Sport chocolate milk

Sport Fitness
since chocolate milk is a good hoice for a recovery drink after a run, I'm wondering if you would get the same benifit out of making your own chocolate milk by using chocolate syrup and skim milk?.....the store bought chocolate milk is 1% milk.
Why is chocolate milk a good choice for a recovery drink after a long run?

Most chocolate milk and/or chocolate syrup has a lot of sugar content, which is NOT good for anything except building fat.

Why do you need skim milk instead of 1% milk? I'd be more worried about the sugar content of the chocolate milk than the fat content.

A better recovery plan might be a banana and/or grapefruit or orange and a couple of glasses of water.
Choc milk is amazing for recovery. Clinical studies have actually shown it to beat whey protein powder, so not only is it 'good', it's near the top. And yes, if you keep the same carb: protein ratio, it should work the same..
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Youze a funny one !

Haha, he isn't joking, it has protein and simple carbs ideal for quickly replenishing glycogen stores so it's a great drink post workout.

To the OP, I can imagine it's OK to do it your way, and by doing it yourself you can calculate the sugar intake quite accurately too
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It isn’t a whey replacement as such as it’s a ‘post’ workout drink, an intake of simple carbs directly after training is well known to be beneficial to recovery so chocolate milk is just a source of simple carbs with some protein in there as well. A lot of studies have said that the protein to carb ratio in low fat chocolate milk is ideal for muscle recovery
At other times when carb intake isn’t so desired then you can take a protein shake with minimal carbs.

I have a big job on at work so can’t go looking for any of the studies but there are so many of them a quick google search should bring back hundreds.
chocolate milk

Thanks for all the replies. I do make whey protein shakes sometimes as well, but have chocolate milk only after a long run(which for me would be 10-13 miles)I know that probably isn't very long for some of you.
I was asking about skim milk/choc syrup instead of the store bought ready made choc milk which is 1% milk, only because my family is drinking skim milk now and i thought it would be good to stick with it. I also like the choc milk idea because it is alot more economical than Accelerade or Endurox.( I have used them as well, but since the carb:protein ratio is virtually the same, I thought it would be the same benefit)
I first saw the suggestion for choc milk as a recovery drink in places such as Runner's World and from other runners.
One thing for sure that I found out the hard way is, it's a good idea to have one of these things right after a long run!!

All very interesting reading.. nice work!

I had never heard of using chocolate milk post workout either, but it does make sense.


why not use chocolate whey powder with your skim milk? Benefits of protien and chocolate happiness swirling around..

just a thought from my miniscule brain :)
why not use chocolate whey powder with your skim milk? Benefits of protien and chocolate happiness swirling around..

just a thought from my miniscule brain :)

Exactly what I do, and I would recommend it to anyone trying to build muscle.
chocolate milk

Thanks Hoss and Neon Lady.....
I do use whey & milk( with maybe some bananas and ground flaxseed etc.) after I do any workouts indoors......
but after a long run it's just recovery and avoiding sore muscles i should be worried about and not so much "building muscle" at that point? or is that wrong/ You guy's are the experts ... I really appreciate what I can learn here..

I'm no expert by a long shot, however I do like helping out so... here ya go..

This is from the following article:

"Studies suggest that when consumed after exercise, milk's mix of high-quality protein and carbohydrates can help refuel exhausted muscles. The protein in milk helps build lean muscle and recent research suggests it may reduce exercise-induced muscle damage. Milk also provides fluids for rehydration and minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium that recreational exercisers and elite athletes alike need to replace after strenuous activity. "

The entire article was about soccer players and a study done on 2 groups... 1 drinking sport drinks post practice and the other drinking low-fat chocolate milk.

It's a pretty good read, and may just give you a better picture of why chocolate milk is not as evil as many believe it to be. It's just like anything else. As long as you're smart in consumption (moderation), it's not going to kill your diet.

I mean really now... think about it this way for a second. How in the world did we all survive post workout without ::gasp:: Powerade or Gatorade or RedBull?? LOL See what I mean? ;)
chocolate milk

Thanks again went to a lot of trouble digging up all that info....
You are right , it really isn't rocket science..LOL...I'm just another woman trying to stay as fit and heathy as I can for as long as I can; ... and the advice and interesting posts on this forum have been a big help; for sure..
Thanks Hoss and Neon Lady.....
I do use whey & milk( with maybe some bananas and ground flaxseed etc.) after I do any workouts indoors......
but after a long run it's just recovery and avoiding sore muscles i should be worried about and not so much "building muscle" at that point? or is that wrong/ You guy's are the experts ... I really appreciate what I can learn here..

I dont think that using a whey protein shake after your run would be detrimental. If overall you are just trying to be in better shape, then i guess no need to use more of your money after a non-muscle building workout. But if you goal is to put on some mass, i think throwing in the shake post run is a good idea as well. You are burning a considerable amount of calories during that run, and taking a protein shake will help ensure your body gets all the fuel it needs to recover, without stealing it from your muscles. I guess thats just me trying to put 2 and two together, but chocolate milk has seemed to be a decent choice. I read in a Muscle and Fitness to about using cereal as a post workout meal. Simple sugars from the cereal itself and protein from the milk,(obviously adding some protein powder if you so please) based on the same principles we have all read a million times of post workout recovery.
So can you get same good effect from chocolate flavor nesquick?

Essentially yes, you can make your own chocolate milk and get the recovery benefits. Also you can more accurately measure your ratios and get the mix to where you want it. For muscle building you are still going to be better off doing a whey protein shake because you will get much more protein which should be the goal with your diet.
so basically after an hour of speed training involving jogging and running, no walking, I can sneak in a glass of no-fat milk mixed with a teaspoon or two of chocolate nesquik and it will be guilt free? Also it might make my walks home from the gym less arduous as I will regain a little energy within 10 minutes or so correct?
Chocolate milk would help. It got proteins and vitamins needed by the body to help improve stamina. But,nowadays,there are so many products for this,like Gatorade.
Chocolate milk is rich in protein and antioxidants. Chocolate provides antioxidant which is very important to our body and milk gives protein for bone and muscle building.
Not to be a thread jacker, but what if you mixed whey's protein with chocolate milk?!

Just use a chocolate whey protein. Adding Protein powder to chocolate milk is probably going to overdo the simple sugars and start to detrimental to your overall goals.

Milk<Chocolate milk<Protein shake