Charlie Sheen...Self destructive???

Mature, stable and responsible adults as parents are great. Try eating them though if there's no money for food, or let them try to get medical care for free if they can't afford to pay for it.

So, as long as the parent has money, that's all that matters? I don't know about you, but I would much rather provide my child with love, comfort and support, and actually be a healthy part of their life, instead of doing whatever I want to and trying to make it ok by buying their love - by buying them their happiness.

But, you're right. Nobody knows what goes on behind close doors. But, he's not in the process of losing custody of his children because of some publicity stunt. This isn't the first time he has gone through custody battles with his children. Sure, some of those battles were because of fighting that occurred between the two parents involved, but some of those battles were also because of his antics.

This is nothing new. Charlie Sheen may be at his 'worst' right now, but, over the years, he has shown examples of irresponsibility time and time again.
So, as long as the parent has money, that's all that matters? I don't know about you, but I would much rather provide my child with love, comfort and support, and actually be a healthy part of their life, instead of doing whatever I want to and trying to make it ok by buying their love - by buying them their happiness.

Nope. As said, good parents are good. But money helps. And don't tell me it doesn't. And there are a lot of parental issues that can be solved a hell lot easier when there is money at hand. You can't live of love and thin air, unfortunately, at least not in the real world.

And I'm wondering, if he really was such a drugged up, boozed up, sex crazed maniac as he wants to make us believe, he wouldn't give a rat's arse about the children. They'd be a nuisance at best, something that interrupts his boozing and shagging sessions. So.....yeah. Just another little hint that things might not be exactly how they look in the lifestyle and celebrity' magazine / tv show of your choice.
Nope. As said, good parents are good. But money helps. And don't tell me it doesn't. And there are a lot of parental issues that can be solved a hell lot easier when there is money at hand. You can't live of love and thin air, unfortunately, at least not in the real world.

You can't give a kid a good life with nothing but money either. It takes balance.

And I'm wondering, if he really was such a drugged up, boozed up, sex crazed maniac as he wants to make us believe, he wouldn't give a rat's arse about the children. They'd be a nuisance at best, something that interrupts his boozing and shagging sessions. So.....yeah. Just another little hint that things might not be exactly how they look in the lifestyle and celebrity' magazine / tv show of your choice.

If he cared about his kids, he wouldn't be a boozed up druggie in the first place.
have you seen his newest rant??? i really have gotten to the point of believing this is all just a show
And it's getting plenty, that's the sad part.

Well, no duh. He's Rick Vaughn for Christ's sake.