Weight-Loss Christmas Clothes Challenge!

I do have a question.

Tammy just said she wanted to chip in her 15 for the runner up..I could give my $10 for the runner up if you want me to so it would be $60 for the biggest looser and $25 for the runner up..your call
Since there is money on the line, and not everyone is ethical... How do you prove starting weight and ending weight?

Dated Pictures?
Money - Yes you can add your ten to the fifteen to make $25 for the Runner-Up and $60 for the winner.

Maleficent - I think that's a good question...does anyone have any suggestions? The only way I can think of is if people take pictures of them stepping on scales and showing the number instead of telling us the number. Kind of impossible to edit those..Any suggestions?
Maybe in the before picture we should write Monday's date (since its the official start) on a peice of paper and hold it up in the picture. Then we could do the same for December 25th for the after picture.

Just a thought.
I like your idea Boam46! Everyone will be required to hold a peice of paper having mondays date and time on it in the before picture. Along with the after picture, you must write the date and time.
You know people could un center it or whatever you want to call it but I think everyone should be truthful. One problem though I will be going to Basic training in a few months so i'll lose a ton if I win I will just give it all to second.
OH my gosh this is exciting. What fabulous motivation! Thanks Tommy, you've provided really excellent inspiration by suggesting this challenge. I don't think you should have to pay so much money by the way. I would chip in 5 bucks, if you'd subtract 5 from your contribution.
OH my gosh this is exciting. What fabulous motivation! Thanks Tommy, you've provided really excellent inspiration by suggesting this challenge. I don't think you should have to pay so much money by the way. I would chip in 5 bucks, if you'd subtract 5 from your contribution.

Just to give it a twist -elsewhere on the web - there was a challenge, where the participants were charged an entry fee, then then winners got a percentage of the total "pot" - 50 percent to the first place winner, 35 percent to the second place winner, and 15 percent to the third place winner.

One of the beter things about it was it actually gave incentive for people to finish a challenge, which rarely happens around here unless it's a 4 week challenge...
See I think that's a great idea. Even if everyone who chose to be involved chipped in like 2 or 3 dollars, it's so much more fair than if say one person like Tommy pays 30 bucks. And then you're right cause it gives us a little more incentive. I like that it is more structured as well, I would think I'd feel guilty taking a lot of money from 3 people, but I bet I'd be cool with taking a little bit of money from a lot of people :cool: Hypothetically of course! :)
OKay... well being that Monday is right around the corner, just let me know. I'm willing to pay an entry fee! I mean afterall, if I'm actually going to put my own money into a challenge, you damn right I'm going to push hard and finish it! hahaaa WOOHOO I'm so excited!

An entry fee is a great idea. I'd be willing and able to contribute a few bucks...It would be a little bit of an extra motivator:jump:

me too..i'll chip in whatever...we'd send it in right away, right? not when the challenge was over.
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Newbride, I love your ticker. Seeing holly berries and gingerbread men made me wish so much that it was Christmastime. I was wondering when we would send it in as well.
Hello again!! Wow such great ideals and questions!!
Mal had a good point and puting a date and maybe taking the picture
in the same spot as well example I will take mine in the livingroom in front of
my front door well the final picture should be in the SAME place in front of
the door.Also everyone chipping in 2-3 before the challange ends is a wonderful ideal and I think the money shoould be sent to a moderator to hold until it ends I would say "MAL" since she has been here pretty long?
These are just thoughts and ideals,Tammy:)
I'm confused...how do we take the before pic and display our "before weight", so that its "official"?

edit: And since there is money involved and people may become unethical, I cannot see a way to come up with an offical "before weight". Sure, you can have a before and after picture, but you cannot figure out the amount lost between the two. Perhaps we should postpone the contest until we find a solution.

edit2: Maybe have the before and after pics and have a panel "vote" or go by the honesty system. There is no way I can imagine we can gather accurate weight data from everyone. With the "scale" idea, its very easy for lets say to someone to add an weight to the back of the scale to boost the total (and i'm sure there are ways to manipulate the end weight). Damn people, why is there such dishonesty in the world!
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I think it'll be ok. There is no way next to having everyone line up in person to proove their weight loss. This is a trust system here. If you lie about your weight (which I don't see happening) and win, I guess you can live w/ your own concience...besides, we aren't talking about a great sum of money here, nothing worth lying over :D

I've got my pics ready, i can post them in a bit.
I'm going to take my pic tonight:)

I'm going to hold a peice of paper with the date and my current weight written on it... at least I think that's what we've agreed upon?

Are we paying an entry fee?