I apologize 1dayatatime....in the thread where we were signing up for this challenge, you left a post w/ various names we could name each group. I suppose I assumed you wanted in the group. I will take you out. No hard feelings??
Hey I'm happy to join any group that will have me!! I think someone mentioned me joining the snowangels group.. do I have that right? I hope so.. hopping over to read their thread!
hi - if you have any spaces i'd love to join too! sorry i'm asking so late (haven't seen it before). even if i can't join i'll follow and try and complete the challenges..
you guys have guts taking on a challenge right before xmas! i KNOW i could not do it. at least not from this point until new years. the cookies from the kids school has started drifting in and guess who has been cheating? at this rate i will need new jeans by next month LOL!! well just popped in to wish you girls luck and to tell you your stronger than ME!!!!
thanks ww! I soo needed this challenge to keep me accountable! I'm hoping I'll loose enough weight that when I do have all that christmas weight, i'll break even, lol j/k
Ok guys, I updated the groups on page one.....remember, keep track of your water...we have till thursday, and I need new ideas for the last mini challenge, starting this thursday!
also, b/c we have so much trouble w/ people not weighing in till days later, I will not accept any weigh ins after the 23rd. (also its christmas and everyone has things to get on with) So everyone weigh in tomorrow!!
Hello to all! I know that I'm just a LITTLE bit late in joining to participate in this challenge (since I just joined yesterday), but I LOVE the idea behind the challenges and wanted to just put a little request in to be added to the next one - whenever that may be! (Hopefully something about a new year's challenge, because I have approximately 239573289 holiday dinners to go to, nevermind my friends want to buy a THREE BAR ticket for NYE!! God save my 15 lbs that I've lost. . .)
Congrats to everyone who is working so hard!!! Keep up the good work! You guys are awesome!!!! And don't forget me for the next challenge!
Hi Heather....I'm sure we are going to wait till new years to start a new challenge, but when we do, we will post a thread similar to this and you can sign up there
Did anybody add Berto & Teedi to the Christmas challenge? Forgive me if you did and I missed any replies. Do we have a group or anything? I guess I am not really sure how everything works.