Cohen's Lifestyle Cohen's from a mans eye

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
Almost Done

13.1 kg @ Day 33!!!

Well, I have been off the smokes for 2 months and on the diet for just over 4 weeks!! I am happy with the progress so far. I can see the end in sight. Only 6kgs or so to go and I will be happy.

The most surprising thing is that on average I have lost 0.4kg a day. I wonder how long that will maintain. People are starting to feel confident to say 'Have you lost weight'?. I FEEL SO MUCH MORE CONFIDENT IN MY SELF TOO!!!

You know what sucks though is that I look like such a dag in all of my clothes now. I am going to wait until I am at my goal weight before I buy anything. So next time you are out and see a guy wearing clothes two sizes too big, that will be me!!!

Today was the first day I deviated, but I knew I would as it was an event that I had to attend. I kept a fairly tight control over my intake, except for a few sneaky crumbed calamari and a few spoonfuls of a rice salad.... Oh well I have skiped dinner to make up for it!!!

Went for the blood test the other day and had the worst experience. The vampire went straight through a muscle to get to a vein, hurt like hell. I have had plenty of blood tests in my time and this was taken from the strangest place. So I conclusion, am not going back there again.

So my favorite dish is one that I made up and it goes a bit like this:

Chicken Basil Patties
- Chicken
- Basil (Fresh) - I assume I am allowed this as a fresh herb!!!
- Red Onion
- Garlic Powder
- Ginger Powder
- Onion Powder
- Salt
- Tsp of Sweetener
Blend and form into chicken patties then pan fry

Serve on a bed of fresh spinach leaves and cucumber and mix in Paw Paw pieces.

Salad Dressing
If I feel like a salad dressing then 1/8th Lemon (Juice), Balsamic Viniger and some Sweetener and mix it together.... delicious.

Anyway, the diet has worked so far and even though I am still a little skeptical about the magical scientific methodology behind it, I appreciate the strict guidelines for the food quantities and type and in a funny sort of way the monetary outlay has been the big incentive to stay focused and on track!!!

By the way, I have got back $100 from MBF for Cohen's, which helped. As a little tip also I rang MBF up yesterday with the intention of cancelling membership and they offered me $250 to stay with them... so if you want a free month or so cover then maybe try the same thing, I was shocked that they would offer so much, so I then rang up the credit card company and got them to return my annual credit card fee of $150, Telephone Company dropped monthly phone charge by $20 and the Broadband people dropped monthly charge by $20. All I did was threaten to leave.

So anyway thanks to you all for the encouragement in the previus post and will get back to you soon.
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Way to go!!

Hi David,

WOW, 13kg's in 4 weeks is AMAZING!!!

You can be really impressed with yourself :D
You men are lucky for losing weight so quickly hehe ;)

Thanks for the recipe -- I've been wanting to try something different with chicken.

Good luck for the rest of your journey!

Keep well,
Luvbug xxx
Fantastic progress, David! It's really worth the effort, isn't it?

I started out doing the diet because it had worked for others I knew, and wasn't sure whether I completely understood the "science" behind it. However, after that I took the time to look up and research a lot of medical studies on various things like human growth hormone and insulin, and was surprised how much evidence there is to support the basic principles. I had never realised human growth hormone had ANYTHING to do with weight before, although I knew a bit of the story with insulin. Anyway, I sure learnt a lot, and whether I completely agree with every last thing they say, it definitely works effectively for the vast majority of people!

It's such a relief learning how to take control of weight and achieve a healthy weight range and learn how to maintain it for life!
David, That is wonderful! I was over the moon with my first 10kg loss but that takes the cake! 13.1kg WOW! One thing I did to get me through was to shop at an op-shop until I got to GW. I got sick of looking so daggy & actually thought my pants were going to fall down. It's much better for your ego & you may even get hooked on it. There are never as many men's clothes though I have noticed. I now love opshop shopping. It's great to snag a bargain & it's the ultimate in re-cycling! Cheers, Cate