
just an update.
I'm off to visit some colleges later this summer. Case Western, Cornell, Wake Forest, Duke. My scores are above all of the middle 50% (so that's over 75%) of undergrads for all those places, so I think I have almsot sure chance of being accepted into all the places (since my gpa, etc. is also up there) I'm visitng even with affirmative action. Scholarship is another thing. Though, my sister was offered a FULL scholarship to wake forest, but she had much more volunteer crap than I do.

Anyway, anybody go to any of these schools?
Dude just roll on in there in a suit and say "let me into your school" slap your grades on the table and say "you know you need me bit.ches"
lmao. it'd be even funnier if it was like a bright blue/purple suede suit. and i print them out a copy of one of my threads and say, "this shiz got STICKIED on fitness.com. What now?"
haha I think a lime green suit hat with a feather and crocodile skin shoes would work a charm. I have all of the above if you would like to borrow.
fo sho!

wow, I wonder what the real world reaction would be if I seriously waltzed into the admissiosn office wearing that and slapped my **** down right in front of them.
Only one way to find out. I have done far more insane things.