Sport Check out this nutritional info

Sport Fitness
And by the way, you said the word "bad" and "isnt that bad" at least 5 times in one post.

I think its rather meaningless and easily misinterpreted. Maybe because youve been hooked into nutrional books by various authors your rational has be skewed somewhat, trying digging into pathology and the processes of disease and maybe you might understand the whole grand sheme of things a little clearer..
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fast food burgers were just about part of my daily diet before i started getting more healthy
but even now im still not afraid to eat one every other blue moon where ill go all out with something big and fancy like a chili bacon double cheese burger
21 grams of saturated fat in a beef patty from the grocery store

Wait, where are we finding this patty? The ground sirloin I use has 14g sat fat in an uncooked lb. The highest ground beef I found has 21.9g sat. fat in a pound. Is this patty a 1lb patty?
Sorry I haven't been too active lately but I've been a little busy in the past week working my 12 hour shift job, going to college and taking care of my 5 children all while volunteering at a soup kitchen. I almost had time last night to post but at the last minute I had to make the world rotate in the other direction so that I could go back in time and retake an IQ test so that I may receive an ever higher score.

Anywho, did I miss something Spicy? Weren't you the one a few threads ago claiming that carbs aren't bad even in their refined form?
I've talked to a lot of people about saturated fats because I am eating a ton of them in my keto diet.

They say:

"when carbs are continually combined with saturated fats , as in the average american eating lifestyle , the body cannot defend itself against all the unnatural occurances that happen as a result of this combo ; thus these metabolic diseases were born. keto is the way nature intended us to eat. meat. veggies. nuts. occassional fruit and honey."

Basically they say that saturated fats are fine if you don't eat processed, starchy, refined carbs with them. I hope there is truth to this... since i'm eating a lot of saturated fats.
"when carbs are continually combined with saturated fats , as in the average american eating lifestyle , the body cannot defend itself against all the unnatural occurances that happen as a result of this combo ; thus these metabolic diseases were born. keto is the way nature intended us to eat. meat. veggies. nuts. occassional fruit and honey."

Thats probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard.
Anywho, did I miss something Spicy? Weren't you the one a few threads ago claiming that carbs aren't bad even in their refined form?

No, I never claimed that.

A lot of people here seem to think that carbs in their refined form (like dextrose and maltodextrin) are absolutely fine. In fact, I think derwyddon said that. From all of the reading I have done, and not from just one book, I've come to the conclusion that highly refined carbs like dextrose and maltodextrin are very very bad for our systems. Dextrose is probably worse than table sugar.

My point is, many people on this forum think refined carbs are fine. If they're using "supplements" like dextrose then they're obviously fine with eating one of the most refined sugars available. I'm not fine with it, I stick to fruit and honey.
No, I never claimed that.

A lot of people here seem to think that carbs in their refined form (like dextrose and maltodextrin) are absolutely fine. In fact, I think derwyddon said that. From all of the reading I have done, and not from just one book, I've come to the conclusion that highly refined carbs like dextrose and maltodextrin are very very bad for our systems. Dextrose is probably worse than table sugar.

My point is, many people on this forum think refined carbs are fine. If they're using "supplements" like dextrose then they're obviously fine with eating one of the most refined sugars available. I'm not fine with it, I stick to fruit and honey.

You prob don't believe in vaccines either eh?
No, I never claimed that.

...My point is, many people on this forum think refined carbs are fine. If they're using "supplements" like dextrose then they're obviously fine with eating one of the most refined sugars available. I'm not fine with it, I stick to fruit and honey.

There's a very big difference between taking dextrose, maltodextrin or glucose PWO to maximize gains and recovery and thinking it's okay to be eating the kind of junk food you would normally find them in. During a certain window after weight training, a properly proportioned simple carb in conjunction with a high availability protein is more than just fine, it's believed to be ideal (by many "authorities" on the subject).

I don't think very many knowledgeable persons here would recommend consuming refined carbohydrates at most other times. I hope you don't take offense when I say that your facility with deductive logic may need some work. Basically, what mreik and Derywddon said, only nicer and more verbose. :p
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So you'll eat white bread, pumpkin pie, starve all day adn shove yourself full at night, nothing but yogurt for breakfast, but you wont consume dextrose ONLY AT STRATEGIC TIMES to help feed and repair muscle?

I'm not so sure what you are trying to get at with this post. Who ever said that I eat white bread or starve myself all day? Quite frankly, I am insulted by this. I also don't shove myself full at night. You really don't know me well enough to jump to conclusions like this. You don't know how I eat or what I eat at this point in my life.

I still think it's healthier, and more natural, to eat fruit after a workout than to consume a highly refined corn sweetener. But hey, that's just my opinion.

This is the only time I will say this, don't jump to conclusions or use hostility to prove your point. I understand where you are coming from, but based on my experiences with some of your and other people on this forum's dietary recommendations, it doesn't work for me.

Oh, and one more point, I know that dextrose, with a GI of 100 is the most efficient way to raise blood sugar levels after a workout but it's not worth it to me. I would much rather build muscle more slowly than possibly risk the health side affects of consuming so much sugar at once. I'm not in the mood to get type 2 diabetes or heart disease when I get old.
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You really think you're going to get diabetes from strategically using a high GI carb? You're wrong, I'm sorry, and to take strong stances without educating yourself makes you look young and naive.

I made those statements out of things YOU post on this site.

That still doesn't mean you know how I eat now.
I've talked to a lot of people about saturated fats because I am eating a ton of them in my keto diet.

They say:

"keto is the way nature intended us to eat. meat. veggies. nuts. occassional fruit and honey."

If you are going to make a paleolithic / evolutionary argument about it, then you nay want to rethink the saturated fats. Wild animal meat was likely to be a lot leaner than today's domesticated meat (wild animals run around all day looking for food and avoiding becoming someone else's food). And the types of fats that they contain are likely to be much less saturated (and probably more omega-3 poly unsaturated fats, like wild caught fish) than today's domesticated meat. Paleolithic humans living in arctic climates would obviously have fatty meat, but the fat was probably not very saturated, because the animals wouldn't be able to move if it was.

Also, the high volume of whatever vegetables and fruits that would be gathered would likely provide enough carbohydrates to stay out of ketosis. Obviously, such carbohydrates would come in higher fiber and more nutrient-dense forms than sugar and white bread.
stop eating those buger,I am sure you will be alright.
lol !!!