Thats what I plan on doing once my foot is better. I know they mean well but I really get annoyed when people suggest playing the game with him. I've already tried that, it doesn't help in my situation. He still plays just as much and I don't enjoy playing the game at all. I don't want to play online games anymore. To me they are just a waste of time and money.
And I'm sure it seems like I nag him about the game all the time in this forum but I don't even do that. We hardly even talk anymore.
Can I be blunt? I
can? Awesome...
He values his video game more than he values his time with you. It's
that simple. I'm not saying that he doesn't love you or that he doesn't care about you, but it just seems as if he is taking you for granted. It just seems as if he thinks he can sit there and play his game as much as he wants to, as if you're going to be there for him no matter what. If he had to choose between going out with you on a nice dinner date or sitting at home playing WoW, do you think he'd choose WoW over you? If so...he's taking you for granted.
Somebody already mentioned it, but I would recommend that you stop doing things for him. Stop picking up after him, cleaning, cooking, etc. Make him realize that you don't HAVE to do all of that stuff for him - that you're only doing it because you
want to,
because you care about him. Once you stop babying him,
which allows him to do whatever he wants with no consequences, he'll realize that he needs to start putting in some effort towards your relationship.
I mean, let's be realistic here...
It's a fucking video game. And, if he values a stupid
game over you, then you might want to rethink your relationship.