university...cause **** that, I don't need the stress.

I'm always looking for more advice so if you have anymore shoot them my way! Thanks G8.