Sport coldstone creamery!!!

Sport Fitness
HOLY ****! I can't believe there's a thread about Coldstone... I am addicted to the place. My friends think I'm crazy because I'm obsessed with a particular ice cream place, haha. I love to go out for Indian food and stuff myself with hot and spicy food, then follow up with a huge bowl of coldstone. MMMMMM anything with yellow cake in it is teh awesome.

Seriously, this place killed my six-pack =\
o em gee you need to stfu... dont talk about ice cream kk thanks ^_^
there is one literally right next to the gym I work at...its awful...I get discounts by letting the workers there into the gym for free...SOOOO bad...that and the cardio machines look right out into the mean hahaha
yipes... thats harsh lolz