Complete B.S Thread

I think it always is now. Its all them americans :p

They come on at a different time to us. I was proper uncomfortable in the ceminar iv just had, because i wanted to fart so bad, and was trying my best to hold it in. Iv just gone to the toilet and had a BIG SH!T.

Feeel releavedddd.

Karky, it was good on the main roads -went friggen 10 mph on the expressway. Back roads I slid through a stop sign, my brakes did a weird thing, but I just took my foot off sailed through!
Can someone give me a quick bit of advice? A friend at work thinks they keep pulling their posterior delt and upper back while doing bicep curls.
How would that happen and how is it treated?
How would that happen

Lots of guys do "round back" biceps curls with their shoulders hunching forward. I have seen a few people injure a shoulder doing this.

how is it treated?

Use good form and train more back. :D Actually he needs to ask someone who can look at him.

It is probably not a rear delt.
I tried to rep you but it said I needed to spread it around before I was allowed.

John Berardi is my new hero.

Also, I did not expect him to be hot. I thought he was gonna be some stodgy old doctor.