Cassie's diary

Today I had a protein bar (190 calories) and 4 pieces of gum (20 calories) and two diet drinks (no calories) coming to a total of 210 calories.. woohoo. I should be able to reach 114 by the end of tonight since im going out with friends, walking around downtown, and then coming home at 11 to do an hour (burning 500 calories) on the stationary bike. I already walked for about 3 or 4 miles today to go to the next town over.. It didn't seem like that far so I'm going to do it more often instead of going to the cvs thats closer.

okay well my total for today was 225 calories.. i had three diet drinks and one water. currently im resisting popcorn and will probably have 1 more water. im going to go on the bike soon for at least 1/2 an hour. tonight i went down to 114.
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walked around for a long time today.. first to the highschool, then from my house to my friends, then all around the mall and some downtown.
2 pieces of gum and 1 protein bar...
todays total calories: 200.
^^ i get sick super easily and my metabolism has slowed down because of it.. before i got sick id be around eat around 1000 calories and i wouldnt gain but now my body is really messed up.

just weighed in this morning- 111 lbs! WOOHOO!!!! over half way there. I think I can reach 110 by tonight and definitely by tomorrow night. This is awesome. That means everything has gone faster than I thought it would and instead of getting down to 110 during field hockey try outs I can probably reach 108 if not less. That's pretty cool.
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