I mean, let's be realistic here...
It's a fucking video game. And, if he values a stupid game over you, then you might want to rethink your relationship.
I mean, let's be realistic here...
It's a fucking video game. And, if he values a stupid game over you, then you might want to rethink your relationship.
However I don't wanna break up with him yet cuz there's so much history between us and all the other things. But I definitely won't marry him until he says goodbye completely to video games.
I don't want to replace him, I love him, we've been together for 5 years and have lived together for 2. We have a house together, 2 dogs together.
But like Reee said, my boyfriend isn't replaceable, I don't want to replace him, I love him, we've been together for 5 years and have lived together for 2. We have a house together, 2 dogs together.
I have to agree, im in a long distance relationship and he likes to play aion, its kinda like WoW, and the first time he decided to play while we were on the phone i said "erm i can hang up and let you play aion, or you can talk to me on thephone" and well since then he hasn't played aion while on the phone with me. Guys like some of that control taken away...in moderation. Shows them you have a higher self esteem for yourself than just letting them do whatever they want. I dont want my attention shared with a video game. I have a vagina. The video game does not.
Time spent with world of warcraft vs time spent with Heather..
WoW-40 hours last week
heathertime- about 5 hours last week.
hmmm... The sad part is we live together, and the only time we really spend time together is when we're sleeping. Don't even eat together since dinner time for someone is spent while playing WoW.
Play with him. I play World of Warcraft and so does my boyfriend.I love video games!
I wasted away in a game called Everquest for years. After quiting you look back and say what have i really accomplished this past 3 or 4 years, um nothing. nothing at all.