Thanks Mreik!
How does affirmative action make it more difficult for you? explain please.. I don't know a lot about the program. Are blacks favoured before Asians or something? I thought the supreme court ruled against affirmative action because it was discriminatory or something..
Well, let me explain.
The vast majority of asian kids have asian parents (when i say asian i mean oriental at least, China, Korea, Japan) of the same mindset. Get good grades Meaning As or A+ (A- means you're dumb and B+ means you're a retard) so you can go to a good college (top 50) or Ivy league (top 8). THat being said, about 90% of asian males get very good grades on the SAT
let's look at this in percentiles.
lets say 1000 caucasians 1000 asians
a certain school with an undergraduate class of 1000 kids. allows 70% caucasian and 15% asian kids.
Say it is a rough estimate that about 10-20% of the caucasians have the SAT/GPA/whatever, required to go. that's about about 100-200 kids applying for the same 700 person slot, so in fact, the standards will be lowered and up to 700 caucasian kids will be accepted.
Say it is a rough estimate that 90% of the asian kids have the scores to go.
900 asian kids will be squeezing into a 150 person slot. Therefore making admittance more selective (you'll need even HIGHER scores to get in because everyone has such high scores), coupled with the fact that there is a smaller alloted amount for asian kids.
Certain nationalities can get away with much lower scores simply because of demographics and average scores among that nationality.
btw, I wasn't trying to suggest that asian people are superior intellectually or whatever, but I'm just saying the vast majority of asian kids dedicate their time to studying, while most caucasian parents are certainly not putting similar pressures on their kids as asian parents.
so to answer your question no blacks aren't "favoured before asians" nor are any other race, however, there are simply more asian people with higher average grades trying to squeeze into smaller spots.
Pretty much how skian put it.
I believe the supreme court case you are referring to is BAkke v. someone. I don't really know about it though.