Look @ a bubba burger, they're loaded with it.. Premade burgers that taste good are the devil.
Saturated fat is probably the number one dietary contributor to elevated LDL levels
Yes, it's true that people with heart disease and elevated cholesterol levels are more likely to eat high fat diets, but not everone who consumes what you would call high levels of fat has high cholesterol or heart disesase. A healthy, balanced diet with normal levels of fat is actually better for you than the traditional low fat western diet. Go figure.
What are "normal levels of fat" and what is a "traditional low fat western diet"?
Western diets are not low fat at all -- they are high fat (and heavy in the worst fats -- trans- and saturated) as well as high carb (and heavy in the worst carbs -- sugar and refined grain and deep fried potatoes) and low in vegetables. Fat may not be the only problem in the burger, but it is definitely part of the problem, given the amount of calories contained in the burgers.
Now, if you are a hunter / gatherer who often had to go days without finding food, gorging on that many calories in a meal would help tide you over the starvation days. But the (lesser amount of) fat in the wild animal you just killed would likely be a lot less saturated, and have more omega-3 polyunsaturates, than the typical burger from domesticated cattle.
Studies show that diets high in fat, saturated and unsaturated, do not pose a significant risk for heart disease or an increased cancer risk. There's more to cholesterol levels than fat consumption. It has to do more with your diet as a whole and genetics.
Yes, it's true that people with heart disease and elevated cholesterol levels are more likely to eat high fat diets, but not everone who consumes what you would call high levels of fat has high cholesterol or heart disesase. A healthy, balanced diet with normal levels of fat is actually better for you than the traditional low fat western diet. Go figure.
Fat is not that bad. An unbalanced and heavily processed diet is.
The traditional low fat western diet is eaten by a person who believes that low fat diets are healthy regardless of what else they eat. It is possible to buy food products called "low fat" and still eat an incredibly unhealthy diet. I believe rates of heart disease actually went up when the low fat fad first came about. People started eating less fat, but more processed carbs which led to more heart disease.
Now a balanced diet free of refined foods but with moderate levels of fat, 30 to 40 percent of daily caloric intake, is actually much better at combating heart disease.