Club... 250-300?

Hi everyone! No one has posted in here for a while, but I'm still going to join! I am 277, with a goal weight of 160ish. I find that I get really excited and motivated for a week or two, then I lose track. I am so done with losing my motivation. I want to feel good in my skin. I want to curl up in a chair like the skinny girls do. I want to be able to cross my legs comfortably. I want to not have knee pain because of my weight. Anyone else?

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Hi all...when I started my journey I couldn't join this club...for the bad reason. I was at less than 15 lbs and I'll (sadly but gladly) leaving ya'll.

My goal is to just see 199 right now....short term is 222 (just cause it's a cool number) before my 30th...
I'm still working my way slowly and steadily out of this club. For me... I guess when I drop below 250, it will mean that I'm no longer REALLY FAT , and have become more a CHUNKY type person.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Oh definitely. I remember being 220 and feeling chunky. I have 20lbs to go to get out of this bracket. So far, the calorie counting thing is working. I have an app on my phone that I use to calculate calories. If I want something super tasty on a certain day, I just move my calories around to fit it. It's pretty nice. :)
About 3 weeks ago I started at 312 pounds. I'm down to 299! My goal was to get under 300! I'm excited to just keep pushing and reaching my top get around 180-200.
About 3 weeks ago I started at 312 pounds. I'm down to 299! My goal was to get under 300! I'm excited to just keep pushing and reaching my top get around 180-200.
Hey, that's a great start! My knee and hip have been bothering me lately, which is another reminder that I need to keep losing weight. Kind of sucks though, when you have to take it easy and can't exercise.
I hate when my knees act up. I've noticed, though, that the more weight I lose, the better my knees feel. It's pretty nice. :)

13 more pounds and I will be out of this part of the club!
Hey, that's a great start! My knee and hip have been bothering me lately, which is another reminder that I need to keep losing weight. Kind of sucks though, when you have to take it easy and can't exercise.

It does suck when you're knees start having problems. It feels helpless not being able to move like you want to move. Good luck my friend and just keep pushing. I'll be looking out for your updates on weight loss!
Hello, I'd like to join in if I may.

I'm Currently around 255-260, it depends where and what time of day I weigh in.
I don't want to stay here long but I'd like to make friends to work down the weight chart with. Dieting can seem so lonely when your friends IRL are already a healthy weight.

I'm following the raw food diet for the next 30 days and then will introduce things like steamed fish etc. and I am swimming 1km everyday and walking on the days I don't have the childcare available to be able to swim.
Hello! My name is Ari, and I'm new to this website. I am at 274 pounds right now, which I'm not proud of. I can't be too upset though, because I would have had to join the 300+ club 4 months ago when I started this journey at 320 pounds. I'm really excited to eventually get out of this group, but all of you guys seem way ahead of me...

My goal is to be out of the club by late august! Anyone else have specific leaving the club goals??

I'm Nemo, and I am 265lbs (phew, that's hard to say)!
I've come to join the club (hoping to be part of and maybe initiate some club challenges to get me going) :) and i'm hoping to be saying goodbye to this club by the end of July. So I have under 2 months to get myself down to 249lbs, and i'm definitely looking forward to it :D
Hey guys im new to the forum and like reading all of your progress! im in the club just at 251 lbs but not hoping to be here for long at all!
Hi guys! so May 2011 i weighed 294lbs! went down to 244lbs in 5 months. (50lbs loss) then over the winter I gained 10lbs so here i am now at 255lbs hopeing to get my ass outs this group! Lol! Glad i fit in somewhere :) iv re-started my weight loss journey last wekk, so this wendsday ill be doing my weekly weight and cant wait to share.......if it goes down, which im pretty sure it has :) i know how to eat healthy, i exercise. zumba, belly dancing, cardio kick boxing all classes every week. i eat very well! very healthy! BUT just getting back into the habbit of eating well again, i know what to do i just need the motivation! nice to know this forum, and this specific club fits me :)
Hi everyone, I cant believe that I am still in this club.:banghead: I stopped dieting and exercising early last year in 2011 when I was doing so well, always meant to start again, :nopity:but, anyway no excuses. Have about 26 pounds to go to be out of this club so I can start Club 200-249.:hurray: Last year was bad, this year is not shaping up any better, but I found a book of my notes awhile back and realized I have been on this weight loss ride for too long, this year I'm going to make it count. So good luck to anyone still in this category, here's to hoping that we all leave this club soon.:seeya:
288lb here so hope that qualifies as membership !!!

Looking to be in the club for a few months and hopefully leave via the low door and not the high :cheers2: Cheers!
I know nobody has posted on here in awhile, but I am 273 right now and my goal is to be 240 with not too much muscle gain (due to no gym around me) by the end of August and 200-220 with a lot of muscle gain ( I will be back at college with a gym). I started at 280 about a week ago. I walk/run 3-4 miles everyday and do an occasional workout video. I eat 5-6 smaller meals a day and eat alot healthier, but I'm starting to get cravings for things.
This is the worst forum ever. I cant wait to get out of this club and maybe the next lower club will be supportive. Almost there at 262!